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/hm/ - Handsome Men

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I hope jannies doesn’t delete this thread
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We dont wanna see these gross twinks, it's called handsome MEN for a reason

I hope they do which is why i reported it.
Disgusting u derage androgynous freak--this board is for handsome MEN.

OP, take it to /lgbt/, they love trannies there
Twinks is the most watched gay porn
ew go back to /lgbt/
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Twinks of /int/
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haribo 1
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haribo 8
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haribo 9
post any other haribo pics i missed
basic bitch
haribos butt my penis inside
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do you have any more haribo pics?
Wish to be an haribo for Haribo.
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shallo hole
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his softie
wtf kind of unhinged posting
this person needs help
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its off topic this is for sluts only
skunk post
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any more of skunk?
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more holden
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some rare skunk hole
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holden almost full frontal
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timur 2
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cute.jpg poster
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any lewds of them?
just a mess idgi
anyone have pics of freshienon?
More skunk plz
more timur too
why can't i find sexy twinks like this? do they all live in California?
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skunk hole video
happy jerking anon
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some more shallo for your jerking pleasure
imagine getting to smack this red
I posted this one of him so long ago lol
Any of him cumming i deleted the videos i used to have rip
never heard of the cumming video so i dont have it
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also post any skunk pics you have left
Youre all really creepy and these are all gross
holy shit he’s hot. Wish there were vids.
Holy shit he’s cute
I would devote myself to loving him so much. He'd never ever be lonely and if he needed space I'd give him that too. I'd do anything for this boy.
There is. He was a camwhore for a bit.
can you try to act normal? he might give you a chance
Is shallo a top or a bottom?
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Chubs deluxe was a cute little fatty
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Jonah from R9K sadly no nudes or lewds
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That’s an ex gaygen trip called pea and now r9gay trip
Here’s him dressed up like a girl
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He's got an incredibly hot body. I wish there was more of him
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ive seen his arse and no >>2655033
he is not a crossdresser
It’s him
literally not him though
how do you know? do you know him personally?
discord what? you stalk him on discord?
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finnish twink from /int/
/fa/ qt, those liquify camera filters are gross tho
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I think he just has a shitty camera
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his tiny pathetic little cock
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he was literally born just to be a human fleshlight look at that cute little useless cock
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I require more FEET give me more anon FEET
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More shallo’s ass
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Hyacinth’s tummy
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kinda sad that i'm not in any of these pics boohoo
anyway anybody got that pic of a guy (twink but fairly fit, no hair) on his knees, leaning back with his hands on the floor? Completely nude, couldn't see face and I think he was next to a window.
bishit? is that you?
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is that the norwegian from /int/

More like swallow (me)
Why are all of his pics just like a slug laying there lol, lift it up pull the skin back or something
Who is he?
because men are mediocre lol
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Anybody got more of him?
Nobody in Finland has a shitty camera. Even lowest NEETs can buy a phone with decent camera. I think you are the person in these images.
thirdie logic
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chilean twink from /int/
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He was cute when he was younger. Great dick, great erection.
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Kris Nagyerdei had such a rockin' body. Beautiful uncut dick, too. I wish I had more of him naked / cumming.
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cut dicks are so fucking ugly
Your face and personality are fucking ugly. And you have more ability to change those things than a victim of involuntary infantile male genital mutilation does. If you killed yourself, that would solve everyone's problems, yours included.
lmao touched a nerve?
what does that freak look like now?
I think I have the same shirt
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Checked and would breed.
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Hot body and dick contrast
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Browse occasionally, pic related (usual /hm/ attire)
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Thigh highs off
Cute <3
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From lgbt
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Blue Wall Guy
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Anon posted in gaygen
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More Hyacinth’s tummy
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British anon from /int/
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Spread those cheeks and let us see that fuck hole.
show bussy
How is Liam these days?
That’s not Liam lol. Hes a boy from tg
I’d recognize him anywhere. And I’m guessing you’re George?
Lol nope. You’re wrong my friend. Its a guy from tg. He wanted to be a sub. I got some pics and some info. He got scared and blocked me
Yeah that sounds like Liam lol I guess he’s on telegram now
I don’t even know who Liam is. But ive seen this guys id. It didnt say Liam. But fair enough. Go ask himself
Just checked for his tg. It’s @heliodibs
trip on
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steve from /gaygen/
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british schizoid twink from /int/ /b/ and /pol/
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in my folder with him but not sure
does he still post
he 100% trooned out
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he rarely posts on /int/
he either hasn't aged at all or just reposts old pics like sasha the russian twink
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Brazilian anon from /int/
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other version of that pic
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Russian dick catfished by an argie from /int/
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More steve
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Finnish gem.
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Please post more /int/ twink nudes.
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Meow from /r9gay/
are these >>2655102 ?
Who is this?
Same guy
moar femboy/trannies
He might be cute
I think he is
Is there any info about those "Twinks of /int/"? an archived thread?
what kind of info?
Basically more of their content
its quite hard finding specific stuff here
Which ones? I have some stuff from some of them
which ones do you have stuff from? do they use usernames or something to recognise them?
a few of them. no they don't use names, just pics. which ones you looking for? I can find what I got
send them all, but in "batches"

basically don't mix their pics and specify which one they are
are you on it?
damn... guess we'll never have the photodump
Last one of him
well I only have a few some some but then I'd need to reverse search archives to find the rest
just post what you have and tell me which county they're from
still nothing?
I have a video of him getting fucked by an old guy lol
is this him? https://xhamster.com/gay/creators/fiiimka
only the spanish and the first brit are cute
seconding this
enough boring average looking dudes
time for some twinks
is there anything of the frenchie or russian?
just anything you have would be great
the russians pics are mostly here >>2654519
I have pics of the french yes, but they are not nudes. just pics of him
I can't jerk off to twinks for ants
do you have a high res version of that pic where he's on all fours?
anything sexy?
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fuck yes thank you so much finally
he's a real qt is there really no nudes of him??
no he doesn't have nudes. any others you want? I can see what I have
let me look up the flags idk what these are
american moment
feet also work btw
well I never thought geography lessons would have helped me goon to twink porn
anything of the croat or finnish ones? the arab is a qt too
how do you find that stuff anyway?
Who is Steve I want MORE
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need more twinks ASAP
this little slut needs serious rape correction
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Pietro’s tummy
still waiting...

I didn't consent to my private pictures being spread. How do I delete this?
you used to spam that shit every other day on /b/ and /r9k/ it's not exactly private
I regret it now, you must respect my decision
well idk I didn't post it I just jerk off to it
you got cute legs
Did you cum?
was just edging a bit rn
busted a fat load to your smooth legs and ass yesterday
you should post more lewds
no nudes?
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from /lgbt/
i've came a decent amount of times to his nudes also~
Sadly no
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Timur’s dick
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Borzhimoi! Where does he post these days?
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got a few of him saved from /hm/ i think
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Fuck he’s so hot!
Didn't he kill himself? I recall seeing some pics of his memorial/funeral
Man, I just wanna put my nose tight up against the backside of his nutsack after a hot, sweaty day and inhale
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That's the story as I understand it, ya.
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He used to post on reddit for a while years ago, got a few of his accounts banned for some reason, then posted some on twitter I think? I don't know where he is now, if he's still posting.
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uhm that cock looks delectable
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Yeah, he's been blessed.
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Incredible body and cock from /soc/
That’s not you?
did he post socials?
This post is how twinks act when they age out of being a twink. :(
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/pol/ twink
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Chatpic fags craving exposure.
Pretty sure this is an underage female to male that the tranny hater spam on lgbt

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