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Simply exquisite
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Every dick in this thread can fuck me. Even the little boys. God I love big men.
imagine the smell
You would just smell it? Not get a taste?
One of my favorite things to do is get a small dick like that and his whole sack in my mouth at the same time
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i desire to know what that feels like, both giving and receiving
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I could pop that in no problem, start moving my tongue around. Or apply some comfortable suction, make it pulsate.
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this is so 100% hot but you need to groom your shaft man
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God what Id give to worship that body
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I wanna suck those oh so pink nipples
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Please rate my cock;)
10 Would suck it
10/10. Would swallow everything you could give me.
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can I get a rate too?
10/10 from me. Love all the chub I can grab while I choke on that dick.
What this guy >>2634369 said
You look so soft and fluffy.
9/10, would suck pretty nipples while you fuck me
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samefagging again fuck these stupid ass threads
tysm for the kind words its people like you that motivates me to do stuff like this
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