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No clue who this is but the video is hot. I feel like you rarely ever see a guy finger his own load in his ass.
So he went viral for adopting an orphaned squirrel and finagled that into an OF career? What a world we live in!
was he fucking the squirrel?
Yep, and a few days ago the squirrel was confiscated. The judge is a democrat, and so is NY, so it is used for politics now.

Crazy world.
The squirrel is now dead.
Euthanized to check for rabies even though it was a domesticated indoor pet for the last 7 years.
Someone's gonna get sued.
He’s hot
So does he do mostly solo stuff or?
We're in the wildest timeline
what a waste
Wish I was his squirrel.
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on the contrary. thank god.
I knew he had an OF when he kept having his ass in clear view on his instagram
He looks so familiar
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RIP peanut but I would absolutely slobber on that guys cock

You wish you were murdered by an overreaching, bureaucratic city government?
I’m still mad. Don’t let this thread die.
He has a bimbo girlfriend so I doubt he does gay content that's not solo
But now that Peanut the Squirrel is dead he might as well have to resort to that for more money
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He (Squirreldaddy) is hot but using an animal as a sort of mascot for your thirst traps/OF gives me the ick
Any update on the squirrel
I crave vengeance

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