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We want what we can’t have. Gimme all the sagging, candid or straight ass you got! Please and thank you!
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Going through my teen years and seeing guy butts everywhere was the best time. I wish they'd sag their pants again.
The 00’s were the best. I can literally remember the names of guys 15/16 years ago that sagged and had the best asses in school lol.
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Not super related, but I like this angle of ass
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I wanna stuff my face in there
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god bless the jews for pushing wiggerdom on hot normal white guys, the best was being behind one of these guys on the school stairs, just watching his cheeks go up and down, can almost smell it
Fuck. These never get old
They had the best asses and loved to show em. Wish I’d had a smartphone back then so I could’ve taken creeper pics.
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The shit wiggers wear lol. Kinda hot though.
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are there more? first time seeing em and def agree theyre nice
There might be a few more, but I’m not positive. I think the guy that took them got in trouble.
There were for sure more pics of the shorter hair guy's bare ass while changing and longer hair guy's junk while sleeping. I'm guessing the nude images got scrubbed from the internet since lawyers got involved.
Fuck, I’d love to see those lol
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haha this thread is funny because in tagalog we call sagging a banana in English and the irony is that in english it also refers to a penis colloquially lol
Ah yes, the fashion statement that came from prison, so inmates could tell who was taking it up the ass. How many niggers/wiggers would still do it if they knew its origins and meaning? Ignorance is bliss.
more plz

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