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This is one hot Alabama daddy
He's sexy.
ew no
Damn he's so fine.
Until he shows his dick or fucks on cam, this thread is pointless.

Go jerk off to instagram and stop creating cancer threads.
Just because he doesn't show his dick or fucks that doesn't mean he isn't sexy. Swole Southern men can be hot too
>Swole Southern men can be hot too
>"Like me, a fatanon in Alabama"
Weirdly defensive thing to write, since I didn't say anything like that.

I called this thread pointless and as boring as jerking off to instagram.
Which proves you're nothing but a sex crazed dog. This is a board for handsome men and they don't have to show their dicks. They can just look pretty.
Look at this dumb faggot pretending he's holier than everyone else.
Save the pics if you like him, cause this guys gonna be dead in a few years from steroid abuse.
He's a massive heart attack walking. To make it even worse, he's such a greasy-looking guido that his muscles don't make him attractive anyway. It's sad, really
>pectus excavatum
Seems men with sunken chest are more likely to roidmax
I thought you were casting Harry Potter spells involving pec worship
Keep in mind that this man is my husband. I asked him to marry me yesterday and he said yes, and I kiss him every day. I will ALLOW you to keep looking at his pictures, but he is mine.
Shut up. Muscles are always attractive
Enjoy the grease, you pig.
I would lick a mcdonald's grease trap every day for the rest of my life just for the privilege of being in the same room as this man.

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