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Post pics with the slight belly hang and beefy muscle, cocks welcomed too
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already crying goddamn
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is there a normal word for this kind of man that isn’t gay slang like daddy bear muscle chub
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beefy? lineback? exjock?
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Beefy works better, exjock would be an athlete just gotten fat, and lineback would be footballer type, also they are the best looking desu
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But aren't "beefy" and "muscle" opposites?
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good lord
this guy's dick is so small, kind of a turn off
He's so chubby and thick
Wish I could wrestle, eat, and lift weights with him, both of us in jockstraps
What workouts do I need to do to get a hard muscle gut? I don't really have any workouts I like that work the core or abs

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