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Protagoras - Jusepe de Ribera
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only good post in this dogshit thread so far
moar hot hot
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I've developed a serious fetish for Middle-Eastern men, I don't even find white men attractive anymore I just dream about massaging Middle-Eastern grandpas. I might go on a second sex tourism trip to Turkey
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They're just so fucking adorable. I can't even
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It's weird as a straight men, daddies like this are the only men who turn me on. I just want to cover him in a thick layer of cum and see him moan
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This guys name is Carl Hardwick, a.k.a.,Rusty Jeffers. He used to be a model for Colt studios and a bodybuilder in the 90's. I was a horny teen back then and must have fapped a million times to this guys images and videos.
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Every daddy/grandpa thread
>faggots crying that 40 is too young and 50 is young (retard faggots 50 is old enough to be a grandpa)
>disgusting geriatrics dominate the thread
>all the men posted are 700lb obese, low hanging fruits because you have no self-respect or standards
>rarely ever any nudes get posted
Glad as fuck this thread is kill forever. Better off beating it to twitter stuff.
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Dumping whatever I happen to have on my phone
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I'll stop at one of my all-time fave porn daddies, the goat: Dick Nasty
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>whiner rant about bad behaviour in thread
>scroll every post
>no one but him is complaining

Literally every thread you people turn up, if you could stay on twitter and stop posting that would be much appreciated
Abayoujock on twitter
Him and Rod Fontana tagteaming was one of my favorite things about still being closested and watching straight porn.
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Sir John McColl
horrendous general, as usual. at least post an objectively hot one for once jeez
"as a straight man". delusional faggot.
pls blog post the trip if you do i need to live vicariously through you
>walk by the road in Aksaray with huge backpack
>Kurdish truck driver spots me and stops, asking me to hop on all the way to Adana
>his flier is open and his penis is visible
>I think nothing of it
>he suddenly stops and needs to pee
>takes off pants, revealing his hirsute legs, and pees in bucket, hands me the bucket to pour it out the window
>he keeps his pants off, asks me if i'm ok with nudists
>starts asking me questions about sauna culture in scandinavia, whether i see my mother naked often
>asks me about my penis
>i've acted shy until this moment, but then i take off my pants, and i start sucking him until he cums, which did not take long
>i start fapping, but he then says we need to put our pants back on because of surveillance or something
>immediately after he lets me out i gallop to the woods to empty my blue balls
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where do I find prime gay older white men that look like this?? they're most straight...
big cities at a white country
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I was in the library and literally the cutest old man in his 70s I have ever seen approached me and asked me to write on a letter some addresses and names for him, he came from Lurestan in Iran. I know his address and name so I might visit him. How do I progress?
Where can one find more paintings like this?
Scruff, half the guys I have sex with look like this. I'm 29, definitely not a twink and they're still dtf. Put that you're into daddies on your profile.
Why cant you faggots just be normal and just understand that your sexual insecurity is annoying to the rest of us enjoying the same thing.
>from Lurestan in Iran
anon you should've started conversation with him right there.. you fumbled this one badly, you could go around to his address (weird and creepy) and knock on his door and ask for a place that you saw online for rent around that area, pretend you didn't knew he lived there and just start the convo right there
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Silverdaddies, Bear events
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Wouldn't you love to feel that mustache tickling your balls?
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Also, take a vacation to Plam Springs, CA. Cool very gay spot in general, but a major gay retirement area--everywhere you go are white-haired homos, often couples. It would take almost zero effort to be their boitoi

Pic related, an actual Palm Springs pool party, which happen practically daily at any of the 25+ all-gay resorts
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I could literally eat this hole for an hour barely coming up for air
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I asked him whether he could read Ferdowsi and he smiled. But I sent an SMS number to his phone and he didn't reply :(
anon..., it's an older man he probably doesn't look at his phone or doesn't care about it or didn't hear it whatever, just go to his house fuck it, i'd do it
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great gramps
thoughts on this guy? he hit me while on my hike. he's married to another man which is incredibly uncommon where i live. he's hot here....
....here tho? eh. looks a bit derpy. also im pretty sure he's hmu up before. i know the first pic is old cause ive seen that same pic on a diff apps like 2 yrs ago
he's alright not too bad, he's handsome t b h but me personally wouldn't do anything to a partnered faggot but that's just me
he's probably another of those many monogamous** couples
Not bad. Much better looking than a lot of men posted here. If they have one of those open marriages or whatever, go for it. Maybe his husband is hot and you guys can have a nice threesome. Just make sure to play safe if he seems like the kind to hit on any random gay guy
>Much better looking than a lot of men posted here.
Lmao in what planet? Anon is right. He looks good in his main pic.
update: pretty sure he blocked me because i didn't get back to him. grindr faggots are pathetic af lmao
You probably dodged a bullet. Dudes with no patience end up catching all types of nasty diseases. Also the fact he's on grindr says a lot
Are daddies on romeo retarded?

I liked some pics of a hot bear 60yo, we exchanged just a couple of basic messages (wow you are so hot, I like you etc) and then immediately after he is like
>"I want to talk to the phone right now"
I said I cannot right now, perhaps tomorrow?
and he was almost fuming, demanding that we talk right here right now!!
getting all passive-aggresive and shit
>-"oh ok, you don't like me, just say so."

I tried not to ditch him right there because of that shitty behavior, and I was agreeable as much as I can, (because he is hot)
told him in an apologetic friendly way,
>"nono! I'm so sorry, it's not that. I just really cannot talk right now, I am not alone in the room" etc. etc.

and still he was like
>"you are with your lover, right? I get it."

complete mental. Should I just block this schizo?
he’s insecure
avoid at all costs unless you get off on powertripping
yeah anyone like that is a red flag avoid
super insecure or just a person used to getting what he wants when he wants it just bc of his looks, 1000000% avoid, dodge the bullet and not even respond anymore or say anything at all
post his pic
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u/daddy59islooking (he's straight, of course)
headless stills are SOOOOOOO fucking boring zzzz. not even worth touching your dick to
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He had sent me a bunch of messages while I was offline
no hellos or how are you, just a
>"where are you, you said we were going to talk today."
yikes. I haven't replied yet, probably going to ghost him.

I don't want to dox the dude, he is a 60yo bear, I like his hairy body, nice ass, ok face, didn't send cock, probably bottom only,
damn he's kinda hot, sounds insecure and needy asf, idk me personally i'd take the chance even knowing things could end bad lol. considering the first experience that you already had with him i can already tell this guy is super time consuming and annoying to deal with, super clingy
Same. I need faces. Thought it was just me.
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u/naturismmmm, Bay area bi
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not flapping to your headless pics. post faces, faggots

are you gonna post anything or just gonna keep bitching like an annoying female, go back to instagram if you're so obsessed with faces goddamn retard
ijbol. cry more bitch nigga, I'll post what I want
>proceeds to bitch like a nigger and post nothing again
stay seething
Hear me out
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Super Hot mam, but that dick has got to be shooped
It's not. You can find his vids easily online. Dude is just lucky
>Big dick
>Sweet ass
>fucks and makes money from showing his body
>doesn't have to hold back when fucking because the people he fucks are prepared to take this dick
Man is living the dream. He also travels around the world.
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Sauce plzzzz
Super hot. Got any more?
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Hey, I saw that sex tape some years ago featuring the Hulk, and he is enormously hung. I was surprised -- big guys like that tend to be generally disappointing in that regard, but Hulk really measures up, pun fully intended.
he wouldve been strikingly handsome in his younger years im sure. wow.
who dis?

Damn, old man--at least clean off the mirror before taking a pic, and look halfway happy about it
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For those of you who find Netanyahu hot (don't lie), but feel guilty for it, I present to you Oscar Temaru, a former president of French Polynesia.
Here you go, some more of him. I have even more pictures if yall are interested
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Felt that, there is something about middle eastern older men, they are always masculine with some hot mustaches. need
Very much would. God I love seeing that body type topping me
Are old guys really that boring to talk to compared to young people, or is it just that all the young people I interact with are ADHD autistic 4chan and twitter teens with manic interests and high IQ? The guys I chat with on the dating sites are all so NPC
100% would Daddy
hot af
>Are old guys really that boring to talk to
I started dating older because guys my age were boring and, ngl, stupid. I need a brain attached to my penises.
I do miss Saturday night get togethers at Daddy's place.
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>tfw no silver daddy to suck my mantitties
A couple days later and I found a man who has visited over seven fucking hundred UNESCO sites over the entire globe who actually responds to my messages swiftly. Never lose hope bros
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Another of me
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Which pope candidate gets the /hm/ vote? For me, it's Zuppi.
For me, it’s between Bagnasco and Parolin. I just know they'd shove their tongue down your throat. Swear best part of fucking old men is the kissing
my dad told me he's into incest and if I was jerking off to porn he'd join me and probably finish me off. lowkey freaking the fuck out in a good way. what do I do
I think I also may have to go with Bagnasco and Parolin, but Eijk is a solid contender too
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