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/hm/ - Handsome Men

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10/10 men for me
Have actually played with him and he's fem sadly.

Literally have this guy on grindr lol. His dick is incredible/
sure, jan
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Such a turnoff, a mature man who's a comic book reading manchild. He probably collects figures and has no idea how to change the oil in his car.
kind of reminds me of the dudes saying "black guys are such a turn off" then a year later are getting spit roasted bareback by a bunch of black men. :^/
Well, black guys are manly and can fuck, can't say the same about middle aged autistic marvel cucks.
what a weird thing to whine about
you sound like pajeet or other worlder
Giving very pajeet energy here, sars
Damn. You guys sound like a bunch of miserable fucks. This is supposed to be fun and horny, not angry and bitchy.
Welcome to /hm/. Where half the people here don't even know how to use an imageboard so they just sit and bitch instead of posting smut
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Seethe, lardasses. Lay off the burger, touch grass and go read a book (without pictures), maybe when you get older you'll be able to call yourself a man, søybōy.
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Anyone knows who this devil is? He's a dmn hunky fine wine.
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censoring basedboy kek go back to tiktok
captcha: ystXD
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Fantastic taste in men...this is the best /hm/ thread i've seen in a while...

I still dream about having an experience with a man like this (>>2651478 >>2651444 >>2651442 >>2651352 )
I don't even need to have sex - being able to suck his dick/armpits/tits will be an amazing experience...

I wonder if there are escord daddies with such body. How much that could cost.
I don't believe i can get anybody like that because i'm awkward and chubby
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Definitely one of the best porns ever
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just use scruff or biggercity, most of these dudes are into similars or big guys only, idk why the fuck you make it seem like it would be so hard for someone like you retard
Link please, I beg
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Just look for Casey Everett and Lance Charger
Something to be proud Of
I wish I could snuggle with a hairy old man while sleeping. It would fix my life
>black guys are manly and can fuck
the delusion is real
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>Have actually played with him and he's fem sadly.
Please, tell us more about him.
I agree with >>2651586 on the part these men only like copies of themselves.
I suggest you hiring a male prostitute.
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