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Why am I attracted to heft builds like this? My husband isn't even hefty, he's beefy and build but I want him to get fatter, why bros?
bc they're hot and exude masculinity + they're strong
Fuck, you right maybe I should hook up with one
why just one? don't be shy
How do I get more than ONE? Just thinking about TWO hefty men bumping me gets me horny
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Fuck, I love this build so much. I want a man to have this build and fuck me
if only men like this knew how fucking hot they are, i'd drop to my knees instantly if i saw him FUCK
the build i'm going for rn
They are so fucking HOT, like seeing them in public got me looking at them wishing they'd follow me or approach me
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What's your build rn? Don't stop or quit, keep doing it till your that build and than keep bulking till you're BIGGER
Get telegram

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twunk turning into a bear, getting really hairy on the belly, chest, legs and shoulders, my main problem is i'm tall and have fast metabolism so i'm gonna start lifting and eating more. picrel is what i'm going for but beefier, any recs?
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Oh fuck, show us the hairy belly please! What's your height? The tall doesn't do much metabolism but it's harder to look hefty, best thing is bulking, not just gut but arms and legs bulking. Weights, workouts and exercises
not the best but i'm getting there, veeeeery slowly but i'm trying, i want to have a nice hairy and hefty belly and add some muscles too
Do you happen to have telegram? How tall are you currently? You've got the belly nice and hairy, and it's shaping up
i don't sorry, i'm 6'4 and yeah is getting there i'm way hairier now
Fuck! Show us how hairy it is now, like a pic today. Do you have any other method to chat?
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The idea of being built like this makes me horny.
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He's PERFECT, too bad his Twitter is gone now
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God, I wish I saved more pics of him :(
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He has an OnlyFans so there is that
let's do it bros, perfect time for bulking, me personally i'm loving growing a belly, gotta work on the muscles too but i'm trying
Hell yeah, lift and bulk, grow and gain bros
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I want somebody to be my gym bf, so I can train and eat all day then get home so I can cuddle him all night.

Is it gay to want a more shapely ass and chest too?
>Is it gay to want a more shapely ass and chest too?
if by gay you mean happy then sure, work on being comfortable on your own skin big bro
Fuck man, why you gotta go for the feels like that? >.<. Lifting big, motivating and pushing each other, eating lots and laughing than back to the home and cuddles, soft touches and kisses while laughing

How is that gay?! Better chest and ass are a sign of MASCULINITY bro, get big, grow big and always grow bro
nice ass
do bears count?
As long as they are hefty bears
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alright then
I started to bulking up myself. I've noticed that i cum much more and further. Also, I want to top more. did you guys have similar experience? I'm curious.
i dont really pay attention to my cum but i do get super horny when bulking and and also hear my cumshots sound so loud almost like pissing, so i'm guessing yeah. also share some tips for bulking, i'm having a tough time and i'm getting tired of drinking 1L of milk a day
Eat peanut butter and whole milk. Bulk with carbs too, potatoes and try some chocolate shakes. You really wanna get the belly bigger, have a 2nd meal after 7pm if possible or straight snack on something with calories to add more bulk.
It's seems that halva work for me or any high calorie desert.
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i'm lactose intolerant unfortunately but i've been drinking lactose free milk but yesterday after drinking the 1L in one sitting i was sleepy and could barely move and got hungry again until 6-7pm it fucking sucked. i might go for donuts and ice cream for desert, or donuts dipped with peanut butter, i don't want to eat too many sugary shit
what is that
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Bread and peanut butter for carbs and protein. The milk you're drinking ain't gonna bulk you up. You need the fats in milk and since you lactose intolerance won't let you, you're gonna have to go to an alternative now. Ice cream is too sweet. Highly recommend gainer shakes. You'll bulk up a lot and mix the shake with some foods and watch the belly grow af you lift and bulk. Last resort would be steroids, it gets you a muscle gut

It's a middle eastern type of food, very good and sweet bread type. Try some and eat a whole one too
What a photo 0.0
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damn, i just really like how bloated milk gets me but i do have to drink a lot for that to happen and it puts me to sleep so easy
>gainer shakes
do you have any recommendatios for a starter of these? i used to do ones with peanut butter, 2 cups of milk, banana and some oatmeal like 4 years ago and those would stuff me to the brim
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If you want bloat, try beers and drinking at minimum 6. That beer gut will grow bigger and it's better than milk bloat.

Well it's any kind of gainer shakes, most are generic and they work. I say do that agin, but double that intake and stay on in.

This your Twitter? Nice man, you're belly is fucking hot and you are good for the bulking, muscle and gains
that's not me anon sorry, it's what i'm aiming for
Even if it's NOT you, get that bod bro. Don't slack or stop man, you can bulk up better.

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