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Post pics of guys who post on /fit/.
Other boards are welcome but must fit the /fit/ theme. No femboys, super twinky, chubby, etc.
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people on /fit/ posted this?
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getting this thread back on the rails...
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One of my fave's along with amirani, shame there are still no nudes :(
Nice. Who's amirani? Idk any of the names.
>tfw fred never gets posted here
looks like a pic from a game of cherky.
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>game of cherky
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Is not this benny from /gaygen/?
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Nice foreskin
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I would make voidchan my husband
it appears to be him
always want him to suffocate me with his cheeks
ruined his body with horrible tattoos
>simps for a public bathroom's wall cosplayer
Shit taste
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I wonder what happened with all of them anons... collageanon really had patrician taste
I saw a full ass pic of him before. Great butt.
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benny is goat phat ass white boy
I can think of a few of the guys on /fit/ who showed their ass. People who work out always have the best asses.
That's not true, its really about your fat placements. A lot of guys who workout have those ugly 0 fat asses
Any nudes pics?
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A few showed dick before too.
Moar of tex
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>No femboys, super twinky, chubby, etc.
>Moar of tex
can you read?
Which ones showed their dick? I didn't know it was allowed.
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From CBT
go urban dictionary
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anyone remember this guy or have more of him? so hot
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stop with this
I know 1 guy who showed his dick.
Would be kinda hot if in the end the one to down me was from this website.
I'd post from inside while he's having his way with me, begging for help, and all I'd get to read with what's left of battery in the phone most realistically will be anons laughing at my predicament and him replying to my post with a "settle down :p"

alright, xxx
I'm asking with all of my will, ready to pay the price, praying for it to happen.
i hope i get someone like that too
someone who will dick me down and feed me his milk, and then we end up opening 4chan to autistically troll everyone
not too fond of outgoing types, i prefer someone who will stay indoors and keep it personal, to me that's special
Oh, sweet summer child.
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Gay gymcel furfag from /CBT/
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Hyacinth from /gaygen/
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shallo from /gaygen/
this guy isn't from /fit/. some fag on /fit/ is using his pictures from twitter
None of these guys are from /fit/. And nobody on /fit/ is from /fit/ either.
GYATT damn!
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What’s his twitter then?

Warning, he's a furry
what is /gaygen/ ?
Was wondering the same thing, /fit/ doesn't have a gaygen, but /lgbt/ sort of does.
woah i know this guy irl
he never talks to me or shows nude on apps but i've seen the torso cropped
nice to see his cock and balls finally
I’m just posting /fit/ guys from the gay general of /lgbt/

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