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This fucker makes 80k/no on OnlyFans. Has to be mostly fags right? Anyway post rare Girthmasterrs, no chicks or straight shit
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That's 80k/month
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Amazing how completely plain or unattractive guys can get rich just from having a big dick
Nigger, if you think this guy is unattractive I'd love to see who you find hot. By all means, post em
Dude is like 6’8 and pretty toned with a great jawline and a 8.5 inch cock that’s 7 inches thick. Cope harder dude, wow
Not a chance his dick is those dimensions lol
Crazy how you cumbrained lunatics will froth at the mouth when someone has differing taste. This man is so middlingly attractive and if he didn't have an allegedly large dick or above average height he would be a nobody on OF. You could go to any city in Australia and find 20 men that look like this your first 24 hours. It's your life though, keep padding his bank account I suppose.
what jawline mf, that beard is doing wonders to him wtf
Maam this is a porn forum
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ITT: ugly haters lmaooo
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This literal Chad GOD walks among us and 4chan niggers, jeets, and fatties seethe. You love to see it
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Tell me more about how this guy is mid and you could score 20 guys just like this at your local gas station. Delusional faggots
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Goodnight jealous fatsos
is this dude shilling his own of being a schizo on 4chan
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Two things I don't like about him: Cut and straight.
Having a cut dick is okay 'cause he can take pics with an angle his dick looks beautiful and he already did that.
Now, being straight? There's no cure for that.

>Has to be mostly fags right?
I know many gays didn't know much about him before that tiktok video blowing up. What I saw online previously about him was straight man discussing his dick's measurement and other OF man posting dick with him because "it's so fun to compare sizes!".
Different from Draconblue who is known by every gay around.
Guess he didn't cater that much for gays until now. Chicks like dick pics and videos as well, but they don't talk much about it outside their circle of girl friends. My friend dated lots of hot guys (all crazy, unfortunatly) and they always sent videos and pics to her. She loved it.
I see tradesmen at the sandwich shop daily who look just like this guy, he's really not special.

Also why is every online "mega hung" guy allergic to actually grabbing their cock like a normal person? Because that would shatter the illusion I guess?
Yes. People wanna see the product and not a hand covering it.
People say I'm 20cm or whatever, but everytime I grab my dick I don't feel having all that. Having long fingers does not help as well.
Yeah his hand would clearly cover 70% of his dick because its actually 7 inches max

You don't have to be that attractive to be successful on OF, the only thing that matters is that he's white and has a cock that size. I'm sure other goodlooking hung Aussies can do it but they don't so he gets all the $$$. So the fags have no choice but to lust over this guy
this mf looks like if asmongold washed himself
>Has to be mostly fags right?
obviously. why would women pay for this shit
i know right. he doesn't even look particularly thick. at least that 10in top does look out of the ordinary. this guy looks like just about any big dick guy out there
it's not even that big, he looks very plain to me
Is he bigger than Dredd, Julio Gomez or mandingo? Or is this some kinda reverse affirmative action in porn?
Appalling to be fucking honest
I actually agree with them. Just because someone is tall or has a big dick makes them automatically hot or spectacular in any way.

For a tall man, this guy is only a 4/10 at best. If he looked more attractive and I don’t just mean a ripped body - his dick would be worth more for being large. You other guys have such low standards and/or no self respect when it comes to putting “tall alphas” on a pedestal. Really need to stop being such stereotypical faggots who idolise heteronormative ideals. It’s pathetic.

This guy looks lowkey inbred. But in saying that average people around 4/10 to 6/10 are kinda relatable content for most people so that’s probably why his demographic works. Especially because he has a big dick.

This is such a preschool cop out comment. Shut the fuck up. It works both ways - if you argue that this is hot then you post yourself too? Believe it ir not some of us don’t just need a the minimal standards to be attracted to a person like you are. We’re also not the ones who are narcissistic enough to post on onlyfans so we’re exempt from that criticism. He is not.
*doesn’t make them automatically hot or spectacular

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