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All sizes big and small
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Wow that's beautiful like two snakes intertwined
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Wow how cute are these two, very different cocks but both are yum
this thread was made for me
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Good thread
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You're dreaming if you think that's 10 inches
Please only cock to cock comparison
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The little one looks so cute all snuggled up like that...
Anyone else become an instaslut for someone when they're bigger than you?
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21 mtf
me and my partner
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Soft vs hard
the one with the tattoo is SO fucking cute oml. sauce??
Small cocks are yummy too.
>>2633104Small cocks are yummy too.
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That's a big part of the appeal of comparing. Even better when you already know you're probably gonna lose but ask for a comparison anyway to get some easy dick
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>>2635357 that is Lane Rogers (but he used to go by Blake Mitchell)
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know its low quality but look at these guys stroking their trunks
Literally what I do, the bet that the loser becomes the winners slut and just crush them with my size, it's kinda awkward when they don't find it hot that they lost tho

My discord is adam_bi, if anyone is down for a big challenge

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