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post dicks with rods in them, or other objects. vids or pics.
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lol did he put a battery in his peehole
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I like how the sounding rods look like pocky.

Source: https://x.com/soundingdick/status/1347928474992865280
damn holy shit. ive gotten larger sounding rods in over the years ive been doing it, but thats crazy big. when i started gauging to larger sizes, i found that about halfway down my dick, my urethra seemed to narrow. took a long time and a lot of patience to expand that area.
>>2653592 I think it's Pocky actually.
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I don't see the sound
How’d you manage to get it done? I’m having trouble getting the next size up in the opening, I guess I just have to suck it up and push through.

I found that tight spot further down but that seemed ok to stretch out with only little drama.

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