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Continuing because I enjoyed the previous thread: >>2589004

Artful nudity/semi-nudity showing the beauty of the male form
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Reminds me of the movie Moonlight
I can understand your confusion. Let me help you out. Some randon selections to illustrate my point:
nothing, teetering on the edge of garbage.
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AI art is art too right?
I hate that this is possible now. the end is nigh.
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caravaggio is always a favorite when it comes to gorgeous paintings of half naked guys
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he draws them so box shaped though
>Jesus Wasn't White
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Because Caravaggio is a pervert and not in a good way
oh I know. but even separating the art from the artist, I think he's overrated.
Wait, what's the centuries old tea on Caravaggio?
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Alfonso del Moral (Spanish 1992- ) Just Some Fantasies
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jean baptiste
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what i would give to be this guy, am i right?
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>Alfonso del Moral
holy shit that guy
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by Raymond Voinquel

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