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Just discovered this cockumentary that displays some very beautiful cocks

Going to post some big men from it, and whatever else, if you have more from the same movie or anyone who measures up, please post away

I just can't resist a nice man with a huge schlong
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sorry to break your heart but all of these are fake.

There has never been proof of anyone with a dick longer than 9.5 inches. There is still a $10k bounty out for someone with proof. No one has done it.
Isn’t that supposed “bounty” just on some gay porn site?

This Matt Barr guy has been examined by doctors in the UK and been on medical podcasts about his monster cock. The bounty proves they’re super rare not that they don’t exist.
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speaking of 9.5 inches this guy is, I've had a crush on him all week long and I've been thinking about his cock constantly. It's just so sexy!
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man...I one time knew I guy with a bulge exactly like this.
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This mold of himself is so stunning
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This >>2655795
And this >>2655803
Are not the same
this, if it was real it wouldn't be photos of guys hiding it and trying to be cute. Biggest I ever saw was Jonah Falcon, he messaged me on scruff but I was busy and didn't get back to him. Oh well
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Are this people trying to make us believe that the dick on this underwear is the same of this dildo?
Flaccid vs erect?
that dude is also lying, he boasts he's 13 inches and has only shown it like once, and it's clearly not even 8.

bro he claimed that shit on tabloid sites and has shown no proof. I find it hilarious these dipshits will claim something insane and then be all like "I don't want to be known for pornography!" while claiming some ridiculous sexual record.
how many people have you known that more than doubled in girth flaccid vs erect
he's fucking adorable regardless of cock size. Is there more of him in the full episode? I've only seen the youtube clip
yeah, he was caught faking it last year, not sure why people believe it's real still.
>Biggest I ever saw was Jonah Falcon
Even he's a bullshitter. His dick's big, but nowhere near what he claims it to be. He stretches his foreskin and calls that his length. I saw a video of him playing with it, and it's 9 inches at the most
hmmm how tantalizing
Listen men, all I know is that I love big dick, to me these penises are beautiful, and I want to love them as fully as a cock can get hard. Don't you just want to rub your face into these dicks? Smell musky cock and feel him get hard? Because that all I think about when I stare at these big boys.
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Any links or the story?
What is even photoshop
Yea thats a pretty obvious one, admittedly my collection dips in quality after these pics,

but whatever, cock is cock
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No, that's not the real picture, this is the real one
It's not "people", they keep feeding in the fantasy so they can be praised for something that needs no talent of work of any kind. Like the double dicked guy that was the biggest scam of the century.
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wow, I'm in love really.
4 minutes on photoshop.
Doctors analized this dick and said that is nothing but a guy with a really big cancerigenous foreskin.
LOL what the fuck hahaha.

This pictures took me right to 1999 when photoshop was hard to master and we downloaded images from limewire and blogspot.
>Doctors analized this dick
must have hurt.
You can literally see the base of the dildo
You can find his thread on lpsg and see the timeline of his meltdown (joe brady from my massive c***)
And his images are on comment.cafe, they are really bad.

It's an easy money grab at the end of the day and many consumers don't think twice, as long it's cock-shaped someone will buy it.
damn you're right, those are really obvious shops
why is it always the extremely ugly guys who have giant cocks?
shit thread
>This pictures took me right to 1999 when photoshop was hard to master
Looks more like Soviet era photo editing
Mine gets an extra 2.5 to 3 cms girth from soft to hard, which is barely a 20% increase
you havent seen shit yet
I saw a guy measure 9.8 inches but yes I would agree I don’t think there is actually anyone on earth who’s 10+
I think the world record is apparently 13.5. https://nypost.com/2022/10/26/man-with-worlds-largest-penis-says-its-still-growing/
And yes, it's a medical anomaly, not something's like... not a product of some unique pathology. Dicks larger than 8 inches are like... less than 2% of the population or something like that.
Good grief, you people are so gullible.
There's no official record. And Jonah Falcon is a bit of a bullshitter. He's one of those who only shows the bulge, but in that one video where he plays with it in camera, it's not actually anywhere like as big as he says it is
Why do cut dicks always look like they've been rolled around in dirt?
uh theres photos of his dick in this thread
I kinda love how Jonah Falcon just looks fat and ugly as shit. Pretty based, honestly.
I know. And it's nowhere near as big as he says it is
what a shit thread
These are barely thumbnails
might as well quote the national enquirer
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What does that have to do with the thread topic?
His flaccid penis is way bigger than an average erection. He's gripping it with two hands in that one photo and its barely a semi. The thing is huge
you're the type of person that gets convinced the earth is flat
It's not over a foot long though. He exaggerates by a lot
>He's gripping it with two hands in that one photo
he's gripping it with two fingers. He looks 6 inches at most in that pic. He's a bullshitter and anyone dumb enough to fall for this shtick is hopeless.
I easily double in size from my flaccid length

I dont know why it's so unbelievable to people that man at his scale could exist
prove it faggot
Doubling in size is what happens to small penises, not big ones. My dick is 6 inches flaccid, but is less than 9 inches hard
>claims world-record statistic
>why is it so hard to believe he just is like that when you're not looking?????

don't claim to be a record breaker if you can't prove it. Simple as.
Bro has never heard of r/monstercocks
I'll cashapp you $10k if you find me a vid of someone measuring 10 inches legitimately.
uh its big ones also
okay, prove it.
Send pic of you fucking your own ass with your own dick first

Since it's such a nice size and all
burden of proof is on the one with the claim. I never said I have a monster dick. I have nothing to prove. Gullible retards like you on the other hand will believe any fat loser as long as they claim to be 20 inches
He thinks you're me because you replied to his reply to me
fuck you, you faggots

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