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To stop all the source threads deleting good content, a general source thread is required. /r/ doesn't do gay shit and mods ban/delete individual source threads.

How to obtain your source:
1) Post your picture or description
2) Post what you want (name, company, etc)
3) Post any information you have (where/when the picture is from, etc)
4) Wait for a mars/hm/allow to help you and then say thanks.

Together we can stop the 404ing of good porn.

Please use Yandex (highly recommended) or Google image search (fuck google image search though) before posting in this thread.

There is also a gay porn encyclopedia which can be found here:
It has a huge library of many different actors, studios, films and other information which you may find helpful.

Finally, please do not reply to users who ask for a source by creating their own thread. This removes porn from /hm/ and they should not be rewarded for their actions.

Previous Sauce Thread: >>2645485
Looking for either the full version of this video, or an ID of any of the guys. Or both of those would be even better. I definitely know there is a longer version, it lasts maybe 2 minutes iirc. Was responded on a twitter that has since been suspended/deactivated.

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Does anybody know where this came from?
hung twink with pubic content


his twitter was sth like @lilac but is gone... anyone got any more of him?
Shawn Wolfe and Hunter Page from NakedSword
anyone know their names?
Does anyone know who the guy on this video is? I used to follow him on twitter some years ago and now I can't find him anywhere. Please, I need him.
Getting nothing from yandex or reverse google. A lot of very similar looking guys on google but none are this guy.

Anyone able to ID?
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Can anyone ID who this guy is? He performed for the nkw defunct JimmyZ Productions under the pseudoname Franco.
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sauce pls
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andrew juctice (top)
leo sweetwood (bottom)
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anyone seen him anywhere? says he's 27 5'11 155 8" cut -- in l.a. donka!
this is probably a long shot, but does anyone have this gif/webm of a guy preparing food on a kitchen counter while getting fucked from behind? the top has a large beard. The one I'm thinking about definitely isn't from the "right in front of my salad?" video.
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This looks like Brutal Tops but does anyone know what the title is? Or have a link to it? All their old videos on places like Boyfriendtv got taken down unfortunately. And everyone on Thisvid has them privated.
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Looks like a similar set up, but has different dom guy in it. Either it's the same video or they did multiple versions of it.
Erik steinhagen
Even though hes huge that is shooped tho
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Anyone know their names or the source of a longer version?

Any longer videos of this?
i think that's Franco from the now defunct JimmyZ Productions but that might have been a pseudonym
Anyone know where this is from?
Hence why I asked if anyone knew what his real name was.
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Whos the owner of these tits?
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need a source on this guy please
From what I could find, Arran Arogundade/arranaro on twitter.
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anyone know who the bottom is?
chuck conrad. man, porn literacy is going downhill if you have to ask about pornstars from the biggest name studios
nta but I've never seen or heard of that guy
There is this Kit Connor fake where he is wet and in the shower, all he is wearing is white underwear and his dick is visible underneath. It was made by MCF! Where do i find this!!!
Nta and same
do you know what vid it's from?
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I swear to god no reverse image search pulls up this guy, and on one of the vids there's someone saying he's got a tiktok account, but didn't hand over his fucking @. I wanna know who he is fr

The guy getting sucked is Gabriel Clark. Not sure of the exact video though.
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Anyone got a link to the full video? Or know the guys in it?
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Anyone know who's this?

Found him here https://x.com/paultl691/status/1836380194908836046
Anyone know who the guy on the left is? With the long hair. I can't make out if his name is Jeff or Geoff. He's from https://xhamster.com/videos/threesome-doing-the-little-train-bareback-1016622
Reality Dudes - William Seed, Mr. Deep Voice and Chuck Conrad
Anyone know this?
Tom Wolfe (guy on left) and Cal Skye
Who is THIS?!
Jeff Palmer

I waited 900 seconds to tell you that the naked guy is Martin Love.
Craig Marks
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Who is this beauty??
Who is this? thisvid.com/videos/self-sucking-gooner/
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who's this italian camwhore?
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longshot I know but I'd love to know who this guys are. they are spaniards and 2 of them are twins

thexbibqueen on twitter. judging by his following, he seems to be straight but loves self-sucking and playing with his butthole
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Anyone recognise this?
The black guy in the back has a flat top like Adrian Hart. Could potentially be him, but no idea who the white guy is, although he looks vaguely familiar.
Looks like Roxas Caelum and one of the 2 guys in this video:


Picrel looks like it's from this vid I linked but skimming through it I couldn't find the exact moment.
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Anyone know who this guy is?
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privated video I dont have a thisvid account to watch. could even be the same video but it's at least longer the 4 parts in your link combined

if anyone manages to access it please share, I think they're hot too
Guy on left is the twitter account user.
Bottom is his husband I think.

Bump. Anyone got any ideas?
Thank you anon, that does look to be him! But for some reason I can't find that scene in any video of his. At least with a google search nothing seems to match.
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anyone got an idea who this is?
Asking again in case anyone knows what I'm talking about. A quick couple minute long video, amateur looking, with what looks to be a few friends hanging out when one of them moons the camera for a long time spreading his buttcheeks and showing his asshole to the camera. One of the friends talks about it like "Don't you want his juicy butthole, all that hair" and stuff.
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This one? It's a mega fat bitch.
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sauce please
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Who is he?
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anyone have a link to the vid?
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Does anyone knows who he is or his socials? I think his name is Ryan
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who's the white guy?

Ryan Kenny
Goes by rmkenny3 on IG (private tho)
thegingerbearman on OF but it looks barren atm (says no posts)

Bumping for info
Anyone know who this is?
Link is to a video of him showing a few more angles but it's pretty much the same amount of details as what's in the pic.

id this guy please
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any info about this
name of these actors or video? it's a spanish meme
sucker is thatguyfromwales
receiver is hard valentine

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top- hardtomxxx
bottom- _j_o_c_k
Brennan Fjord
ive been looking for his name over 4 years, anon T_T thank you
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Who these?
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who is the pink hat?
Looks like Model Togyela Dominik
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Any idea who this is? Looking for a name or more videos.
Here's your source:

In Portuguese it says:

My psychologist:
What makes you happy?
a male reproductive system
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Source on this? 5 guys in a cinema room watching gay porn together. 2 min video was posted by Jakub Stefano on twitter, but couldn't find anything with just that.

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Can anyone ID the top? Account isn't the source and hasn't given credit - it just posts a whole buncha videos.

the one on the right is alfie cinematic but these guys have so many alts its confusing. your best bet is to mine through their twitter posts. the one on the left is martin (something)
Diego Mineiro and Jordan
Anyone know the video where a tall slim guy fucks a blue mini fleshlight then cums in a room with a tarp under him? It's from some studio and has a shower scene too, his name starts with a K
That’s spanish
I'm pretty sure it translates to "suck my cock bitch n u better swallow"
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who's the bottom?
who's this?


Anyone know who this is or have a longer version of this?
Draconblue i think
Duncan Black.
The top is with Connor Maguire
ah thanks. i remember him now. he's actually straight huh? no videos of him playing with a guy?
source / name of guy sucking?
Anteo Charro
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Anybody know who the daddy is? There's a bunch of vids on th1sv1d posted, but they're private and I can't find them anywhere else
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aussie_hunts ig

max adonis and alex mecum

zeb and ellis corbinfisher

this one maybe?
twitter thickazzbois/status/1618682933363236864
gayhoopla collin simpson but idk who the guy on the right is


pornhub model jackob-millan

@bigz_joseph and adam ramzi
>twitter thickazzbois/status/1618682933363236864
Says that the link doesn't work.
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Anyone know which timtales this is from?
looking for a vid of a ginger or blonde college bro showing off in his bedroom, Baylor flag in background. Can’t find it anywhere
Does anybody have any idea who this is?
Does anyone have the destiny nick fuentes video?
Anyone know who this is?

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I know this is Twinktyer on twitter but anyone got the link for the full video? His coomer page doesn't go back that far

the top looks like Marcos https://xhamster.com/videos/spaccaculi-marcos-henrique-miranda-xh6rj9j?t=15.17&utm_campaign=embed&utm_content=21238998&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=www.bing.com&utm_term=title ? and https://www.xvideos.com/video.kodkclvbf07/big_marcos_gets_the_tattoo
eew hopefully no
There's no proof that it was Nick Fuentes in that Destiny cock sucking video
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anyone know who this is?
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Anyone know name of scene or top??

nta but HOLY FOOK does somebody need to carry your finger across the keyboard and type .com/ to complete the link for you?
hot and then that shit costume jewelry
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Who is dat??
Okay I just did that and it STILL says the link doesn't work...
Dan Damage
Doesn't work because it's x not twitter now, maybe

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i have him saved as William Mann
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who is that?
anyone know who this is?
Still doesn't work so it definitely isn't a me issue. The link just doesn't go anywhere.
Nvm. It's Tim Reed / dadbod_reinvented
They don’t look nothing similar
@notcaspar on tiktok and instagram
Thanks anon.
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Used to be obsessed with this picture, anyone can ID?
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Please id this nasty popper bitch
Do you know who this is?
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who is this? tried yandex and it gave nothing
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Anyone know anything about this one? I can't find anything on it.
Not sure if he's top or bttm, but this guy seems to be the source of that image

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Anyone know who this is? I found a twitter account last year with very little description or text used, but had exclusively all photos (and a lot) of this guy so I'm presuming it's his tw. But I never saved it or took note of it. Think his handle started with an 'i'
seems to be your guy "sharonshirazy"

its 18+ content so you would need a twitter account to see sensitive content

jesse stone

might be from ruscapturedboys -- reverse image hints at Captured Secret Agents
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Who is this I’ve tried reverse searching a heap of twitter/spree only getting reposts with no source
That's it! Thankyou anon
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Gabriel Cross & Scott Wilds. They’re bf’s irl so plenty of content together.

Idk how they’re so popular. Faces look like fetal alcohol syndrome. Guess that’s what passes as attractive these days.
i think its @pere3838389 on twitter
Can anybody tell me what is their handle? Only got Bruce and Steven in Google Search which is obviously fake. Top looks like Paul Cassidy but not sure
This clip has been going around for years. Anyone know where it came from, or the tops name?

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Who's this?
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Anyone know this camwhore's name?
Found this through Yandex.

tipmanusa on chaturbate

There's some videos around in tube sites.
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Any clues? Got this from the BONG! thread.
The combination of Rexona deodorant and SBP insecticide makes me think the guy is brazilian.
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anyone know who this is?
It appears the the video got deleted. anyone have a working link?
One is definitely scott wilds
not sure who the other is though, he has tattoos gabriel cross doesn't
Who is this? Finding nothing but a lpsg thread which is where I found it.
roosterstampede on OF/TWT/IG

you can match the tattoos or, better yet, here he is tagged in the same pic
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Trying to find out who this is without much success. The beard throws reverse image search off lol.
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the necklace is the only hint i get

I owe you my life thank you anon
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Who's this guy?
Hi good people. Any info in this? Thanks!
Bump.. Anyone?
Thanks! But it looks like that CB account was deleted. Know if he's back under a new name?
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Don't even know if this would be the right place to ask but anyone knows their way around Tiktok and might be able to identify this guy? Had the find saved from some time ago but lost the name unfortunately.
I know he's also a biker boy who does masked videos flexing and has an instagram.
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Nevermind, found him and his twitter/X
Thnx anon!!
anyone know who the guy in the third clip of this comp is? The guy in the grey-walled shower getting felt up.

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sauce for these possible twins?
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Tyrone Bell - str8

of/twt: hotcoupleonshow
Legend, thx!!
Hristo Kamburov
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Not twins
PH: HandsfreeBoyz
Thank you, anon!
This is one of those random untagged Tumblr posts, any idea on a sauce (just his name)? Reverse image did nothing for me.
Sorry for the woman, but I love seeing cocky hot guys fuck. Any source ideas? Same clip is all over myvidster, but no full vid. Want to see this dude cum.

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Help me find this muscle twink with huge dick and a tattoo "Eduardo Gueda"
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More of the same guy
Women are so retarded, their cocksucking skills are laughable 99% of the time
anyone here have this full video?

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anyone know who this is? i've seen a few pictures around
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Never mind it's Joey Sullivan, I got it
Caleb Strong & Skylar West
no idea but yeah that guy's hot
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does anybody remember a guy (straight, blond, bear-lookin) that has onlyfans and has a tatoo on his chest that says "be nice" (or be gentle)
i dont remebert his name, is (or looks like) the guy being choked
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lex lederman
thank you so much
ruined himself with other tattoos
Agreed. He's completely unwatchable now
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Who ist the guy getting fucked here? Not Sean Xavier, the other guy in the video? https://www.gaydudesfucking.com/videos/46659/seanxavierbare/
anyone know this camboy? https://www.webcamjackers.com/video/jmscnfln-153745.html
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someone knows who this guy is? or anyone with more vids of similar guys?

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anyone know who this is?

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Anyone know him?
Movie is "The Isle of Men" by Sarava Productions (Scene 5)

That would be Ivan Cseska, i believe
Drake Von, Jayden Marcos & Zane Walker

Tony Genius
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top's name pls

The top is Callum
Anyone know who this is? I got it from a tumblr which had 2 other angles but neither showed much more identifying details than this one (one was a front shot, other was another side angle iirc).
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Anyone know who this is or got more of him?

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