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Soft shaft, hard Tip. Great feeling
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Put a clitoris vibrator into my urethra
Swollen foreskin after wearing a ring around the tip for 1 workday
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Fork play
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Simulate being circumisioned with rubber bands
thats just you lil bro, you weird asf
thats just pain...
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For years I masturbated by cock-and-ball torture. Tying by cock tightly with twine, sitting on a hot radiator (old school radiator, picrel) with my cock under my legs, putting my cock in vises.
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I put coins in my foreskin for a thread on /soc/ once. It was a while ago, but I remember that I managed to get at least a dollar in quarters in there. I made sure to wash them first. Who knows where they'd been ;)
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AAA battery =]
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Hot! Whats the longest you kept your skin banded back?
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Only 1 day because the bands hurt a bit after some time. Probably I need another tool for that
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A bar of Irish spring soap, because I love uncut white cock. Sorry I'm ashy
nice man, I used to do something similiar in high school, wanted to be like the cut guys lol. Only could get it to hold for a few hours at most.
Anyways that is a great uncut cock you have there anon, would love to see some more high res picks with the skin pulled right back (either banded or just old fashioned hand pull back)
Post some more of this cock with the band on pls anon?
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I had to, it's a perfect fit.
this is hot af, now lets see some of just your cock normal pls anon? skin pulled right back to expose that nice head pls =]
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Like to pull it back to the max
Nice heads. Would love to suck em. Can you cum like that or ist it constricted?
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me to, lets see some more of that cock pulled back anon =]
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taken any new banding pics lately sir?
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Wow this ist extreme
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Fuck anon, that pull back is epic!!
I need more of this cock skinned back.
And anon, make it high res pls, that uncut cock deserves it.
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