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Twinks, that are black.

Simple as.
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I hope this one sticks around longer than the last one.
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hhhmpff alright you win. I'll succumb to darkness.
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Based thread.
This boy is so cute. I want him to be my boyfriend

ok... this is now my new favorite thing ever. how come black twinks seem to be unicorns? they are absolutely beautiful. <3
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>how come black twinks seem to be unicorns?
all depends on where you are. i'm in a big city and while there's way more black tops out there I find and see more and more black bottoms these days, only hooked up with one so far though. He was great, would recommend. told me they love bwc, total fetish for a lot of them, so I guess I had that going for me.
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Need name
understood. valid point about location. i live in a rural area, which definitely would not let me see these beautiful people. my work location is in a larger city. i need to get out of the office more. :)
It's in the filename dipshit
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Is picrel cute
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Yeah, nose piercings is the only thing I dislike here.
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>They love BWC
>told me they love bwc, total fetish for a lot of them
Damn that's hot. Shouldn't be surprised they have the same perversions.
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There's something about a cute black kid telling you to "Fuck me, you white muthafucka" to get you to cum your balls full empty.
Is this supposed to be a Dahmer reference?
20s. Kid to me, I'm in my 30s
Either one is hot in their own ways desu
none darker than Caramel please
God would not stop until my balls drained
Literally made for BWCs
i need to impregnate him
Name pls
Any good videos? looking up black twinks on any porn site is biased to show white twnks getting fucked.
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Choco_fem / Choco_femboy He seems to be new to posting stuff so if you seek him out on other platforms show him some love
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Daddy breeding material
ass so delicious
is it true that black twinks are still pretty hung? am white top btw
not all of them are hung, even the ones that are probably still like to get fucked (me included)
Who is he?
i hate these captchas
hate black twinks, make me vomit but black tops r some real deal.
so many are too fem
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nobody asked you dumbass
PRJCT/taitealatte he doesnt do porn anymore, just furry shit
CIA FBI there making you weak taking away your drive your friends are fake
little oc
boys here are big goals for me
hopefully i’m not too awful T_T
You look good! Love the undies! Feel free to post more if you like
Need name
Love how innocent he looks
File name also i posted it here >>2635376 Dumb dumb
This one guy that's like 90% of the thread so far is boring, and unattractive.
Any more of this one?
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Cute. Love especially this pic.
So suckable.
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Ar black twinks called blinks?
Worship beautiful black twinks
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Athena Monroe
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is this boy from st. maartin? he looks super familiar.
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s/o to the hung twink kings too <3
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Jaden Smith. Cute twink. Would love to see everything!
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Leo Malone and playmate
Are you ordering a Latte' at Starbucks?
This is me years ago, at 18 years old...
I don't know if it counts as black, i'm brazilian and I look like a male version of Kuruminha.
Literally perfect in every way
Certainly not perfect - Brazilians hv cocks way bigger than this minow
>he looks like a trap kuruminha chan
@1digitalslut on twitter
not everyone likes huge dicks.
100% agreed. perfect in every way.
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Here's my contribution. I've seen this kid in Staxus videos, but not for some time.
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It's very sad, but some might say it's Karma that this twink, Jahmari Reid, was decapitated by a shark in Jamaica on Monday. He had walked into the ocean to kill fish by spearing them, but instead was killed by a fish. The worst kind of Karma.
Yes, by far, my current favorite black twink!
I think I might be ready to admit Im gay

But you faggots did this to me with your sexy bodies.

I want to caress your hips and tummies while my cock is deep within you.
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Are brown twinks considered black?
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I mean, black usually refers to African, so probably not.
c'mon now son that bitch is white
It's like you're answering your own question. Like is red considered blue? Is hard considered soft? Is old considered young? or in your case, is stupid considered smart?
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Ok, have some more of him
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This has never happened to you.

OMG. Gorgeous.
They're hot as hell but you know every last one is a toxic bitch that will burn your life down
This guy looks almost exactly like the first guy I fucked (except for his cock.)
Alone in the dark
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being in denial is one thing, but being used for publicity as well? lmao
"not everyone likes huge dicks."

I'm afraid we're going to have to revoke your gay membership card and ban you from /hm/ for life.

Would love to see more, sweetie.
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God DAMN. Can I swallow the nut beau :3
;_; please dont. i want to be able to continue to see cute black twinks with non-huge cocks. also would i have to return the free toaster oven i got when i signed up for gay membership? i sure hope not. its pretty nice.
chris cotter so underrated, nice slim athetic body, cake, and handsome af.

cant wait until he gets more explicit you can tell he wants to
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Gets? There is all sorts of vids of him sucking dick and showing off
Post it
Shark's aren't fish.
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more of this fag lol
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My mutual on twitter. Should try to breed
i need this hairstyle so bad
Sharks are a special type of fish known because their body is made out of cartilage instead of bones like other fish. The classification of this type of fish is "elasmobranch." This category also includes rays, sawfish, and skates.
holy shit what a slut lmfao i need to see this, post that shit

the journey to find it gonna be rough
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fingers crossed this nigga doesnt go on HRT
Yup. They learn from their mothers all too well.
HRT takes money and time
If anything fake tits are more common
>a bunch of basic black girl shitposts
Ugh better grab what I can instead of following
I feel like I've seen his pics long ago
Maybe under a different name
Nice find
Loving the jerk off clip
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His hole is gorgeous, made to be bred desu
Good GOD, I need a name!
Who's the twink?
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Met him on LA grindr some months back. Don't have a name but might be able to dig up an account he posts pics to. Total exhibitionist slut. I have plenty pics if people are interested
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Share ‘em>>2645741
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He looks so cute, would makeout with while missionary
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can't overstate how much of a slut this guy is
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fucking hell that waist is so grippable
More of this sexy bitch and anyone have a name?
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omfg pls sauce
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say you have nothing else to live for, without saying you have nothing else to live for
say "i'm a loser who has so little to do, I'm complaining about a porn thread I'm not even interested in" without saying it directly
damn need my face in them cheeks
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Timmy Bandsome, aka Timmy Balmain
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Woah, I envy whoever these pics were meant for
Now that’s a proper bitch.
How can someone live with such an ass and not be raped at least a couple of times in the lockers though?
Buck status: BROKEN
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Here's Jeffry Aranda, from Colombia.
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And here's another one of him.
daaaaaammmnnn what a body. Nice thick cock too.
Skinny cunt has dod like snake - yuk
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Well, since you seem to like Jeff (except for one of you, apparently, but there's always some asshole), here are a couple more of him from my collection.
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And one more ...
Gross wog
Total slimeball
Can we call em twiggas?
goddamn, please sauce
Ceeluvsya, also goes by Cystiqu3 and Cystique Cee. He deleted most of his shit, but he's got a Coomer and a few Reddit posts floating around, if you know where to look.
found him, cutest black cock I’ve ever seen (without obv forgetting about that phat ass), thanks so much!
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Put me where I belong
Can't post any pics but I'm bumping this thread.
Anons ever since I met a half white/ half black twink once I literally can't stop thinking about them as a white guy. What the hell has gotten into me?
Jungle fever, as they used to call it. Not sure what we'd call the queer version.

Nothing wrong with liking what you like. Just let people be themselves and don't force stereotypes on them.
I like the image of a black boy jerking off to BWC. I'd love to indulge him.
post moar black twinks please

nice fat booty
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Here’s more ass. Idk if this counts but enjoy.
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Nice ass bro
Greatly appreciated!
Yes please.
End me this way. Down the gaping hatch.

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