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I want a bear bf like this. I'm a short skinny guy, slightly hairy. I just want to be held like a baby in their big strong arms :3
too bad they only like similars
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I wish "bear" wasn't a cope for twinks who got fat and bald but instead a term for older, masculine, hairy, beefy guys as it was supposed to be

We could come up with a new term but fem fatties would ruin it too
You think that dude was ever a twink?
nobody cares about what you wish fag. If he's fat and hairy he is a bear. Simple as.
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>complains about twinks
>posts a twunk
are people really this retarded or
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When the term was coined, "fat" meant having a belly on top of a strong/muscular frame, not being a amerigolem deformed by obesity without 2kg of muscle on entire body
I want this man to send me to the hospital. Ungh
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These types of muscle dudes are all that constituted bear culture the whole time I was growing up, it was the same unrealistic expectations as the mainstream gay fare except now you felt bad if you didn't have a furry pelt on top of the muscles. What I'm trying to say is it's good that bear now means so much more than "Chad with a little body hair" because picrel is waaaay hotter to me
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>It's good that we appropriated a term and destroyed a historic aspect of gay culture because I have a fetish for lardasses

You're really not different than RuPaultards who have a thing for trannies and support destruction of drag/ballroom culture because of it
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Bro that's just your standard gym rat with some hair. You say you like bears but you like normie dudes with some peach fuzz.
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A bear is a beefy, masculine, older gay guy. He may have some fat on his frame, a beer gut and/or a plump ass but he's still shaped like a dude. His "bearness" comes from his size, strength, hairyness and masculinity

Obese, blob shaped post-wall twinks are not bears
I want to post my uncle here because I found his nudes on google drive that was logged in my PC, but I'm afraid he's a lurker
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Do it...here I'll post my uncle to help encourage you
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That thing on the left is nowhere to be found in this thread, nice strawman
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I need that Goldilocks zone between two guys like this. Picrel?
okay but trannies literally were part of ballroom and drag culture?
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nope, fuck no, we are not turning the bear thread into a pissing contest between trannies and drag queens...no one fucking cares
would, you should too
>unrealistic expectations
>picrel is waaaay hotter to me
>to (You)
yeah definitely go back to twitter
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Can't we all just get along?
[sp]surprised no one's posted the fat Kelce brother yet[/sp]
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Got you (sp)senpai(/sp)
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My college roommate is the reason why I have a weird attraction to neckbeard guys, when he said he'll impregnate me every day if I was a girl
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neat, a bear thread
imagine how comfy it would be sitting between their plump out of shape dadbods
I must know who this is
ooo share him here let us see
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So hot man! Love to see hairy balls
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Here ya go fags. I'm very paranoid so I made another google account just to send it lol
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>bear thread
>another excuse to post fatties and/or boomers
don't you retards have multiple threads on this already? fuck off
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First of all, you're not even really a Bear
Second, you don't even show your cock.


So don't read the threads--stick to the ones showing underage boytwinks one drop of estrogen from trannies, those are a majority of this place
I love older guys with fat fingers, I couldn't help imagine getting fucked while being fingered by one, bet that feels sooo good
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Not bad, I'd fuck your uncle
He has dick pic selfie but for some reason this thread doesn't let me post
He's divorced and is taking care of me since my dad went to europe. Very nice guy, would play video games with me whenever he's free. I used to have attraction to him when I was younger, but now I kind of just see him as my second dad lol.

Also bears almost universally have beards or aat least a significant amount of body hair. It's the hair part that caused the term "Bear" to start with, back when most of the community were drooling over body-shaved twinks

OK but that is 100000% irrelevant to THIS thread
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especially since they usually don't stop w just one finger
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post bears c'mon people
Why is it always the bears being the loudest type of gay in the media

Please name 2 "loud bears in the media"?
Meanwhile, the first thing 99% of straight America thinks of for gays based on media is RuPaul's Drag Race. Even the Pit crew aren't Bears there
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I can think of literally no famous gay bears. That fat Hispanic kid from what we do in the shadows? DJ Qualls' new husband? Lol
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i see vag
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Yeah, that's utterly disgusting, especially since we don't even know if the dick belongs to a bear
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Ugly dick & not even a bear
OC? I wanna suck you
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Dude...post the dick. Any updates, have you fucked him? He's fucking HOT
I will, I have to download it again not risking getting caught with his dick on my computer
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Worth the risk, and honestly you should make a move. Find some time just the two of you
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god, do you fag just enjoy anything ?
>picrel is waaaay hotter to me
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Damon from Mean Girls? He's a bear now
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huge (literally) sneak in this thread
right? I wanna sit on it, ffs
jesus christ get inside me
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I don't know zoomer lingo is this good?
Both Kelce brothers look too Grug for me.
do you not know what the word sneak means, are you retarded
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When someone says about a picture "it's a huge sneak in this thread" then no, NIGGER, I don't know what they fuck that means.
holy fucking retard
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Quads wasted on a dumbass
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keep seething retard kek
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At least if you're gonna be an annoying cunt you're posting hot guys, which we all appreciate.
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You say this but I honestly never had any trouble finding big bears that wanted to fuck me despite being a 6/10 average looking skinny dude. You just have to be brave enough to approach them and show them you are interested, because they never make the first move.
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Bear here, this is true. If you're hot you're hot, and every guy likes confidence. If they say no fuck em, they're fat and you're not.
good dick
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nose piercing ruins it
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would look better if he went full bald and didnt have his toilet in the frame.
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You're not wrong but seems like kind of missing the point
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thanks for ruining my day when i was looking for twink threads
You can hide threads instead of being catty, I don't whine when I see femboys
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cry more retarded brainlet
I need to tongue his hole
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You literally posted to this thread & bumped it just to bitch about it, despite the board being called Handsome MEN--not "femboy twinks"
kill yourself failed straight
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I love Bears sm
explain why
Left is a chub or cub. Of course that isn't a bear
That's not your uncle. That's just you
Eeeewwww.... masculine men what the fuckkkk... WHERE are the femboi twinks??!! Eeeewww like, this needs 95% more estrogen immediately.

Eww ew eeewwww!!!
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this. I always find it baffling when people online act as if getting a bear bf is an impossible herculean task limited to only giga attractive men and other bears. As long as you aren't going for onlyfans instathots with a million online followers gay bears are the easiest type of man to get. And I say this as an ugly as hell looking mf.
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Double this. I put an ad out looking for a daddy on craigslist and it was like "hot-dogs-in-the-face-girl" shit. Allowed me to be super selective and picky there were so many thirsty daddies in my inbox.
Also saved that pic cause fuck does it remind me of me and daddy.
Jack Radcliffe, he is a god in the gay community. Men would literally kill at his command.
girl, be calm
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What must I do to be right in between them, tongue kiss & all???
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fuck yeah
holy fuck sauce pls
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Great build. Moar?
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same type of retards who think any slightly-feminine gay man that was at the forefront of gay liberations in the 60s was secretly a tranny. so that these t-fags can have an excuse to write themselves into our history.
who is this again? holy thighs damn
hard to see, but name is literally in the watermark. mrkurdo or mrturk.
get a fucking job holy shit
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Looks latino to me.
Me encanta, postea más

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