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Hairy pits? Hairy pits.
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Love hairy pits, licking and kissing them when sweaty
Mate you look a total twat with that fucking awful tat
busted so hard to this, fuck he’s so beautiful
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This guy's tattoo makes no sense. What do you mean from 1935 to 1916? The tattoo artist must have messed up, pretty sure there shouldn't be a C in the second year.
This guy has the hairiest pits ever - just incredible, I want my face in those
maybe it's the birthdates of his grandparents?
omg hot
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i've got quite a few
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Is this really you? Incredibly hot man, I need your Kik lol
nono, that's Vafilly look him up, he's VERY hot
i'm >>2639302
>>263950 You’re handsome, pls more pics
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mine are a little hairy
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hillbilly ftw
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10/10 would lock completely clean
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>tfw you will never fuck a bro's hairy armpits and eat your load out of them

Why even live, bros?
the things I would do holy fuck thats hot
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You're a fag right? So go do it
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oh yeah? what would you do?
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Is there more of this guy? He's delightful. Would be keen to see what he looks like when he doesn't shave his chest.
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Imagine drugging him.
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fuck i wanna sniff those
who is this?
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whomst pls
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You can tell he trimmed his pits here. RUINED.
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Tattoo looks like a goddamn bruise
I'm into that
I want to cum on a guy's pits ughhhh

Convinced a dude to let me do that once. Biggest nut of my life. Drove home with the scent of his pits and my musky bush wafting up and filling the car. I had to pull over and bust again before I even got home.
I'm jealous. Fuck, I want to try that too.
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His problem is that he's a disgusting fatass maladjusted dork and he doesn't know that gay men with fit, athletic, muscular bodies exist. He thinks they're all straight.

Because he has no real world experience, because, again, he's a fatass dork so he doesn't go outside. All he knows is heteronormative media bullshit.
This guy has an amazing bush, great hairy pits too 10/10
imagine the smell
He is very pretty.
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He is a god among men
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New thread?

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