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When you're a gay fem thin guy who would love to have a nerdy gymbro partner...

>Would love to go to the gym together, wish him luck with his workout and we go do our thing
>If we do workout together, cheer him on as he reaches his final few reps
>Have a nice post workout meal together
>Listen to him explain his goals and help him with his measurements and weigh-in and share in the excitement when he reaches a milestone.
>Just chill together and watch a movie, show, or just game out together.
>Cook together, preferably him standing behind me watching with his arms around me lol.

Maybe one day...

I'm curious if any of you guys have been able to date a gymbro despite not being one yourself
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I guess for images, share some muscular guys who give nerdy vibes lol.
have you ever smelled protein farts
Who is this? Yandex has nothing and Google images is absolutely cooked and brings up absolutely nothing connected to the image.
I haven't but I've heard that they smell terrible lol.
I don't know unfortunately. I found that picture on Tumblr long ago and the person didn't mention who he was.
you don't even want to know
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Jokes on you, i have a smell kink
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posts like this make me hate cis women as they live on easy mode when looking for guys like this
He's really cute, cna so imagine just gaming with a guy like that and sharing a cuddle lol.

I don't hate women but I understand the envy for them in this regard because straight muscled guys in the geek scene are a lot more common than gay ones, let alone gay ones who are into non gymbros. Some of these straight gymbro type guys don't mind if their GF is as into the gym as they are and even like being bigger than their GF.

It can make it even more ironic when the GF doesn't like things like anime or video games and you're just thinking how you would be a great match since you love those things and would love to enjoy those thingst with them
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Who is this guy? Very cute haha.
James Badge Dale in '13 Hours: Secret Soldiers if Baghazi'
>Nick Bosa

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