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Starting a thread solely for WEDGIES. My main fetish and wanna discuss and share.
Does anyone have links to drives with m/m wedgies?
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atomic wedgie!!!
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the pain on his face and the joy in theirs is so hot
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here’s a google drive full of gay wedgie clips floating on the internet awhile ago https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-tE85Fgx1RILS13Z1ZudlVqZzg?resourcekey=0-ARUShHHBAqAW6pXsxQ_VTw
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atomic wedgie OVER HIS GLASSES
dubs or if any anon reply in the next hour and i’ll atomic wedgie myself for the thread
do it
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fuck you anon
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and i fucking got dubs so here’s front view
Damn, you look good with those tighty whities pulled up your ass. What a nerd.
fuck, anon. those pics were so painful and embarrassing to take. got a discord/kik/insta/etc? i’m not a nerd, i swear! but it could be fun to chat wedgie with someone
If there was a way to connect privately, you'd be in my DM's embarrassing yourself in so many ways. But I guess you'll just have to keep doing it here. Show us another atomic, nerd.
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yes, anon.. sorry for the wait
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let’s see some more atomic wedgies in this thread

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