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There's something so hot about a basic white guy showing off his average/small (but still a decent size) hard cock!

The best ones perfectly fit in your mouth, able to be completely wrapped up in a soft warm tongue
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Bend over and show hole
What’s on his lower shaft ??
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Is that the kid that played young Tom Riddle?
the most tragic thing about wytebois is how so many of them have cut cocks
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Do niggers not have cut cocks?
they do, but i have no interest in blacks
one persons trash is another's treasure
love a cut one
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Proof of averageness.
>The best ones perfectly fit in your mouth, able to be completely wrapped up in a soft warm tongue

I agree. I think I can fit nicely.
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They also don't need literal gallons of lube, comical amounts of foreplay, and weeks of training to get that gliding + stimulation out of a good fuck
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This guy has no evident balls
Nice dick!!
What's the best way to shave your penis hair off? Electric razor (which one)? Manual?
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ive cut my balls with every type of electric, never with a manual. go slow. it may be better to use either a trimmer or scissors first if youve never done it since razors dont like hair longer than 1 or 2 cm
why shave when you can use nair and brillo pads?

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