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If you could fuck or BE fucked by any openly gay celebrity, whether they be an actor or a singer, who would it be and why?

For me, I'd love to have Luke Luke Macfarlane. Mainly because he has such a masculine persona about him, well, until he opens his mouth. That's why I found it humorous when he played a straight guy in a movie. I giggled throughout it, because every time he opens his mouth it's like you can see male pubic hairs and cum coming out. Nothing wrong with that. He's a stud.

What about you /hm/?
Too bad they didn't have full on sex scenes in that movie Bros. I mean it got graphic but I didn't see any dick.
Pluck my cheery and eat it please Mr. Luke.
It's weird Billy Eichner reminds me so much of a friend of mine, it was kind of creepy watching that movie, because Billy not only looks like my friend, they talk and act the same.
He's also got pretty feet. I just wish there were pics of his dick and ass out there. For some reason I imagine his jizz having a faint fruity tastes, like sort of tangy like pineapple. You can actually make your semen taste better on the tongue if you eat lot of fruit. But who do you lust after in the celebrity sphere /hm/?
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Had a crush on Udo Kier my whole life
ai feet
Who is that!?!?
If I had to guess, I would say "Udo Kier"
God I bet he smells really good. Need to get in therrrre.
Well he is gay in real life, but he's married to another dude.
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This is Luke Macfarlane's actual husband. His name is Hig Roberts. He was a professional skier. They make a damn hot married gay couple.
He is gay? I did not know...

My father looks exactly like him. But he's definitely not my type.
Damn, good for them but also my envy is so strong

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