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Cute guys who are carrying extra weight in the thighs and belly, soft man boobs. Preferably clean shaving or lightly hairy.
Morbidly obese IS NOT "chubby" there's already a thread up, know the difference, it could save your life.
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Fuck yes. Legs spread just like that so that I can bury my face in that tighty whitey bulge while he's gaming.
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Holy shit I wouldn't know what do do with all this ass.
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I agree that this look can be hot.
Most of the dudes here are fairly solid muscle under their chubby exterior. Also most are younger dudes with baby face look.
In my experience guys with this look have inherited a broad solid body type
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Musclechonk is objectively best male body type
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ty for the thread god damn
´sauce pls

Fuck. I want to suckle on those gyno tiddies before blowing raspberries on that belly.
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wow something about husky guys with smooth chests turns me on
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Chubby and I know I’m hairy but I hear some like it?
we do not gaf
Nice bulge booster
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Fucking hot! I want you so bad
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Prime beef
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Idk if you posted this to the wrong thread but you look great!
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I love chonks
Christ fucking awful tattoos to match the lard arse - beached whale & yes I'm fat shaming becos the fat bastard deserves it
Sauce please
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What I see: gorgeous face, great hair, nice cock, thicc body...must suck to be such a bitch all the time. You ok?
Pick one and only one
Wow I remember him. That's from like a decade ago
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Do I qualify?
Philly just had their naked bike ride, so there should be more pics of guys who look like this floating around out there. Haven't seen any yet though. I was going to do it this year but had to skip, scheduling conflict :\
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yes please
@kosherchad on twitter
God damn I want to grip that gut and go to work on his sweaty cock
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OC. Do I fit in here, or do I belong in the fat bastards thread?
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Who is he?
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Ugh I would love to fuck a slampig like that
this guy is marriage material. Why do gay guys never look like this? They're always gym rats or tubs, never straight-core lightly chubby
There's plenty of fatties
exactly, thats the problem
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He's shaped very well. Could use some more muscle on the arms and his foreskin is missing but he's hot otherwise.
cock is very much perfect, what he really needs to work out are legs. you have very bad taste
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Looking very chonky
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sauce? the feet have me so hard
right thread or no?
fred??? was your own thread not good enough you man slut
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Here's a tasty one
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You have our permission to keep posting. You're shaped very well. Would love to see your ass.
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OC? I'd love to see you from behind if so.
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Made for licking
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Hello, baby boy...need you in my life.
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What a cutie
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