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Post 'em if you got 'em.
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Perfect big dick! Sauce please
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Do you know who the guy is?
Or perhaps you've got more of him.
I remember he used to post on pornhub, but sadly I can't remember his name and I can't find any of his older videos. They probably didn't survive pornhub amateur content purge.
He had really great videos.
This all reminds me of that meme trend where guys took certain supplements etc to increase the volume of their cum. Stuff like lecithin etc. Anyone know of that stuff really worked, and does anyone have any of those "cum maxxing" guides?
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go to r/cumbiggerloads
How does he do it?
sauce plsssss
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This one is my favorite. Gah I'd suck his cum out every day
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27:45 til the end
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Say aaaah
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Guys, can all of you shoot cum?

I have never shot cum for my 28 years. It always just “pours out” from my cock. Is it fine? Or I have some problem?
Not the most common, but still common. Because you're definitely 28 years old and totally not too inexperienced to have seen enough porn to know for yourself, launching semen in actual shots like a squirt gun is also not the most common. Most men most commonly ejaculate in pulses that don't have enough velocity / pressure to "shoot", it instead runs like an overfilled cup. Depending on all kinds of physical factors, ejaculation volume, velocity, viscosity and everything changes even in the same individual.

If you can ejaculate and your sperm are squirming, you're fine.

Unless there's blood in your semen. If there's blood in your semen, see a doctor immediately.
What's that device?
Goddamn. Source?
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Should've been down my throat.
post diet
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Man, I'd be swallowing all that cum. Wouldn't let a drop hit the floor.
More plz
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how disappointing
all these amazing guys shooting their yummy loads and they dont have anyone to clean it up for them
i want to be there for one guy and drink up every last drop of his manmilk, let him know how much i love him and his dick
Kinda gay bro...
calm down, grandpa
let’s get you to bed
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I like to record my cumshots but im terrible doing that lol
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Perfect cock terrible fps
What happens when I fart while a guy cums inside me? Does he get hurt? I almost always fart when I get turned on
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I love you, do you post somewhere online?
I got nothing to contribute content wise but I can help my fellow cum lover.

You want to search for “hyperspermia” on bing with safe search off.

Or “hyperspermia overflowing cum” and you’ll find guys who suffer from hyperspermia who love to edge for days on end just to fill a cup with sperm as they literally can’t stop cumming for minutes on end.

A lot of them will also be leaking more pre cum than any of us could cum after edging for days on end.

It’s so fucking hot to watch a guy cum and he can’t stop. I wish there was an entire site dedicated to it.

I if anyone finds the video of the dude fucking a stranger where it’s a behind POV and you see the dom’s balls just throbbing nonstop as he’s moaning and cum is pouring out of his sub as he keeps thrusting and cumming, please share.

Also fun fact, you can make someone cum like they have hyperspermia if you are good at blowjobs.

Blew my ex so long and so thoroughly he could barely stand after as the cum poured out of my mouth down my face and he couldn’t stop cumming

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it worked out pretty good for a while but I eventually had to keep taking more and more to produce the same results and it eventually was making me gut sick taking that many supplements
but yeah, in short I would easily cum 6 to 7 thick ropes every time
Dubs would
Damn wish I could suck you off. Or if you're straight I'd pay you for cumming videos. I want a big white cock and I'm stuck in a third world shithole:((
Got kik?
Id suck it
I wanna take my first load real soon
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>can all of you shoot cum?
not every load, but sometimes
>It always just “pours out” from my cock.
I'm a swallower and I prefer that, honestly.
something for everyone, man.
>they literally can’t stop cumming for minutes on end.
>A lot of them will also be leaking more pre cum
I had an ex that was undiagnosed hyperspermia. leaked precum the entire time i'd blow him and would have small 1 or 2 mini-rope ejaculates before he'd actually cum. I counted 30 pulse/throbs and he was still producing cum at the end.
>as the cum poured out of my mouth down my face
I had to blow him naked on towels or in the bathroom. We fucked in the shower a lot because I would spill cum as he fucked me, like the entire time. We ruined too many sheets to not fuck in the shower.

Snap is Mizukage132

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