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Confess, trade stories.

My confession is, my first gay experience was with a much older guy and I lied about my age to do it. Found him on craigslist when it was still a thing and agreed to meet for a quick blow and go. We met at a movie theater and I hopped in. We drove around a bit and talked, then found a spot to park away from traffic. He had an old pick up so there was no center console or anything so all I had to do was scoot over. He reaches up and puts his hand on the back of my head and pulls me down into his lap. He fishes his cock out and feeds it to me and doesn't even give me time, just starts going at it. Not quite deep throat thankfully otherwise I would have had to tap out. He held me there and just used me for an hour or so. When he finally blew, he came all over my face and was loud about it. I've been a sub ever since.
I want to rule an island full of muscular Hispanic men.
This ise except I want to be the ruler of a whole island of muscular Desi Men with smooth/hairy brown skin and bubble butts having magnificent beards.
Speaking as an Indian brown guy myself.
I think I turned my friend gay.

We were both 14 and watching a movie (not porn) in my bedroom. There was a man and woman kissing in it and I asked him if he ever kissed anyone. He said no and I asked if he wanted to try. I guess we were both curious so we tried it. At first it was really awkward, just pressing our lips together but eventually out mouths opened and it got really sensuous.

After a few minutes he asked if I was hard and we realized we both were and I suggested we take out cocks out and stroke while we kissed. To make a long story short, we ended up jacking each other off while kissing.
My first was also with an older guy (I was 14, he was in his 50's). It also set me on the road to being a sub/bottom.
Um how old were you?
Currently in a relationship with my bf for almost 10 years now. (We're both 27, and both arabs)
He is a 10/10 handsome face, muscular, gamer, good in bed, we like the same things etc.. true husband material
But i've been cheating on him for 2 years with an ugly white dude with a huge dick (23cm)
When he is at work im getting fucked like a whore on our bed or even on the floor.
I try to stop but im always horny and the other dude knows it.
Worst thing i did was getting fucked in our basment while he was meeting his Mom upstairs.
(Told him i wasn't ready to meet her even if he introduced me as his friend)
Guy came and filled me in the basement, went upstairs kissing my bf 4min later still smelling like the other guys dick
Kill yourself. You’re fucking pathetic and self entitled. Ah yeah it’s all fine for you to fuck around but not your partner.

What an actual piece of shit. You’re worse than the 50 year old pedophile mentioned earlier imo.
He may have been. This went on for about six months and then he disappeared,
>Currently in a relationship with my bf for almost 10 years now
>He is a 10/10 handsome face, muscular, gamer, good in bed, we like the same things etc.. true husband material
>But i've been cheating on him for 2 years with an ugly white dude with a huge dick (23cm)
i will never understand you retarded degenerate faggots, i legitimately don't want to be gay anymore it's insane
I Was talking to someone for quite a while on a dating app, he was a cute 54 daddy, i went to his house and it was a lot of fun. But i noticed when i was at his house that he had a lot of iconography (christian icons) and a whole bookcase of religious related books. Didn't think much of it at the moment but after coming home i searched his number on google for fun and found out he was literally my regions bishop..... Mind you he gave me his number only just before we met. So yeah i basically fucked a high ranking priest.
Dude....what is wrong with you?
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My confession is that my favorite thing in the world is being in a xxx arcade gloryhole booth stripped down to a jockstrap…worshipping cock like a total faggot
I fucked a retired priest and an active minister. Even men of the cloth need a little.
Bruh..come on. 13 year olds are not hot
I turned my older brother trans after beating the shit out of him. He's still not out of the closet, but I've found his hormones, id cards, and other very obviously trans flag colored belongings. My parents aren't any the wiser, because he's morbidly obese, so he can't really present as anything other than "fat guy." I feel bad for likely being the thing that knocked his screws loose.
>my first gay experience was with a much older guy and I lied about my age to do it. Found him on craigslist
Craigslist was such a bro. Found my first daddy there, too.
Same, and I absolutely thought I was dom. With girls, yes, but quickly found out I'm a sub bottom for guys. It was...eye opening. lol
I had a lot of gay experiences that in the end made me bisexual.
The fist time it was a rape, i got raped by an older cousin, he was arround 20 and i was around 5.
This happend when we were alone in the house, i was on my back playing with some toys in bed, he got on top of me blocking any move from my waist down, i could understand what was happening, but he eventually took my pants down and started to rub his dick on my ass cheek, he did this for a while, and once actually put it in, it hurt like hell and he stopped. That was the first time
Should i continue?
I'm at a different gym than my usual today and it's around the corner from the guy I was bending over for before I met my girlfriend. Now I can't get the memories of his dick getting hard in my mouth before I get into position for a pounding. I'll never cheat on my girl, but I wish I could get my hole worked by him one more time.
The first BJ I got was from a 40yo man in a hotel when I was 16.5.

>16yo hornball, kissless virgin cruising CL m4m around Christmas
>JUST got my license like a week before
>newfound freedom running wild
>bjfag posts looking for young cock, location is a hotel about 30m drive away
>had already been driving randomly for no reason so parents didn’t suspect anything
>reply, share some similar photos from the internet and he says he down
>jerk off 2-3 times the same day and keep fighting waves of disgust afterwards
>fuck it, tell him to send the room # I’ll be there in an hour

Turns out he works the front desk. Tall fat dude with rolls and a too small sweater

>arrive, takes me to an empty room
>make some small talk before he says something corny like “well we know why you’re here”
>told him I was 18 in college home on break and just needed release
>keep in mind I still (10+ yrs later) look like I’m barely 21, he had to know (I eventually told him - next text)
>pants come off, legs up tonguing my ass and sucking my balls
>im in heaven
>proceeds to give me a sloppy wet BJ for 15m before I bust with my cock buried down his throat. It ain’t big but it’s not small so I’m mind blown
>literally had never kissed anyone let alone had my dick touched
>recover while he prods around asking me if I want to recip
>no no no, just wanted head
>he asks if he can check out my ass so he can have something to masturbate to later
>bend over and let him spread my cheeks and grope my ass while
He rubs his cock over his pants
>leave with a wet ass and balls.
>get home, check email, he sends his phone number so we can do it again sometime

We ended up fucking around for years, stories will continue in next post
> few weeks later I’m mind bogglingly horny again and jacking off ain’t cutting it
>email the same guy, tells me to call him and we’ll setup a time to see each other
>call his number, it’s the front desk of the same hotel we met at the first time

>acts like he’s taking a reservation and I’m coming over Friday night around 10
>show up, same fat tall guy in a too tight sweater
>go to a different room this time, there’s a sheet over the bed and some extra towels

>tells me to shower and he’ll wait for me
>shower and come back to the bed, he’s naked jerking off
>7”, kinda skinny pencil dick, uncut and leaking. Had never seen another cock IRL so I’m interested
>jerk him off for a bit before he stops me and motions for me to lay down

>legs up, eats my ass for a while before taking me down his throat and swallowing my cock hole.
>nut ropes down his throat and he goes back to slowly teasing my cock, finger prodding my hole and massaging my balls. Feels incredible

>asks me to fuck him, still a kissless virgin so I agree
>bends over, smooth shaven hole but again he’s fat, so lots of rolls and body blemishes kinda turn me off but whatever
>hands me a condom so I wrap up and go nuts on his hole for 20m before he tells me to stop
>takes me down his throat again until I nut, totally exhausted
>he stays kneeling in front of me rubbing his cock, asks me to bend over in front of him as he finishes
>buries his face in my ass and tongues my hole as I feel his cum hit my legs

Clean up and go home, CANNOT stop thinking about how his cock looked as his foreskin slid over his tip again and again

>call the next day, plan to meet the next Friday night. Moms out of town (divorced) so just me at home all weekend, start making my plan

>Friday comes, I’ve bought and used an enema bulb from CVS and I’m ready to go. I’m going to get fucked
>meet him at the desk again, head to a room setup like last time and he tells me to shower
>come out of the shower and he’s naked like last time, jerking his cock
>standing there totally naked in front of a man old enough to be my Dad, watching his pink tip disappear and reappear

>climb on top of him and finally kiss someone
>his hands are all over my ass, playing with my hole
>spits on his hand and starts rubbing his cock, I lean back and slide him right in
>he’s shocked
>ride him as best I can but he’s chubby with a gut so it’s difficult
>eventually bend over and he fucks me doggy on the bed until it starts to hurt so I stop him

>he lays back down and I literally pounce on him
> start sucking his cock like my life depends on it and he’s totally caught off guard
>moaning and telling me not to stop, hand on my head and tell me how good it feels

>my cock is rock solid, cannot get enough of his dick. Totally surprised by the warmth and the weight, precum is salty and thick, gets caught in my throat but I love it

>tfw I still prefer uncut cock

>suck as best I can but it’s my first BJ so it’s toothy and I can’t go deep, just want his load in my mouth
>he stands up and jerks his cock while I suck his balls
>tells me he’s close so I go back to sucking and he blows into my mouth, choke and cough on it but swallow as much as I can

>lay down and he sucks me until I nut in record time, fall asleep for a bit and wake up an hour later, tell him to go get lube

>he comes back and spends the next 3h blowing my hole apart in every position we can manage

>go home around 4a with a sore hole and throat, tell him I’ll see him next week

He never asks why I don’t go back to college so I’m betting he knew I was lying even then.
Fuck around as often as we can for the next year, I’m constantly being bent over and railed and it’s heaven.

Get some sick pleasure out of letting this fat fuck use me like a whore in a nice hotel, swallow his load as best I can as often as I can and he always finishes me off with a BJ. Life is good.

We’ve spent a year talking about fantasies, what he wants me to do, keeps bringing up his other fuck buddy who has a “coke can dick”

Finally agree to playing with both of them

>Friday in November before thanksgiving, I’m now 17, meet around 9p at the same hotel
> his friend is younger than he is, maybe mid 30s, tall and lanky
>I shower, they’re both naked stroking each other on the bed
>mfw his friend is 8”, massively thick and uncut
>in seconds im getting spitroasted between them, his friend is blowing my asshole apart raw, feel like I’m getting split in two. My cock is dripping wet and achy
>spend the whole night getting destroyed and sent home with an ass full of cum

>call the next week and he’s avoidant
>get an email that he’s positive for chlamydia

Go to PP and get tested, positive for Chlamydia, it was his friend who had it

New years comes and mom makes dinner reservation at the same hotel, terrified to run into him, eventually see him and exchange glances but it doesn’t go any further

>call him randomly a few weeks after I turn 18, setup another play date with him and his friend, tell them both I’m 18 now and they freak out lol
>still spend the whole night getting railed, spend the whole summer before I go to college on my knees being used like a whore

Find out they’re both married with kids, met through a soccer camp their sons go to. I could’ve literally been their son’s age and they never knew.

Thinking back on it, they both fucked me underage and took photos 30-40 times

Yes I’m still a whore for daddy dick. Bigger the better, make it hurt.
Other random encounters

Browsing CL in 2014, dating a woman and hopelessly BI, home on winter break from school

Find an older dude looking for a young black twink, email and say I’m white but he can slut me out.

He’s super weird about where I need to park, how to tell him I’m there - can’t knock, don’t honk car horn when I lock it, don’t use the driveway or the alley etc

Turns out he’s an overnight caregiver for an elderly woman and she’s asleep, so gotta be quiet

Finally get inside and naked, on an air mattress in an office upstairs while the woman is downstairs

He gets naked and he’s hung like fucking crazy. 9”, leaking uncut tip but not super thick

I’ve been slutting around every time I’m single so I’m fucking READY to take it after not touching dick for months

Get used and abused all night, must’ve taken 4 loads up my ass, hole is gaped and sore

Spend an hour sucking him deep and keeping him in my throat as best I can until I get the last load and go home

Plan to see him in a few days, go to a sex shop and buy a tiny pink thong, chastity cage and most of a schoolgirl outfit

Show up when he says in sweats and a sweatshirt with my femme fit underneath

He goes nuts when he sees it and bends me over every piece of furniture in the office, sprays my face with his load while I beg for it and call him daddy, fucks the cum out of me twice

Get to talking and he’s 68, his mom is downstairs, he’s literally 38 years older than me and I can’t get enough.

I see him night #1 every time I go home and he can still fuck the cum out of me every time. Blows giant sticky loads that I happily lick up.

I just love old man cock.
Junior year of college, get bored and horny working on campus while GF is on spring break and home

Find a CL post looking for bottoms, meet up and it’s a chubby older dude with a chode

Gag and bounce on him until he blows his load begging me not to stop, dude is openly gay in a southern state and has a bunch of gays he plays with often


Meet up every day for a week before telling him to setup a blindfolded gangbang, Friday night comes and I’m on a bed blindfolded getting used by 10+ cocks in a night, ass is literally full of cum

Test positive for chlamydia again, takes months to clear it, break up with GF as soon as I test positive and spend the last months of the semester and summer sucking his dick every time I can.

He ends up getting a job at the school I’m going to by chance and I blow him once a week in his truck until I graduate.
was that it with him?
My actual fucking fetish which causes me a lot of angst, is being in the closet and cheating on girls that I don't really care about with men.
Do it. I’ve cheated on 5/6 of my GFs in the last decade, always with men, and the sex is always worth it.

You want to bottom? Great. Get cleaned out and you can find a top in 30m or less in any major city. You want to top? Great. You can find a slutty twink who will happily drain your balls in 20m or less.

You gonna marry your girl? No? Then cheat and let the relationship run its course. You ARE gonna marry her? Well, you’re going to cheat eventually because you’re in the closet.

Just do it. By the time you’ve gotten past the post nut clarity-shame you’ll want another proper BJ.

Plus, the best sex you can have with your girl will be nothing in comparison to an eager, thirsty gay man. Any time my girl wouldn’t put out I’d find a cum hungry twink to drain me and all of a sudden, I’m back to perfect BF.
Story time from the last time I cheated

>driving from LA to NM the weekend before thanksgiving and I get a flat around Palm Springs
>midday Saturday and can’t get a tire until Monday morning. Hotels are crazy expensive last minute

>tell my girls family I can’t make it until Monday night and that I’ll find a hotel, she’s upset but understands

>immediately hop on sniffies and find a local bear who’s willing to host me for a play date
>big house in an HOA neighborhood, old white guy with a ram in the garage
>hes DL, wife already left for their family thanksgiving in OC
>6” cut cock with a thick purple tip and big swinging balls
>rails me for an hour while I stare at photos of his wife and kids in his bedroom

Make small talk and explain my situation. End up swapping loads until my tire is replaced and he sends me to my GFs family full of cum and sore.

Day I broke up with GF I drove to Palm Springs and he used me like a rag doll on every piece of furniture in the house. Great dick, made me cum a half dozen times in a night shooting loads over my fucking head in missionary. Still jerk thinking about him pressing his cock into me.
No. That was just the beginning. Did everything together. It was a real learning experience.
>22 at time
>Some guy on guy experience but still in denial about being bi even though I'd sucked cocks and been fucked and fucked before
>Horniness takes over one late night, download grindr. Live in a somewhat small town at the time so its always the same list give or take some people
>Always the same routine, I trim up and shave my ass, douche, but tell myself I won't be meeting up (almost always do at that point)
>Immediately notice a very good looking crossdresser, 30s, message them, talk back and forth, they got flaked on and are really horny. they say they are travelling through in their van and can fuck in it. Say they are bottom only, make it really clear and Im fine with that. They show pictures of the setup, a heavy sheet between the drivers area and the back, windows all have covers, mattress in the back etc
>Agree to meet, on the drive over think maybe I'll back out since it seems sketchy. Park a minute or so away, they say they are in the back waiting and just to swing open the sliding door and come in
>Go through with it. CD is actually very passable and looks like pictures, smooth. They're pretty laid back so the edge is taken off, we make some small talk, end up talking for like 15 minutes. Mostly not even sexual
>Eventually they reach into a backpack and casually pull out a little tin box, ask if I wanna do M with them
>Say no, they quickly take a pill and a few minutes later I think fuck it and take one too
>Start making out a bit, feeling their body and whatnot. Big bubble butt ass, they dont seem to want to do much else though
>Finally they start moving down, pull off my pants. They say they're feeling it and ready, ask if I am, say not feeling it but ready
>They start sucking me, feels good. Hands under my shirt and feeling my pecs and stomach while they suck, it starts feeling better and better
>Tell them I think Im feeling it now and they laugh a bit, go into their backpack and lube my cock while still sucking it and deepthroating it
>Feels really amazing. They slide their lubed hand between my cheeks and stop sucking
>They say something like "You shave your ass. Are you really a top?"
>Say Im vers but I want to top them
>They laugh for a second and suck me for a bit longer then sit on my legs, tell me to sit up, I do
>They push their panties to the side, cock falls out, its about as big as mine (6.5) but thicker, ask if I like it. Say yeah and they laugh, they say it gets bigger
>Our cocks both lubed up and rubbing on each other, their dick is getting harder and when its fully hard its 8 inches about
>Ask me if Im really a top again, say I'm vers, they say "I think you're a bottom that wants some girlcock", we're both fully rolling and high now
>Pushes me down and then grabs my chin, slowly opens my mouth. Facefucks me for a bit then goes into their bag again, pulls out a blindfold
>A bit freaked out and they say don't worry, blindfolded sex feels amazing high
>Say idk and they sigh, start playing with my cock and kissing me all over and say please, say okay
>Blindfolded and they start sucking me, while fingering me it does feel super amazing
>They flip me over after a bit and get me in doggy, tell me to grab onto a rail and I do, start eating my ass and its otherworldly
>Eventually they put their cock in my mouth again and I go to move my hands onto them and I can't, confused but in sensory overload because they are finger fucking me too so I just keep grabbing the rail
>They stop for a second, feeling my cock and chest and I ask if I can get a water or something, go to move my arms again and I can't move much, realize Im restrained. Freak out a bit, they tell me to calm down and that I will enjoy this, say they have some juice
>They give me a drink of it, tell me to drink more. Tastes bitter but I'm totally dry mouth
>They say they are going to fuck me now, tell them to use a condom and they say of course
>Getting fucked while they jerk me off in doggy, feels amazing
>After getting fucked some they say I need more juice, say Im okay, say just drink it you need it. Tell me to drink more after I take a few big swigs, tastes weird again
>Realize that I had peaked a while ago but feel like Im rolling even harder now. Mind is all over the place and unable to focus except if its from sensory interaction.
>A bit blurry but they go back and forth from fucking my face to fucking my ass, not too much talking going on just moaning between both of us. Every now and then they give me more juice and I have no idea how much time has gone by but I still feel high as fuck
>Eventually the CD says they need a few minutes and takes off my blindfold, a bit of making out while they lay beside me. I see I have pink cuffs on, not super tight but you can't slip out of them
>They say "Okay Im still so horny but this has to be our last go of it, my balls are almost empty and my cock is a bit sore" and I look around the area, ask where the condoms are and they just look and laugh. Tell me its okay, they are clean.
>Im way too high to argue or even say much, they start eating my ass and it feels amazing again, start saying my hole is so sloppy now
>Can barely talk, next thing I know they are pounding me again, 20 minutes later they cum. Tell me they need to sleep now, immediately their head hits the pillow. Without saying much I put on my clothes on, stumble to my car. Its almost bright now, it was 12am when I showed up, check time, 6:30am
>Still feel like I haven't come down at all, thankfully there's nobody on the street as I'm clenching my jaw and licking my teeth, also thankful it was like 3 minutes to get back to my place
Almost certain they had MDMA in whatever juice they were giving me because I felt like I would peak and then not long later I'd feel like I was getting higher, so I was basically super high and rolling hard as fuck for 6 hours. I laid in my bed and couldn't fall asleep until 12pm and still felt high. Fucked up
I had to keep shortening stuff because of text limit so maybe the story ended up a bit rushed/incohesive at parts. Not sure why I decided to do M with a stranger having sex. I had to delete that they kept asking "you sure? its good stuff". They also didn't stop acting interested or like they wanted to hookup entirely but I could feel the vibe was a bit off compared when I first showed up. Also, I realized I was cuffed and I went from freaking out to back into being into the sex several times, the CD would calm me down and rub my body telling me it was all okay and I was so high I couldn't do much more than just go with it. It all became kind of a blur. I'd done some high quality molly before and it never hit me that hard and especially for that long. It didn't feel different and I never blacked out or anything so I'm fairly sure the drink was spiked with more molly. I got tested and thankfully was clean, and I'm way more careful with hookups nowadays.
"Straight" tops cheating on their girls is the hottest shit. Especially if she calls while he's fucking me or if I can get them to say I'm better. That's the good stuff.
Always been BI, always been closeted.
When I was in the 4th grade, I used to pull my cock out in class with another guy and we even went into the school bathrooms and sucked each others dicks. We didn’t cum or anything, just really young kids playing around.

From then all the way into high school I’ve always kinda been turned on by dicks. Just never let anyone know. Was too afraid to do anything and get found out. Never wanted to date a dude or anything, just suck their cock.

I had a lot of girlfriends, never cheated, but would watch gay porn and eventually got a dildo and played with it often. Never did anything with a guy since elementary school though.

One day I stumbled onto Craigslist personals. Started seeing a lot of dudes in panties with hot asses and it really turned me on. Wasn’t long before I started messaging and flirting. Got hit up by a lot of people and eventually a guy from not far away who was closeted too hits me up. Amazing cock, smooth ass had his own place. Thinking about it would always get me so hard.

Eventually he convinced me to meet him at his place. So I go over and he’s got a house on like 40 acres. I think it took me about 30 seconds before I was sucking his dick. We go inside and 69 for a bit. He starts eating my ass which I’ve never done before. I pretty much lost control and was getting all my gay aggressions out. I jumped on his dick and took the first real cock of my life. It took a bit to loosen up, but eventually I was getting fucked like a whore. I absolutely loved it. He came in my ass and then sucked me off. We showered and I left.

Broke up with the girl I was with a few days later and went on a gay binder for about a year fucking everything in sight before getting with another girl. I like women for relationships and don’t want to be alone forever. I’ve been a good boy, but god damn I still want some dick.
>I like women for relationships and don’t want to be alone forever. I’ve been a good boy, but god damn I still want some dick.
Have you considered.... Dating a man.
Theres nothing better.

I worked on campus during summer break in college and would always try to find a fuck buddy or two to play with. One was a mid 30's DL straight dad with a kid, divorced but had a GF.

First time we fucked he was hooked, he must've dumped 100 loads into me in 2.5 months.

Thick cut cock, big swinging balls and an insatiable appetite for ass. He'd dress me up in his gf's thongs and use me around his apartment while telling me how good my ass felt compared to his GF's pussy.

Nothing like hearing that you're a better sub than someone else, let alone their GF. I've always gotten off on cheaters telling me I'm better but if it's a "Straight" top, I'll be rock solid.

As a bi man I've had plenty of fun getting fucked while watching videos of my top fucking their gf/wife/FWB, but hearing that I'm better just does it for me.

I never came from getting fucked by that guy but got close plenty of times, idk if he liked the denial aspect of it or what but I'd always climb on top and stroke one out with his cock in me.

Pretty sure EVERY "straight" man I've blown has said my BJs are better than their gf/wife. No surprise there, I can take 8" or so completely to the balls as long as it's not too thick.
Used to hook up with a married heavy guy with a 4.5" cock when he'd come to my town for business. Wife wouldn't have sex with him. More than once I'd be kneeling in front of him sucking his cock and he'd be on the phone with his wife telling her how much he loved her.
started having innocent sexual encounters with boys in school when i was 12. mostly oral, mutual touching, nothing crazy.

one time a friends older brother "caught" us and made us stop but only so he could get me alone and play with me himself. he was 16.
>be 27, femboy in larger European city
>decide to try a gay bathhouse
>don't vibe with anyone, drink beer to pass time
>get increasingly drunk and horny
>black dude in large cinema area asks me if I want to get fucked
>eh what gives
>largest cock I ever saw
>start fucking me in front of two people
>asks me if I'm on prep / neg
>tell him I am
>pins me down missionary and removes condom
>creampies me in front of around 10 people
>pulls out, leaves immediately
>just lie there while strangers stare at me
>figure no one cares, get on my knees and jack off
>bust the biggest nut ever in front of a crowd
>go home
>notice shorts are covered in blood and cum

ngl, got tested negative for everything and would do again in a heartbeat. horniest thing I ever experienced
then what
there was GHB in the juice. Juice is also a street name for GHB.
Tell us more, how did you meet first time, how often do you hook up
I can so relate to that, but they keep disappearing the the conservative area where I live.
I love teasing men on discord with pics of me in skirts
No. I’m just not attracted to having a relationship with one. I just like having gay sex with them.
undoubtedly below 16, seeing as this is the pedo fantasy thread
I'm glad I'm not the only one that has this feeling, there's a 42 year old guy I've been hooking up with for several years now. Married. Hung like 8 inches and perfectly aesthetic, he himself is average looking, still in shape. He comes to town once or twice a month, always has cash and buys poppers, sometimes a jock strap or toy for me, all in cash. He leaves the poppers at my place. Last time was at the beginning of the week, my roommate out of town. Its always the same routine but always fun. He comes into my apartment and I'm on my knees in a jock strap. No talking, pulls his pants down and I get to work. He has poppers in hand and puts them to my nose and fucks my face, anytime I pull away or need to breathe he gives me more poppers. Then face down ass up on the bed, he eats my ass and then pounds it, usually until I say I can't take anymore, but sometimes he decides its time. We both do a few big hits of poppers and then he fucks HARD until he cums. Every time he thanks me and talks about how much better ass is than pussy, and how much more intense and hot it is to hookup with me
Got married this past Saturday. The nighy before the wedding I fucked my wife's brother.
this is why we should have a open and supportive environment for younger gays

>be super horny 15yo
>get access to a bank card that allows online purchases
>watch a ton of fleshlight porn, love the idea of guys using toys to get off
>order 3 different versions of the sex in a can, obviously lying about my age on the order form
>when it arrives im dumping loads in them almost daily
>i fuck all 3 of them at the same time, sticking my dick into each and pounding them all
>obviously dont last a long time
>get the idea to fuck these things on cam on omegle
>set up webcam to face my bed, im fucking these things like mating press style
>only show my the lower half of my body
>tfw i was showing off my body online fucking toys while men jacked off to me while i was underage
>i loved watching myself as well, especially when im shooting huge loads and i can see my balls and holes twitching which each shot

i regretted buying those things, theyre just in my closet now and i havent used them in years. if my family wasnt so traditional, i probably would've found someone my age to fuck around with instead
100% gay, married for 4 years, together for 10. Totally love my husband and his family, they're great to me and better in some ways than my own family. I just wish my husband was uncut. It's always been my biggest fetish (bordering on obsession). One of my earliest memories is asking a caregiver why I had a "ring" on my pee pee, I've always hated being cut and worshipped uncut guys.

The first time I really got experience with uncut guys was in college, met up with a Mexican guy off Grindr. We connected deeply, he had phimosis but that didn't matter. Never got around to bottoming for him but watching his eyes roll in the back of his head as I tongued his frenulum was enough to set me off and make me cum.

I'm a terrible bottom and have never bottomed for my husband properly in the entirety of our relationship. He thinks I've got some sort of mental block or disorder but the reality is I just don't want to unless I'm getting fucked by an uncut guy. I wouldn't cheat or step out but that doesn't mean I don't occasionally want to. Maybe we'll have a threesome eventually or open up, idk. Sometimes you have to take a guy that aligns with you on just about everything else.
>be me, 20yr old eurofag, 6'0 and 170lbs
>knew I was gay & had Grindr, but was too nervous to do anything, only sucked cock once at this point
>one weekend, parents are on a trip
>Great, I'll get drunk, watch TV and have some fun
>buy a huge cucumber as well to fuck myself with
>evening comes, I douche thoroughly, drink beers, put something on the TV
>I slather Vaseline on the cucumber (it was at least 10 inches) and start fucking myself
>I love the feeling of being filled up and my hole stretching to take it all
>I fantasize about getting fucked by a cock instead of cucumber and a man putting all of his weight on me
>open and browse Grindr thinking I'm finally gonna gain courage to get fucked
>exchange photos with people and chat, doesn't lead to anything really
>then this fit and muscly 39yr old messages me
>he loves my body (started working out couple months ago and progress was happening), and the feeling is mutual
>chat is going well, chemistry is there, asks if I want to come over
>offers to buy Uber, but I bike there just in case I need to get away
>so horny, I don't even care he's twice my age
>get to his place, the apartment is very nice for a bachelor
>he's very happy I came, says usually nothing happens over Grindr
>offers me a drink of my choice, i pick gin and tonic
>we sit down and talk, it's a bit awkward
>eventually he asks me what is my experience with men
>I admit I only sucked cock once and that's it
>I can see in his beautiful blue eyes that this turns him on immensly
>"Can I kiss you?" he asks me
>before you know it, we are full on making out, I'm trying to manage everything since it's my first making out as well
>I get on his lap cowgirl style and kiss him while we feel each other up, at this point our shirts come off too
>i'm as hard as diamonds, loving this, and he is very passionate as well
>I ask him if I could shower quickly before we continue since I biked here, he says yes of course
>I shower, dry myself off and get outside, he is completely naked
>We embrace and kiss, I've never felt this feeling, our warm bodies and the pent up sexual pleasure
>He is also a bit higher and more muscular than I am, and it's really hot
>He takes me to his room and huge bed, it's the middle of the summer, but the AC is set perfectly
>We get on the bed and make out naked, I am slowly kissing my way down to his huge cock
>We are both loving this foreplay and taking our time just makes us harder and the whole thing hotter
>I suck him off for a bit while stimulating his nipples, the whole time he is complimenting me
>"Oh god you're so good, you're so hot"
>I have to stop sucking to kiss him and compliment back, it is such a nice gesture and he keeps doing it all the while we are having sex
>Eventually he sucks me off a bit too, but we are just getting started
>He grabs a pack of condoms, has me put it on him (very hot), puts me in a doggy style position and lubes his cock up
>"Just relax", he says and I arch my back as much as I can
>He puts it in slowly, it hurts a bit at the start, but it stops and I love it nonetheless
>All the while he's telling me how hot I am and how great of a job I'm doing
>I'm rock hard, feel like a million bucks from the compliments and pleasure
>He speeds up the doggy style, I am loving every inch of him inside of me and the sounds of his legs clapping my cheeks
>I ask him to lie on me, he does and it feels so. fucking. good.
>He is currently balls deep in me and I am making involuntary moans he has to put his hand on my mouth while I hold him deep inside of me with my legs
>we fuck like this for about an hour and a half in every imaginable position, this man's stamina was insane
>I discover my love of cowgirl after I ride him nearly to completion and he fucks me so hard my eyes roll back
>take a short break and talk, continue fucking for one and half hour more
>all the while we are complimenting each other on how hot the other is, can't overestimate how much it helps
>we cum at the same time while he's doing the pile driver and hitting the spot perfectly
>I clean the cum off my stomach with a towel and we lay there while he is still inside of me
>we talk for a bit before I shower and leave, gaping lube while I bike home
>that night have sex dream after sex dream and tomorrow masturbate a bunch of times because every time I am made aware of how sore my ass is, I get rock hard

Never saw him again, he wanted to exchange contacts, but I was stupid and didn't. Think about him a lot.
You're def not the only one.
For me, I have two problems I don't want a relationship and I don't like faggy gay men. I like men. The more Carhart the better. I'm doomed to be a straight dude dl sub and I'm fine with that. Been that way since high school.
I hooked up with my best friend's dad at a sleepover
All my life, I thought I was straight. I had several girlfriends, enjoyed sex with them, and only watched straight porn. Some of it included bukkake and cumpilations, but there was always a woman involved.
A few months ago, after breaking up with my last girlfriend, I started noticing male bodies more—on Instagram reels and similar content. When I mentioned this to my best female friend, she suggested I might be bi.
That got me curious, so I started exploring. I discovered this board, some subreddits, read some smut, and what can I say—I realized I’m bisexual. Now I own two vibrating butt plugs and a dildo that I like to use occasionally. I love watching guys cum and would really love to suck a dick sometime soon.
hot and goals, tell moar
Met up with a coworker after sexting a bit back and forth. I am very nervous first time. We sit on his couch and jerk each other off. Heart racing he starts sucking my cock. I came pretty quick in his mouth. He wanted me to ride him, but he was massive and it being my first cock scared me. I told him I wasn't comfortable and he was fine with it. I really wish I rode him and let him wreck my hole because now I am ready and want to take a dick but with someone I am comfortable with. I have tried to contact him again but I think I may have been ghosted after that.
When I was in my 20s I used to go to the local sex shop viewing rooms all the time to suck cock through the glory holes. Had a few booth fucks too. Lucky I never caught any stis.
To this day my #1 fantasy is getting gangbanged in a sex shop by a bunch of random guys but I'm a responsible adult now and would never pursue it anymore.
Similar. For me, I’m not into dudes at all. I don’t want a relationship, the thought of making out with one grosses me out, but I love having sex with men. I like fem dudes, but not faggy sissy type dudes. Love a man in boots and a cowboy hat. Muscular and in shape. I absolutely can’t stand the LGBQ whatever “movement” types. What do they have pride in, their sexual preference? Nobody gives a fuck! It’s turned from acceptance of gay and lesbians to pride in degeneracy. I don’t know any decent gay people who would have anything to do with that BS.

How to tell a you are a faggot without saying you are a faggot.

Y'all can self-hate all you want by indirectly feeling you're somehow "better" than sissy faggot or the one from movement that has the actual ball to admit their preference, fight, and live up to it.

But there is one thing for sure to remember, you're still the very same faggot. You like sucking dick, you like men's body, and you love being ass fucked by men. Now that's degeneracy. Neither relationship nor making out should gross you more than your own faggotry, anon.
currently been hooking up with an indian guy. he has a super thick dick. it started as him plowing me but now its much more intimate. usually i cum and forget about it but i've been thinking about him constantly. we meet up twice a week now. >inb4 saar, jeet, etc. (im white)
24 m now but im high school had a band teacher send nudes to me. Nothing ever happened but im in town and we’re planning on getting together.
He’s been waiting a decade for this ass
Good work, anon! One more recruit for the gays!
I have a sexual relationship with my stepad.

In his defense: he waited until I was legal before he finally let me get in his pants, despite me having a blatant crush and making several clumsy attempts at seducing him. And his marriage with my mom was already a disaster at that point, they hadn't had sex in years and she was already cheating on him.

In my defense: uhhh, I suppose I should feel guilty about "betraying" my mom like that, but honestly she was neglectful and abusive and didn't even like me.

I have zero regrets about it. The sex has been great, and the platonic component of our relationship is great. He's been a fantastic mentor to me, both sexually and otherwise. But it's also something I can't tell anyone about, cause they'll all assume he groomed me or whatever.
describe your dad
what's the sex like, do you bottom?
>be me
>sleepover at friend's house
>wake up extra early for no reason
>go to the kitchen for some water
>on the way hear moaning from the living room
>go and see what's happening
>friends dad naked n the couch, porn on laptop, lotion on table and jerking off
>asks if i want to join, i agree
>sit next to him drop my pants and start stroking
>he grabs my ass cheek and pull me closer
>i keep staring at his thick dick
>he notices and keeps pushing me towards his dick
>eventually start sucking him while he fingers my ass
>after a while he picks me up and put me on his lap
>puts lotion on my hole and slowly insert his dick inside me
>start fucking me while calling me a good boy
>after we both cum, we clean up and tells me not to tell anyone
>i went back to my friend's room like nithing happened and continued sleeping
He's taller and broader than average, but not huge or anything. He's well-built, especially for a guy his age, but they come from his job rather than the gym so it's mostly core strength rather than having defined arms/legs/abs. Dark hair, green eyes, clean-shaven, moderate body hair. Well-hung, but not pornstar level or anything... his cock is just slightly above average length, but really thick.

Yeah. I mean, he's not selfish, if I don't cum from his dick or my hand he's not shy about finishing me off with his own hand, or even his mouth sometimes.

It's kinda funny, cause overall I'm a switch, and with guys my own age I usually prefer topping. But with him I always take the bottom role. He's not even particularly aggressive/dommy or anything, it just feels natural for me to submit to him, idk.
> staying at after school care run by some lady in her home
> one of the kids has to be driven somewhere so she asks her son to watch me
> i was twelve, he was fifteen
> he tells me to come into his room, be quiet and watch him play warcraft 2
> bored out of my mind and poke about his room
> find a stiff rag under his bed and ask what it is
> he tells me it's for rubbing his face in the morning
> give it a try and he laughs at me
> he says i need to soften it first by licking it
> think he's pulling a fast one but i do it anyway
> tastes like salt and cotton
> he laughs even more
> he invites me over to his PC, he wants to show me something
> closes warcraft and opens up a folder with pictures of naked girls
> he says he'll show me what the rag is really for, but only if i promise not to tell anyone
> he pulls down his boxers and his dick is rock hard and bushy
> he strokes it while looking at the girls
> he says i should join him
> my dick is way smaller but take it out and join in
> he makes the occasional glance at mine but focuses mostly on the girls
> jizzes into the rag
> i'm disgusted, thinking it was piss
> he asks if i'm going to 'jaculate
> never done it or hearding of " 'jaculating " so i shake my head
> we hear to the car door shut outside
> he tells me to put my dick away and swear to secrecy
> he won't tell anyone i licked a rag of piss (cum, but whatever)
> nothing like this happens again
> years later find myself wanking furiously to the memory

he looked a bit like pic-related, but with a smaller dick
Tell us your first encounter with him as an adult
Well, 16 is age of consent in my state, so I'd already been hooking up with him for a while by the time I turned 18. I don't usually do much for my birthday, but that year he wanted to make it special so he rented out this cabin at a lake resort for the weekend.

He invited my mom to come along too, but the only thing to do was outdoorsy guy stuff, so she thankfully declined (which I think he planned on) and it was just the two of us. The plan was for us to do a lot of fishing and hiking and stuff, but it rained the whole weekend. So instead we just chilled at the cabin, alternating between screwing and watching movies.
I'm a sadist who enjoys hurting bottom faggots more than the actual sex.
The first time I noticed it was with a hookup who said he was into slapping and deepthroating. I got a bit carried away while bitchslapping him as he flinched and cowered for a second when I pulled my hand back which suddenly made me hornier than anything before. The same thing happened while I held his head down on my cock until his eyes opened wide and he struggled with genuine desperation for a moment before I let him off. I figured I wouldn't hear from him again since it felt a bit awkward after that but he messaged me a week or so later that he needed my dick again. Every time I fucked him after that I gradually pushed his boundaries further, and though I could tell he absolutely hated some of the things I did he didn't once ask me to stop and he kept coming back after every time.
That really fascinated me, but maybe this guy was just weird right? So I started trying out the same thing with other random hookups and found that almost every single bottom is much the same. If you get them horny enough the vast majority will let you mistreat them however you want and even though they might look miserable through it all they will remain passive. A few of them will go home and block me but still most of them will come back eventually. Over time my fascination turned into disgust: I can't even comprehend being so weak that you would throw away your self-respect and dignity like that, to passively consent to being treated like trash just so you can get some dick. I'm not trying to make it sound like I'm some type of sex god, I'm sure these faggots would bend the same way for any other guy who can fuck halfway decent.
Whenever I felt the extreme arousal from seeing a grimace of discomfort, a glance of fear or hearing a whimper of pain I began to also feel anger and rage. A feeling as if I needed to "punish" them for being so pathetic and depraved, even though I know that doesn't make sense. Long story short, at this point whenever I hook up it's really just a ruse to satisfy my need to inflict suffering. I'll play along as if getting laid is my goal, fuck them a bit until I can tell they're too horny and uninhibited to resist, then I start roughing them up gradually. Whenever they start to get too antsy I'll hit their prostate extra hard for a while until they become more passive again, back and forth like that until I get bored of them.
Am I some kind of psychopath for doing this? Probably yeah. Doing the same thing with voluntary submissives or masochists just doesn't hit in the same way. After all it's not my fault that these faggots value getting dick over their self-worth, I just know the right strings to pull so that I get what I want out of that. I don't plan on stopping anytime soon, since if anything is obvious it's that they're incapable of saying no and I enjoy it too much.
I'm 31 and never bottomed, I have sucked my fair share of dicks and kissed men, too much of a pussy to get fucked in the ass by a stranger. I am attracted to women too, but I'm getting older and think maybe there's more benefits to being gay than being straight.
Why not just date a guy? There's more to a relationship than just sex. Also you're going to have more in common with a man than a woman.
Happened this year- 30 yes.

Always knew i had a little kink of people watching me jerk off. Started when I was a teen when I discovered online chats like omegle, etc..

Fast forward to this year. Discover by random luck, that my town has a local sex theater in the back of a sex shop. Kinda playing dumb at this point, I ask the guy behind the counter what's the deal with the theater, and he just says "there's some seats set up in there theater style with a movie playing on a projector screen".
Never thought about doing this before, but what the hell. Why not? I'm already here.

Walk in and it's kinda awkward. Some guys just standing againts the walls hovering over those in the seats watching the porno.

I manage to get a seat away from the lingerers in the back row. Instantly start getting hard just from the situation and all the eyes on me as I shuffle to my seat.

Eventually some people clear out and i her up the courage to start stroking a little. This older guy down the route must have been watching cause he instantly came over and sat by me...

My only particularly taboo confession is that I've got a sexual relationship with my brother. The two of us started fapping together during early puberty, and it just escalated from there. We were latchkey kids who shared a bedroom, so we had plenty of privacy to fool around and spent our teens screwing like rabbits.

Honestly, I don't understand how other guys survived their horny teen years without having a sexual outlet like that. Way more masturbation, I suppose. We went through bouts of feeling guilty about what we were doing and agreeing that we should stop... but our horniness would always catch up with us. Don't think we ever managed to go more than a couple weeks without one of us putting a load in each other.

It slowed down a lot once we left home and were no longer living together, of course. And even more once we both started seriously dating. But it's never completely stopped. Luckily his current bf knows about the whole thing, and is cool with it. We've had some hot threesomes. I'm hoping on landing a bf who is similarly chill so that we can swing with each other. Dunno how realistic that goal is though.
Yeah it's annoying, I miss when these threads are guys sharing their odd fetishes
>guys sharing their odd fetishes
I go after younger incel nerdy virgins who are "straight" but just want to get blown, then get off on getting them to bottom and sub out for daddy. Is that a fetish or just "a thing?"
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Unclefucker reporting in. Started I was 15, completely consensual, and been happily riding his dick ever since.

I'm currently frustrated since I was expecting that we'd find at least one chance hook up while I was home from college for the holidays this year. But it looks like it's probably not gonna happen, we haven't had enough privacy to do anything and I'm gonna need to go back soon.
Brooo your uncle needs to be locked up. 15. Ugh
>>2660356I shouldn't envy you but I envy you ( as long as he his hot and got good stamina )
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lol, I was the one who started it in the first place. He deflected my desperate attempts to get in his pants for like a year before he finally gave in. Hasn't done me any harm, either.

He's in great shape for his age. Big dick, too. But he's getting to that age where ED is starting to hit, so he needs viagra to get fully hard. He can still fuck without it, it just takes longer to get him to full mast. That's one of the main reasons we haven't been able to hook up lately, we can't pull off 10 minute quickies in the garage anymore.

I'd assume that it happens way more than people talk about. I'm sure, gun to their head, they'd chalk it up to masturbation/just fooling around and as something not to take seriously/just something to forget about.
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>I'd assume that it happens way more than people talk about.
Yeah. Consensual incest is pretty common, but even cousincest (which is legal in many places and not too socially unacceptable) is still taboo enough that almost nobody goes openly bragging about it. So absolutely nobody's gonna be dumb enough to brag IRL about fucking their brother or their dad, except to people they 100% trust to be on the same page as them.
That's because he did groom you
Oldfag here. I, too, grew up in a lowkey relationship with my Uncle growing up. Unclefucker army represent.
>getting to that age where ED is starting to hit
Yeah, that happens. I was married by the time that kicked in and our get togethers slowed down.
>we can't pull off 10 minute quickies in the garage anymore.
So. Many. Quickes. lol
>absolutely nobody's gonna be dumb enough to brag IRL about fucking their brother or their dad
Which has me convinced it happens more than anyone expects. Not like a survey will yield true results.
>it rained the whole weekend. So instead we just chilled at the cabin, alternating between screwing and watching movies.
that's so hot, literally my dream scenario, you're a lucky guy
Um...your uncle should've been the adult and shut that shit down. If he didn't then he has major problems
>Unclefucker army represent.
BAAHAHBHAAHHAAHAHAHAHA, back to re ddit please
Wow, that's hot. Don't you feel sorry for them? Why do you think they are so submissive and lack of self esteem?
What are the most degrading things you made them do?
I have been conflicted on my gay feelings as far back as 10 years old, I will try to keep it brief. First indication I was into boys was as far back as my first friend. I didn't have sexual feelings before puberty of course, but I did feel some sense of clinging to him. We were at best really great friends at the time, always slept over on school nights and we shared everything from his PS1 to my N64. I consider strong friendships to be some form of attraction, since your spouse should be your best friend. He eventually moved a few years later, 2004 I believe. I spontaneously found porn, would whack it to both women and men. Women for obvious reasons, men? I was always confused why I sought it out in the first place. I had an innocent view on watching two men fuck each other. My perspective was "okay, that looks fun, but why do I love watching it."

I was molested by a boy a few years younger than me when I was 12 years old. I regret it deeply. Not because I am against homosexuality, but he was just a fucking weirdo of a person. I was asleep and he would just gently massage my cock and I was too afraid to do anything, but of course my sick and depraved brain loved it. I stopped hanging with him because we just had nothing in common. Also that was the first and very last sleep over.

High school I was sexually curious with a junior guy in high school in my freshman year. I had some woes with dating girls, they either just outright friendzoned me or I was simply out of their leagues. The guy I was crushing on knew my feelings for him, he is still bisexual and we don't talk anymore which I will get into.I vividly remember being at his house and he didn't violate me, but he was super kind and tried putting the moves on me. I never hesistated and had a jolt in my chest with a woman like that. I told him not to kiss me as soon as his hands were wapped around my waist and he tried going for my mouth. I of course got super har, but resisted and told him I was never ready.
I have a homophobia kink
I don't give enough of a fuck anymore to be ashamed of it I am just frustrated there is no content for it outside of few BDSMLR blogs or easy way to search for it
love going to parks
find one its a big park cant find the corner where it happens walking up a hill then see a guy standing sucking off a guy sitting on a ledge pants around his knees hard instantly hard keep walking see a brown twink make the eye contact hold it then i keep walking and go find a bench i see him a couple of minnutes later staring at me he comes over saying"omg did you see that "? that guy getting head?" i say is that why guys come here? he sits down next to me he says "thats why im here" sees my boner starts rubbing my crotch "is that why you're here?" i unzip he reaches in and takes it out schooches closer can i ? i smile he starts head first half way second then just takes me all the way down his throat and doesnt stop for a couple of minutes i cant hold on tight enough to the bench put 2 weeks worth of loads into his throat he says he likes my bird and asks if i want his nuumber i get it
Probably not an outlier. But while I'm happy with my partner I think about fucking dudes from time to time. Haven't acted on it but jerk off to gay shit more and more
I was 16 at the time.
wow a faggot wanting to cheat constantly, truly groundbreaking confession
Wish I could find a decent place to cruise. If there's one where I'm at I've never been able to find it.
Tell us more
Anything specific? Other than the age gap and the fact that he's my stepdad, I can't really think of much else that's notable about our relationship. Now that I'm an adult and living on my own, we're basically just normal fuckbuddies. I mean, I realize it's not really "normal", but it feels that way to me.
What do you guys most commonly do when you get together?

Do you have pillowtalk? If so, about what?

Ever videoed any of your encounters with him?

Craziest story of you hooking up with him?
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>What do you guys most commonly do when you get together?
Non-sexually? Well, like I mentioned before, we like to do outdoorsy shit together. Fishing, camping, hunting, hiking. Lately he's also gotten into woodworking and has been getting me into it too, I've helped him with a couple projects in his workshop.

If you mean sexually, I guess we're pretty vanilla. We flirt and banter and play grab-ass to signal horniness. If we're just a little frisky, I just suck him off. But if I'm clean enough for bottoming, and we've got the time/privacy/libido for it, then I get fucked.

>Do you have pillowtalk? If so, about what?
Sure. That's when most of our serious talk about feelings and shit happens, when we've got our barriers down. But not always, sometimes we just chat about whatever's going on in our lives. Sometimes we'll actually fall sleep together too... though usually only when it's cold, cause he turns into a fucking furnace when he's asleep for some reason.

>Ever videoed any of your encounters with him?
We're not morons, so no. If that shit ever got out somehow, it'd ruin our lives.

>Craziest story of you hooking up with him?
We have a thing for outdoor sex. We mostly keep it inside tents, but I've blown him on a fishing boat a few times, and once I guess someone else on the water was close enough to make out what we were doing and cheer at us. And one time he fucked me in the middle of a hike. I leaned up against a tree while he railed me from behind. He was carrying lube, so I guess he planned it. Afterwards I realized I didn't want to hike another six miles with his load leaking out of my ass, so we went skinny dipping in the lake to clean up.
Hot anon. Sounds like he groomed you and fucking a 16 year-old def gives paedo vibes, but hey if you like it we love it.

A few more questions if you're willing to entertain them.

1. You ever fuck him, or bring up the possibility of wanting to?
2. Do you ever think there's a possibility of your relationship with him being something more than just FWB? And I mean ever... like any number of years from now.
3. What's your favorite part of his body?
4. Do either of you ever get jealous of the others' hook ups?
5. Does it bother you that he might still be fucking your mom?
>You ever fuck him, or bring up the possibility of wanting to?
No. Like I said earlier, with guys my own age I'm a switch. But with my stepdad it just feels natural for me to always bottom. The thought of topping him just isn't appealing to me, and he wouldn't want to bottom anyway.

>Do you ever think there's a possibility of your relationship with him being something more than just FWB? And I mean ever... like any number of years from now.
Like for him to pull a Woody Allen, dump my mom and marry me or something? We've joked about it plenty, and also talked more seriously about it. We both agree that it just wouldn't work. Even if not for all the obvious issues (it'd be social suicide for him in particular), he wants me to find a guy my own age to settle down with.

>What's your favorite part of his body?
His cock. Incredibly cliche and shallow answer, I know. But it's a really nice one, perfect size really, and he's good at using it on me.

>Do either of you ever get jealous of the others' hook ups?
Nah. He doesn't have any other hookups that I know about. And he's been actively pushing me to find a serious boyfriend.

>Does it bother you that he might still be fucking your mom?
He's had a dead bedroom situation going on with my mom since before he and I even started screwing. They don't even share a bedroom anymore, and their marriage has been coasting on sheer inertia and routine for years. He could do a lot better than her, but doesn't want to upend his whole life and lose half his shit in a divorce.

He's "joked" before that I'm the one doing all the real work of keeping their marriage together, by serving as an outlet for his sexual frustration... but honestly I don't think he's really joking about that.
>we're basically just normal fuckbuddies
This is much more the default for "functional" incesty relationships.
> I'm the one doing all the real work of keeping their marriage together, by serving as an outlet for his sexual frustration
Exactly why my Uncle stayed with my Aunt - I was doing all the work behind the scenes, too. lol
My confession is my fantasy.

I want to be gang banged/ran train on.

I want a line of guys to use me one after another, get their load however they want to give it to me. I want to get fucked endlessly until my I'm left exhausted and covered in cum. The idea of getting fucked, having a guy cream my ass, then immediately another guy steps up to pump another load into me sounds like incredible ecstacy
My BF wants to get married, but I’m bi and I don’t want to get married because I don’t want to only have sex with one person for the rest of my life. If I tell him that though, we probably break up, which I don’t want right now, and he’d be absolutely heartbroken. He’s such a sweet guy, but I’ll have to tell him eventually
>15 at the time
>best friend’s cousin (Jerry, 20) comes to our city for grad school
>handsome, athletic guy. helps us not to dress like slobs, how to get girls, how to dance at school dances (actually went with us once and the girls were throwing themselves at him)
>friend’s family had converted a half-porch into a bedroom and it still had a window opening, so they just put up louvered blinds to block it off and Jerry sleeps in there
>I try not to make it obvious but I really like him but he seems straight
>one day go looking for my friend but he’s staying with other cousins in the hills and Jerry is the only one home
>we talk a little and then he says “want to see something?”
>I say yes and he walks over to the outside of the louvered window and shows me some Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs statues
>brings me into the bedroom and tells me to look at them again
>it’s the back of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, right
>tells me to keep looking
>am I missing something?
>points out that the backs are carved like cocks with their hats like cockheads and shawls like foreskins
>yeah… am I staring at cocks?
>he says “let’s see who we match” and starts pulling out his cock
>I figure why not?
>I’m cut so don’t match anyone but he’s uncut and could match them
>asks me to stroke him so he can get hard “so we can check again” (yeah, I was that naïve)
>stroking, he’s getting longer and harder
>tells me to kneel down and open my mouth
>when I do he just slides his cock in and gently fucks my mouth
>keeps telling me how good I’m making him feel
>warms me he’s going to cum and to swallow so I don’t choke on it
>he grunts, I feel his cock swell and he unloads in my mouth and I swallow when he was finished
>stood me up and tells me how much he liked it
>kisses me very sensuously and that’s when it sealed it for me
It was hard to hook up with family around but whenever he was going to be home alone, he’d have me over. A lot of times we hooked up in his car. No one ever knew (as far as I know).
>he’d be absolutely heartbroken
And you think he's going to be happy when he learns that you wasted his time without having serious intentions?
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Do you actually love the guy? Because real love and companionship is a lot more important to your lifelong happiness than mere sex, and a lot harder to find. If you dump him just cause you want to play the field, don't be surprised if you end up regretting it.

That said, a healthy relationship needs both sides to be on the same page about sex. If your bf isn't interested in swinging or an open relationship or anything like that, then >>2660725 is right. You might not want to hurt the guy, but the longer you keep stringing him along, the worse it's gonna be once you finally break up. Be honest: are you really trying to spare his feelings, or are you just putting it off because you know the breakup is gonna be emotionally difficult?
first greentext sorry for bad writing, will make it short

>be me
>24 gay student
>despise hairy bods and vaginas
>one classmate is obese trans guy
>hairy, flat ass, quite the exact opposite of what i like
>summer comes
>the air feels thick, there is no air conditioning
>doing lots of work so i'm a little dizzy
>eventually trans guy passes by my desk
>heavy odor of sweat filled with fuckifiknow what hormone this is
>instant raging boner
>horny as hell
>say nothing, masturbate when home

i don't know what happened this day but i still fap to this guy one year later so it feels like i have been cursed
i used to get off on showing off my body on omegle was i definitely was not of age.

i wouldnt show my face of course and i was super paranoid that someone would recognise me so i made sure the background was discreet as possible - eg just a blank wall with none of my posters showing.

i would do pretty much anything they requested, show hole, play with my cock, etc.

what was hottest was when a guy wanted me to measure my cock on screen, he shot quite a big load potentially knowing that i wasnt 'fully grown' yet

do i regret it? kinda.
How was the first time when he gave in?
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The first time when we were out on an overnight camping trip together.

At this point, the fact that I was gay and had a crush on him had already been out in the open for a while. I'd already made a few cringey tries at making a move on him. He'd let me down gently, brushing me off like I was just joking around and he wasn't taking it seriously.

But at the same time, I could tell he was flattered by my attention, and attracted to me too. I'd sometimes catch him looking at me, and he was being more physically affectionate than he used to be, and sometimes he'd tease me in a flirty way. At least I thought so; at the time I wasn't sure if I wasn't just deluding myself.

Anyway. To this day, he claims that he never planned for things to get sexual on that camping trip. But to me, it felt like he was dropping hints and sending signals the whole time. Like he was just a lot more open and flirty than usual. And late in the evening, we got into this heavy conversation and sex and sexuality and shit. He got me to open up about this other boy I'd been secretly dating and had recently broken up with. Including how far we'd gone sexually.

So the conversation was horny, and I was turned on, and I could tell he was too. And then he made some a comment like "so it sounds like you've gotten pretty good at sucking dick." He said it like a joke, but it sounded like an invitation. So I just as fake-jokingly offered to prove it. And instead of just brushing me off, he just looked away and said that it'd been a long time since he had a blowjob.

So I took the hint and got down on my knees in front of him. He didn't stop me. Just spread his legs and let me undo his pants and haul his dick out. He was already mostly hard. And I discovered that he was really vocal and verbal appreciative when getting head, groaning and praising me. Which got me super hard too, so I pulled my own dick off and jerked off. So as soon as he started cumming in my mouth, I shot my load too.
I hate to sound judgemental, but there are a ton of these stories that involve pdfilia, molestation, abuse, infidelity, lies, fear, incest, drugs, disease, and self-hate.
I'm not 100% sure this is the best lifestyle for some of us. Just saying.
when i turned 18, i was still a virgin. i was so upset about this fact that i started talking to my friend about it, and he suggested i went to this underground gay bath house place and try my luck there. keep in mind i was like a 5'4"-5'5" femboy and i was often mistaken as a girl. but i went, gave the guy at the entrance my ID, got undressed and had a quick shower before getting into the bath with a few guys in it. within 5-10 minutes i was already approached by multiple people, and i ended up losing my virginity in an orgy after having been used by like 3 guys at once. i have never told anyone about this since then
what do you think confession means?
It's pretty based, OP. There were more than a few parties that ended up with me in a bedroom naked getting used by whoever wants it. It's a fucking miracle I'm not pos.
>until my I'm left exhausted
slings are the best imo. riding and being bent over for hours is uncomfortable. The dick is great, but it's hell on the back and knees. a sling makes it hella fun cause the tops have to do all the work lol
Sorry to burst your bubble but that's what real life is like, and let me tell you something else, its not just a gay thing
>he wants me to find a guy my own age to settle down with.
do you want to?
Did he fully went in after or was guilty about it?
Is it worth taking PrEP if I’m not very sexually active? I haven’t so much as touched a dick since last summer. I haven’t even had sex since I went on it a few months ago
Yes. It's surprising you even have to ask
It's a larp thread. Especially the ones that are very literate and answer every question for 5 different posts.
>implying het males are not the same
>Not really. You can take in continually of on-demand. From the UK NHS:
How to take PrEP on demand
If you want to take PrEP on demand, follow these steps:

take 2 tablets between 2 and 24 hours before having anal sex
take 1 tablet 24 hours later
take 1 tablet 24 hours after that
If you're continuing to have sex over a period of time, carry on taking 1 pill every 24 hours until you have not had sex for 2 days.

If you have difficulty swallowing tablets, you can crush PrEP and mix it with a drink of water, orange juice or grape juice.

Stopping PrEP on demand
If you have had anal sex, take your daily dose for 2 more days after the last time you had sex. It's then OK to stop.

Check with your clinic before stopping. Stopping taking this medicine or missing doses may increase your risk of getting HIV infection.
What? What's the point of taking it if you're not having sex?
Suppose you meet a guy and decide you want to have sex? Do you say "hold on, let me get a prescription from my doctor, go to the pharmacy, take the prep and chill for two hours?"

I guess if you're disciplined enough not to do immediate hook-ups, fine don't take it.
>Don't you feel sorry for them?
Not really. I'm not really forcing them: I'd stop if they asked me to, even if it would be disappointing. I'm also not equally sadistic with all of them, especially not the first time. When they come back again, knowing full well how I'm going to treat them, is when I no longer hold back. And some guys are almost proud of being whores while others are a bit more decent, so I don't treat them the same either.
>Why do you think they are so submissive and lack of self esteem?
I'm not sure. I don't think they really know either, or won't admit it. They could just have a people pleasing personality and would feel guilty or awkward by asking me to stop. Or they assume that I wouldn't listen anyway so they don't bother asking, that's the one I personally like.

>What are the most degrading things you made them do?
Two things come to mind, maybe not my most degrading but moments I specifically remember.

>Guy broke down crying when I mentioned something like "Would your dad be proud if he saw you right now, faggot?" but managed to sweet talk him into continuing, then stunned him into silence by repeating it exactly while I bred him
Remembering his expression when I said it the second time still makes me hard. He didn't even cry again, he just looked defeated while I dumped my load into him. To his credit he did block me afterwards, so ironically he was less of a faggot than most of the other guys I encounter.

>Slowly worked up a guy into getting choked while I was fucking him, then when he realized I couldn't stop him from jerking off like that I choked him out while he barely managed to cum before he went lights out
I don't usually let the faggots jerk off while I'm fucking them, so I'll either push their hands away or fuck them in a position where they can't easily reach. I thought I would just choke him until he got the message and stopped jerking, but honestly it pissed me off enough I probably would have kept going anyway.
I'm tryng to do this properly, I'm 31 and need to get my gay virginity taken. I need to get my HPV vaccine doses first.
Safety first.
I've been fucking a younger bi-racial twink with a big cock, it hangs to almost his kneecaps. Lately I've been folding him in half and making him suck his own cock while I breed his hole, I usually finish with a tight grip around his balls.
I love sucking his monster too, it hurts my throat and he cums enough to choke me most times.
tell the story
You got any piss stories sir?
I've told the story before. I delivered newspapers to the house this guy moved into. First time I met him I was collecting for the papers and he met me at the door in an open bathrobe with his cock sticking out. He apologized, covered up and asked me to sit on the couch while he found his wallet.

On the couch was a stack of magazines and the top one was a French nudist magazine. Each week as I went to his house, he'd have me wait on the couch and the magazines got more graphic, including gay and underage sex. Each time he paid me, he gave me bigger tips so between the money and porn mags, I enjoyed going over to his house each week.

He told me he liked looking at the magazines while he masturbated and everntually we did it together. After a few weeks, any "mutuality" disappeared and I graduated to jerking him off, sucking his cock to him eventually fucking me.

All this was very exciting to me. He was always friendly and telling me how good I was at what I was doing. He did pimp me off to a "cop" friend of his once and a few weeks later he just disappeared.
>From 18-21 do a lot of experimenting, definitely bi and slutted it up as mainly bottom for guys
>Slow down, 22 get in relationship with a girl my age unexpectedly after being fuck buddies
>ff Im 24, gf is out of town for a few days. been totally faithful up to this point, break out lube dildo and fuck myself for a while. eventually start yearning for a real one really bad
>still very twink looking at this time, slim body, a bit under average height, no facial hair etc
>install grindr, very quickly a visiting guy messages me before I've done much of any setup to my profile or anything, sends like 10 pics rapid fire
>totally my type, fit middle aged guy, visiting, big 8 inch cut cock with a curve, basically drooling
>send pics back but decide Im gonna make it as hard as possible to meet as a lame way to psych myself out. "I can't host" no worries I have a hotel "I can't drive" no worries I'll pick you up and drop you off "I'm all the way across town" don't worry about it, this guy really wants me
>next thing I know Im in the passenger seat making small talk and he says "wanna see something hot" say sure, at the next red light he grabs his phone and goes to an album, hands the phone to me
>fuckton of his nudes, 10-30 second videos of him fucking twinks, shit like sling fucking and breeding and voyeurism. at this point gf is furthest thing from my mind, saying out loud "holy fuck, jesus thats hot etc" and he just has a shit eating grin while he drives
>get to hotel, walk in the door and he says he's gonna take a really quick shower, says I can keep looking at his phone but also check the briefcase on the spare bed
>look in briefcase, a piece of paper on top saying get naked and choose one, 10 different jock straps, like 10 bottles of poppers, other stuff. skimpy leather jock calls my name, put it on, grab a bottle of poppers, sit on the bed and look through more of his album
>few minutes later he comes out with a towel wrapped around his waist
>he walks to the middle of the room and pulls out whiskey from his business bag and takes a big drink then grabs a vial, puts a drop on his tongue and ask if I want some
>say no, didn't do drugs at the time
>he says thats totally cool, I'm sitting on the bed in just a jock and we stare at each other for like 10 seconds
>he says "so why the fuck are you still sitting over there and not crawling on your hands and knees to me to suck my cock boy"
>surprised but turned on by his sudden dominance, start to do so and he says STOP, he pulls the towel off and he's already almost fully hard and says come slower
>very slowly while arching my back and sticking out my ass crawl to him
>tells me to ask to suck his cock, ask, tells me to ask again, ask again. what happened next was him telling me exactly how to suck his cock and some face fucking
>After a while he commands me to go to the edge of the bed in doggy, he inspects my ass. At this point in my life I was almost hairless there naturally anyways but he sees some hairs on my cheeks. Goes into the bathroom, comes out with a hot towel a razor and shaving cream. shaves my whole ass, cheeks and crack meticulously which was strange but hot
>Gets me poppered up and slides in me slow, slow pumps and makes sure I'm totally stretched out. Tells me to take two big hits of poppers, do so, and he starts pounding my ass hard
>Uses and abuses my ass for the next hour, incredible stamina and makes me throw it back on him here and there and ride him a bit while feeling up his muscles
>Cums deep in me, think thats the end so start grabbing my clothes after a minute and he says its not over
>Fucks me more after I suck him hard again
>After another hour he's had his fill, takes me home
I felt so much guilt and anxiety the rest of the night but was still so turned on. The next morning I messaged him, I had the day off. My roommate was working, I invited him over and he fucked my brains out again. Top 3 fucks of my life to this day
I love swallowing cum.

I don't understand why my brain works the way it does but I can't stop swallowing cum. I swallow my own cum and the cum of any dick in front of me.

I love making a dick hard in my mouth then stroking it to completion with my lips around a pulsing cock head. That first surge of cum shooting on the roof of my mouth heavy and so deliciously bitter and savory. Mixed with the satisfaction that I'm the reason this guys whole body tensed up and relaxed with a wave of pleasure centered on my mouth is just the most empowering feeling.

I wish I was less cautious so I could guilt free suck so many more dicks. I'm 31yo and to date I've sucked 25 dicks since my first when I was 13.
I wouldn't admit it to some, I think overall dicks are better than pussies.
My confession is gonna double as a post asking for advice.

My confession is that I cum way too quickly when topping. The feeling of sliding my cock into a guy's ass is overbearing and it feels super sensitive on my cock. If I'm not careful, i can cum immediately when doing this. I've been strictly bottom since 2019, and would like to top more to be a vers, but I'm too embarrassed about cumming too quickly and I'm not sure what I can do to practice. Some positions I'm fine in, like if a guy is riding me it doesn't feel as intense and can last, but as soon as we're in missionary or doggy and I'm doing the work, I feel like busting 2 or 3 thrusts in.
Sounds like you're a bit too excited anon. Try wearing condoms instead of going bareback (this is generally advised anyways, prep doesn't prevent everything), and also try jacking off a couple of hours before playtime to see if that helps.
I dunno, I don't think 25 by the age of 31 is very many, really. Since you started, you've only averaged a little over one per year. That's just not "a lot".
1/? ,In 2019 I hated my job and where I was living. I was 22 and had been living there for 3 years. I had saved up a few grand and was looking to start fresh in a new country. I had enough so that I could drop everything, move, and have enough money to live on and pay rent for a couple of months before I got a job. Ended up finding an apartment in a new city abroad and moved in November of 2019... then covid hit and I couldn't get a job. Got depressed and anxious. Started running out of money quickly. Went from 140lbs to 115lbs. Eventually I got desperate and started streaming on Cam4. Obviously women weren't interested, but men were. Some of them paid me to do stuff on cam, but it wasn't nearly enough to live on. Except one guy who consistently paid me around €50 to send him videos and do live shows for him.

I wasn't into the idea of preforming for a man but he was polite enough and always paid. Apart from wanting me to dress up in women's clothes and spank myself, it wasn't extremely weird or kinky stuff. We started talking more and more and I eventually mentioned my precarious financial situation. He ended up offering to pay me €500 if I was willing to meet up with him. I wasn't desperate enough to literally prostitute myself in person and I told him that was generous, but that I'm not super into guys and had only ever had sex with women. We continued our online arrangement for a few weeks until €500 became €1000... at that point I had pretty much no money at all and caved. He lived a few towns from me so I got the train and met him at his place. It was a pretty big apartment so he was doing pretty well for himself. Long story short, he paid in cash up front. He sucked my cock and I ended up sucking his for a little bit while he fingered me. We had a few drinks, which eventually led to him fucking me. I stayed in his spare room and got a taxi to the train station early the next morning because I couldn't sleep at all.
2/? I felt pretty humiliated and ashamed, but I was glad I had enough money to get me by another few weeks. We did another couple of cam sessions and he wanted me to come back to his place again. I told him that, while €1k was extremely nice, it just wasn't worth it for me because my rent was €1,200 and that's before bills and food. By around October of 2020, I was in very bad shape. I knew I wouldn't be able to pay rent and it was starting to get colder out, which meant larger bills for heating. I had confided this in him and he told me that I'm spending too much on an apartment in the city since I'm unemployed and didn't know anyone in the country. He told me I should just move in with him. He'd continue to pay me, but I could save it since I wouldn't have to pay rent or buy food. I broke down and accepted. I moved what little stuff I had to his apartment and gave my notice to my landlord.
What followed was 9 months of basically being a personal sex slave. He wasn't particularly mean to me or anything, but we both knew that I was only living there and earning money to be used for sex. For the first few weeks it was mostly morning blowjobs, with ass fucking in the evening. He worked from home, so I spent most of my time in my room watching Netflix when I wasn't servicing him in some way. After a while, he got a bit bored of that routine, so he started buying me thongs, bras, heels, and wigs to wear. I had dressed up for him occasionally on cam in the past, but it ended up being more of a full-time thing now. It was humiliating but I didn't care too much at that point. After a few months of that, he had issues with my enthusiasm. I was obviously depressed and just going through the motions of doing whatever he wanted. He bought me a chastity cage and wanted me to only cum when he allowed it. He said it would make it more eager.
3/3 I hated it, but he also wasn't completely wrong. I spent most of my free time watching YouTube and jerking off, so having him be my only source of orgasms did make me try harder and occasionally initiate things without being asked.

But after almost a year of all that, the lockdown and covid restrictions were easing up and I started looking into starting my life over. I had saved up €10k and had more than enough to start paying for my own place again and job hunting. Towards the end, the bdsm stuff with him really increased, so I was happy when I was finally able to end things with him and move out. I've got a good job now and a girlfriend. Covid was difficult for a lot of people, but for me it was mainly just incredibly weird. While I still consider myself straight (which is to say I'm only attracted to women), spending all that time in a weird, one-sided sexual relationship with a man did fuck with my sexuality a lot. I still occasionally lurk on gay porn sites and have developed a humiliation kink, but I'm extremely happy to be in a real relationship with someone I love.
I'm the complete opposite, I can't cum for the life of me and I'm a top, it's frustrating. I feel like I can only cum with my foreskin pulled up but that's impossible when you're not using your hands
You'll need to find a guy who's comfortable letting you use his ass to train and teach yourself to stop cumming that fast. Like others have said jacking before fucking will help but then you won't be as horny.
Be me, a rather shy introverted teen suffering from adhd. I was really skinny, almost looked anorexic and no girl showed interest in me. They called me faggot, though i wasn't into boys or looked girlish. One boy in particular in my class was a very mean bully who did not let on day pass without calling me names, punching me or spitting on me. Teachers suggested we solved this between the two of us and my mum wasn't interested in my problems.
After a field trip I first saw his father and he had the look several older guys had on me. In the mall i often noticed a certain group of guys looking after me and sometimes even following me for some time.
In the following weeks i tried to ride my bike past his house and sometimes could see his dad working in the front yard or heard him in the garden. That boy never realized it how often i came by his house.
One day he saw me and started to call after me and bully me when his dad came outside and told him to stop. he then would leave on his bike and his father comforted me.
From then on i always greeted him when i saw him. On Saturday, i knew he was with his soccer club and his mom on a trip i passed by his house and talked to his dad in the front yard.
I tried to be a little submissive and wanted to seduce him but it did not seem to need a lot of seduction.
shortly afterwards we were in the master bedroom. He left shortly for the bathroom and i put my cellphone outside, so it would film in and record what we did. when he came back, he undressed me made me kneel in front of him and suck him. He then bend me over the bed and started fucking me and came very soon. he went back into the bath to get cleaned again and i got my phone back in. I then went home... cut the video a little bit and mailed it anonymous to my mum.
She confronted me the next morning an i told her, that he threatened me that his son would bully me even harder if i did not sleep with him and that his son was doing "it" too.

Next week he was called to the principals office and kicked of school for his "bullying" and his father was public arrested at his workplace. Due to the clear evidence-video and his confession I never had to witness in court and his son never found out - cause he never told - who it has been he had fucked and that got his father in jail and also him thrown of school. He and his mother moved soon afterwards to another state and rumors had it, that she send him to a military school and cut of all contact to his father.
Sometimes I felt a little guilty, but then i remember all the bruises and the horrific years i had from junior high till half of high school, and all the guilt is gone.
Holy shit that's a helluva way to get revenge. Was it hot when the dad came in you?
I am secretly following one of my high school student’s tiktok where he posts a lot of shirtless videos.
One of the strangest experiences in life is to recognize, in long retrospect, what it's like to be the subject of unrequited love. What an arrogant little prick I was. Of course in romance it's usual to re-write history to happy endings: Serene basketball jock and pretty astronomy nerd meet and marry. It so happens that my first boyfriend had 8/10 taste in music, but when it comes to snogging sessions, let's just say that compatibility works in mysterious ways.
My confession is that I live my life as a straight man and hate all the woke shit that's going on in the world but behind closed doors nothing gets me harder than seeing dumb faggots from grindr choke on my cock and hearing them moan and beg for my cum when I fuck them.
He's 18 right
Um you know where you are righ
congrats youre a closeted faggot, absolutely nothing new
I present as straight and really only want intimacy with girls, but I also enjoy being a slut on cam for men, self facials, and sucking dick.

I've been having fun on cam since I was 16, but only sucked my first dick recently at 30.

Last night, I let someone with a small dick fuck me and ended up cumming in my face while he was pounding me. It was hot in the moment, but I'd rather be fucking a girl still.
I want to be normal but i just love cock way too much
Yeah, but he deserved it. The boy cause he was a nasty ahole and his dad cause he did fuck a minor after all. And bonus for me was, that after all that my mum did send me to therapy which helped me quite a lot to come clear and get my stuff together.
Not so much. I just was glad that he came fast and not in my mouth.
>Would your dad be proud if he saw you right now, faggot?"
i'd cry like a bitch too
You ever thought about dating a man? You get the better sex without the baggage of a woman and your boyfriend is a step above your best friend.
Tell us more about the guy last night. How'd you meet? What did he look like? Was he uncut? What did you guys do other than fuck? Did he breed you?
I live in a retirement community that has several buildings. I date 2-3 women in some of the other buildings (dinner, maybe a movie) and project a straight personality. But my sexual needs are taken care of by a handful of guys who visit me from time to time (not other residents in the community.) Some of these guys are married, some are just young, single guys who get off on the older/younger vibe. I'm the top with all of these except one guy who I'm vers with. Being older and living alone and able to host is a sex magnet.
I let a priest groom and molest me because I had no father figure growing up
>Being older and living alone and able to host is a sex magnet.
no shit sherlock
I too was bullied high school. Shy introverted anorexic social anxiety just like you anon. Seemed like they all knew I had homosexual inclinations before I even knew it myself. I had revenge fantasies just like you, but the most I did was catfish. I never did anything with it though.

May I ask:

What country?
How old are you now?
What’s your life like now anon - health, stable job, mental, relationships?
Do you have still have the video?

You seem like a sweet guy anon. I’d be open to chat more on email. But I get the feeling it won’t be your thing.
I don't want to give away to many personal information, but my life if okay. As is said, thanks to therapy i got my life sorted and went to college and even med-school. Am a senior-resident in a rather large hospital atm. So life is hard, but pretty nice. Got some friends and a basic social life, some casual dating but nothing to serious.
sry but i never would give away my mailadress to strangers. If you got any other anonymous way to stay in touch i might consider it.

Sometimes I use a fake profile on Grindr to pretend I am a bottom just to know what tops say in order to learn how to improve. I usually pretend to be a feminine 21 year-old twink which is kind of my target.

Most times I am actually kind of scared of what tops say and surprised I don't get to fuck men more often since i have a 100% better approach in my view than 99% of the tops there.

But what do I know? Maybe sending unsolicited dick pics (most times not even good dick), being weird about how young I look and asking to see my asshole in the first three messages is the best way to fuck nowadays.
>be me living with my bf for a year or so
>one day his brother comes to visit from abroad
>brother is 4 years older
>bf leaves for work, me & brother just chillin at home
>«well I’m glad <bfname> dropped the previous one. he was bitchy n shit you know»
>«oh and he gave the worst possible head»
>«<bfname> told you so?»
>«nah, checked myself»
>«d-does <bfname> know?»
>«hell no, I’m not the one to talk» his hand adjusting his slightly visible hard-on, him smirking
>«I’m not the one to talk, Anon» him coming closer to me
>five minutes later i’m swallowing his load feeling extremely horny and super guilty for being a slut like this
>«wow you’re deffo better at giving head than that bitch. bro is a lucky one»
>«ok but this was the first and the last time»
>this was not the last time
>in fact, bro stayed at our place for three months
>and since bf is always at work and since i can’t say no to a good dick
>big BFs bro filled my mouth with cum every single day, sometimes 2-3 times a day
>also used my ass from time to time
>never used condoms btw
youre surprised that people who are forward are more successful? are you sure youre a top?
>Be me, 23 top
>Message guy on sniffies, he is my exact type. slim, hairless, twink bottom, profile says he is 21.
>We exchange nudes and meet up less than an hour later fucking in the back of my car.
>It was amazing, I fucked him raw and shot buckets of cum into him, though he wasn't great at sucking ,my dick.
>We go our ways, later that week he messages me saying he had a great time and wants to keep meeting me, but tells me he actually just turned 16 a few weeks ago and that if I am okay with it then so is he.
>I am apprehensive, so he sends me more nudes. I recognize these nudes.
>We had messaged on grinder 2-3 years in the past on and off but never met.
>Ask him about this, he confirms that he started on grindr at 14 but got banned because of his age.
>At this point I block him from sniffies and snapchat.
This was a year or so ago. I still feel bad about it, and I honestly wish he was 18 so I could have kept meeting up with him. It wasn't his age that turned me on, he was a twink, but not jailbait tier. I don't regret blocking him though. No boy pussy is worth being a sex offender.

I don't think they are more successful.
Was he better than your bf
Would be a hot story except for the cheating.

I used to have a bf who liked to share me with his older brother. The two of them had a complicated and very sexual history with each other (including outright incest, though they were shy about that and downplayed it). But despite how weird their relationship was I was always kind of jealous of just how close they were. The threesomes were fucking hot as hell.
I lived this moment in the picture, except it was my mom’s car. It was me(7), my brother(10) and my brothers friend(9), I can remember us talking about being horny and then all of a sudden we were in the bedroom sucking each other off and trying to fuck, it went on for about a half hour then we could hear my moms car so we quickly got dressed and ran to the living room, it was such a hot experience, my brother and I did have a couple jerk off sessions later on in life but it only ever amounted to me grabbing his cock, never got to suck it again. I am now 36 years old and he’s 39, I always fantasize about getting to suck his cock again but not sure how to initiate it.
I was lucky enough that every guy I talked to in the old yahoo chat rooms that I told that I was 16 told me to fuck off. One guy kept in contact with me and hooked up with me on my 18th birthday.
Horny? At that age? Lol. At least one of you was definitely being already diddled to have led to all that degeneracy. I’m sure everyone wasn’t as into it as you were anon. As they say, homosexuality is contagious and spreads from adult gays molesting kids. Very sad. Scarred for life.
Wow anon. You really did well for yourself. You seem nice and genuine. Yes I completely understand. I have this fake email matthew7046@gmail.com - not my real name or email. You may reach there. Up to you.
Did you initiate it?
I mostly cum in under 20 seconds just with hand strokes. I get so overwhelmed. Even if I happen to rarely last a little longer, my head and body gets so hot and over stimulated it gets too much and it became frustrating. Like a cat you pet too much and it starts biting you to stop. It sucks man. Always been like this. I’m 29 now. Pelvic floor exercises and fixing APT has helped a little.
>I am now 36 years old and he’s 39, I always fantasize about getting to suck his cock again but not sure how to initiate it.
Well, is your brother gay or bi? If there's no indication that he's even into guys, it'd be a mistake for you to try to make anything happen.

If you do think that he might be interested... well, honestly, it's still probably a mistake to risk fucking up your relationship with him at this point. But you're both old enough that you should be able to just have an open conversation about it. Maybe bring up the fooling around you did when you were younger, semi-jokingly speculate on how you both could've been a lot less horny back then if you hadn't been too chickenshit to take it further, and see how he reacts.
Good job, faggot. But you were already a sub before that otherwise you wouldn't have sought it out.

Something was obviously already off with him if he was letting his younger brother beat him up. So you probably didn't cause it, but still I hope you burn in Hell anyway for what you've done. Your brother will probably an hero before "she's" 30. Great job, anon.
Not exciting as I'm still an "S tier virgin," no first kiss or anything, just online.

The first time I had ever gone beyond sexting and did something on video, was when I was 17, and he was 30.
He was a nice guy but has a wife and 3 kids, maybe 4 by now. (DL due to religion, same on my end but I'm not married obviously & def wasn't at the time.)
He was the first person I had shown my penis to like that, so he's pretty memorable to me. It was pretty fun, and not sure how to talk about it since I've kept this to myself for a while.
But it escalated and led to him bringing up the idea of him getting me one of those "clone-a-willy's" of him, since 99% of the call was me hornily rambling about how his "dick was perfect."
Ended up actually happening since I was retarded enough to give him my address and still use it to this day, only sex toy I kept after I got rid of my "collection."

Only downsides were the fact I cried after the call, AND I think him and his wife got into an argument about something regarding his online activity since he was offline for months only to return with a different account.

Will be thinking if I have ANY actually fun to read experiences to talk about (I don't)
I feel like I am addicted to sex. Pretty much all day every day until I get a twink in my bed to fuck his brains out, it is all I can focus on. There are times at work where I have to jerk off really quick so I can actually focus on working instead of being so horny. All day I will spend messaging the boys I have on snap asking if they want to come over, posting thirst traps on my story, going on grindr and sniffies trying to meet new guys etc. If I go more than a week without sex it is all I can think of. I don't know what my body count is, I stopped counting after 30.

Part of me is okay with this, obviously I love fucking, especially as many twink guys as possible. For whatever fucked up reason the though of having a dozen different people in my bed in as many days turns me on. The other part of me thinks I will never have a stable, mono relationship because I know I will cheat. I don't want whoever I am with to be fucked by other men, but I will always want more twinks. I also don't want to be alone forever. Don't expect a solution to this unless I can find someone that I am attracted to and is okay being mono with me and only me, but me fucking whoever I want. Anyone else experience this?

Honestly sad people out there who are gay, horny, and virgins. I've talked to some of the fattest, ugliest people who get boned whenever they want simply because they can host.

Are you just really shy? Not comfortable with your appearance? Still at home?
You're a bottom in deep deep deep delusional denial
All of the above plus a little more. I'm just going to cope & wait til I get hit on the head really hard and end up marrying a woman.
Damn that's hot af anon, having one of those is my dream. Show the dildo to us pls
I went to an all boys school in the UK quite a while ago. My first year (14) I was caught smoking with another guy (18). My punishment was either be expelled or spanked with a wood paddle 20 times by the headmaster who then put salve on my ass, balls and asshole. It was capsatian cream and I was in agony for 24 hours. I was told to return in two days for round 2. Same thing happened the second time and told to return.

Round 3 included spanking but I was offered the choice of the cream or blowing him. By now my ass couldn't take it, I couldn't sleep at night, could barely sit down and my asshole felt like a blow torch so I sucked his cock.

After that I was caught doing something wrong several times on purpose because I liked sucking his cock. He still spanked me but switched to aloe vera cream.

tldr: purposely got into trouble so I could have sex with my headmaster
>all boys school
I swear, the wildest fucking sexual stories come out of those places. I used to date a guy who went to one, and he said it was simultaneously the most homophobic and homoerotic environment he'd ever been in. Apparently all the boys put on a show of being loudly homophobic in public even though they were all fooling around behind closed doors.

Did the headmaster ever end up fucking you? Or was it just BJs + his blatant spanking fetish?
I've never had sex before, but I've had very sexual thoughts about a lot of people in my life, both men and women.
On the gay side of things, I see my dad half naked all the time and it really bothers me(and on occasion, though accidental, fully naked). But sometimes I have dreams where he's fresh out the shower, and he's naked, and all I can do in the dream is stare. The worst part of this is that THOSE dreams never bother me, and that bothers me greatly.
It's not like the sexual thoughts are exclusive to my dad though(nor does it originate with him), I've have highly sexual thoughts about my mom and sister(the one it started with) for way longer.
I used to have sexual dreams about my mom and sister, but they've now evolved to the dad ones being far more common.
I legit don't know how to explain myself, I just have a thing for immediate family I suppose.
He held off fucking me until I was 16 (legal age, but still inappropriate due to his position.)

One other thing is that the smoking thing was a set-up. He'd pick out someone like me and the 18-year old would arrange for us to get "caught".
I have a fantasy of going over to a guy’s place, letting him get me super drunk or high off weed, and then getting fucked by him and however else he wants to use me with. Especially love the idea of being fucked up and blindfolded, not able to physically resist if I wanted to because of how fucked up I’ve gotten. I’ve talked about doing it with a couple of local fwb tops but not enough to commit.

Ive also fantasized about doing the same to a bottom getting him extremely fucked to and then slutting him out. Have talked to a guy on Grindr about him taking his sleep pills so he’s completely passed out and leaving his fort unlocked for me and other tops to use him, but he keeps flaking.
>>all boys school
Crazy shit. A lot of faculty/student "rumors" too. I was too busy getting passed around by the offensive live to really care, but if I wish I'd had known my English teacher traded A's for blowies. GPA would have certainly been better.
>too busy getting passed around by the offensive line
I always thought it was funny that despite sports (especially football) having a reputation for being very stereotypically heterosexual, school sports teams tend to be the biggest concentrations of gay/bi boys in any school. Partly from the ambient homoeroticism that emanates from any locker room filled with hormonal teenagers. But mainly because a lot of closeted and sexually-confused boys gravitate towards joining sports in an attempt to prove their heterosexuality to themselves or others... only to end up connecting with other boys who're in the exact same boat.

All-boys schools seem to turn this trend up to 11, since even the straight boys have no outlet for their urges except for other guys.
>school sports teams tend to be the biggest concentrations of gay/bi boys in any school
Can confirm. 3/5 of the Oline was busting up in me. That's a majority. lol
>All-boys schools seem to turn this trend up to 11
For me, I kind of "woke up" at 11 and did like girls, but everywhere I looked, I was surrounded by horny shirtless teen boys who could keep secrets. That math equals a busy social calendar, man.
I met a straight guy on Craigslist right before it shut down. 30 years older than me with a big 7 inch thick cock. He only uses me for blowjobs. He likes it dark when i do it with the blinds closed and very little light. Not very verbal besides YEAH or moaning a little. But a lot of the time towards the end we get into a rhythm and he gets super hard right before he cums. He always finishes inside my mouth and never uses his hand to finish its always my mouth. A couple of times I've gotten super sloppy to make him finish and he really got into it by how hard he was and how much he came in my mouth. Just super gagging really loud each time it went in and out of my mouth.
He has told me its the best blowjobs he has ever had and he needs it regularly My favorite time was one of those times i was being super sloppy and he said OH YEAH YOUR MOUTH IS LIKE A PUSSY and blew a wad of cum in my mouth.
>He has told me its the best blowjobs he has ever had and he needs it
I fucking love when straight guys get hooked kek
we're just better at it. full stop.
Funny thing is that I'll talk to guys (here in the UK and in the US) that went to all-boys schools that will say "Yeah, I heard about stuff like that... b-but I never did anything."
I went to an allboys catholic highschool. I never heard anything about it. But my brother was two years ahead of me and it was an open secret that at least two teachers were playing with boys. The only reason he mentioned it because the priest scandal had just come out.
Captcha: dayms
When I was young, a friend and I would take turns blowing each other. The deal was, when one of us was close to coming, we would tap the other and finish ourself on our own chest. I can still remember how his cock felt in my mouth, the smell of it, the taste of his precum, the sounds he would make. I so badly wanted to gently grab his hand and hold it while I let him cum in my mouth but I was too afraid he would think i was gay. to this day, I feel incomplete for lack of a better term. I would love to find a man who would let me blow him under the condition that he never comes in my mouth. When that tap comes, I would surprise him and swallow all of it.
show a pic of the dildo is it actually impressive
Well no. Not by MOST people's standards. (aka why I didn't show when >>2661574 asked to see)
I LOVE it, and it's perfect for me. But it's average, maybe a bit below average depending on where you are
+ I've noticed most of 4chan fags are size queens
So I'd just feel bad if I posted a 1:1 replica of his dick only for him to get made fun of for it,
especially because he was nice to me and because he wouldn't be posting it himself (so it's not like he's willingly taking that risk)

Aka impressive? no. Perfect? yes
aw thats sweet, its good that you like it.
>4chan fags are size queens
that's so true. Guys I have been with were all between 4.5"- 6" and I had fun with all of them.
> talk to married guy online
> he's 42 white blonde hairy
> i'm 25 hispanic twink
> tells me he's straight and just wants a massage and maybe a handjob
> he undresses and lays on my bed, i undress too
> blonde handsome man, football player build but kinda lean
> massage his back for 30 mins, never done a real massage before
> lightly massage between his thighs and my hands rub against his big hairy balls
> flip him over and he's hard as diamonds
> i massage his shoulders and he grabs my waist and gets me to sit on top of him
> he starts to slide his cock into my ass
> flips me over and starts to fuck me harder, no condom
> tells me he likes the way i moan
> spanks my ass and spreads my cheeks
> pushes it back in
> he cums inside me and yells when he finishes
> tells me he can't believe i got him to top
>your spouse should be your best friend
Gayest part of this post…
It would kind of turn me on…
Nice. I’ve never been with a guy; too closeted. But, I’ve played around with dildos, and blowing one with a flavored condom on once made me cum hands free… I want to suck a real one though. I bet the warmth and the smell are amazing…
ngh i need to used by a white guy
I’d want to slowly lick it, from the back of the base to the tip; then, I’d twirl my tongue around the tip a little, before sucking solely on that for a bit, though I’d tease it with my lips before putting it all the way in. After taking it as far as I can for a while, I’d like to take it out and twirl my tongue around the tip again, maybe after slowly licking around the base; I’d also like to jerk him off for a bit, while sucking his balls. It would be hot to swallow, but honestly, I’m not sure if I could the first time; getting a facial would also be hot, it it would be a bitch cleaning up my hair, and I’d be afraid of getting pink eye… But just the warmth and taste alone would have me like daimonds…
i know >///<
Is leading on with the massage really a thing?

I saw a craigslist ad from a guy looking for a massage. He says he's 50's, construction worker and muscles aren't what they used to be. No mention of sex but come on, it was in M4M, so...

When we meet and he's about 6' 270# musclefat. He strips down and I ask if I can strip down to my underwear so I don't get oil on my clothes. I ask him if there is anywhere he doesn't want touched (legitimately in case he's hurt somewhere, and he says no.)

Start on his back, neck, arms and legs. Do his ass and inner thighs and when I do he gives me full access. He flips over and yeah, he's hard. Do arms, pecs, legs and make sure I'm brushing against his cock and balls. No objection so I start stroking his cock. He lets out a "Mmmmm".

Fuck it. I take his cock and slide my mouth over the tip and he immediately pulls my head down so I just start sucking like my life depended on it. Takes about 30 seconds before he moans and fills my mouth with his cum. Hold still for a minute, slide my mouth off and swallow.

He says "I hope you're clean. I wasn't expecting that."

The fuck you weren't.
>I met a straight guy on Craigslist right before it shut down.
I'm STILL blowing "straight" dudes I met on Craigslist lol
>Is leading on with the massage really a thing?
I have one married Daddy that comes over for "massages." He strips, lays on his stomach just like your dude, then rolls over when he wants me to start sucking him. It's rare, but he'll ask if I want to fuck and I'll ride him if I do. He cums, gets dressed, says thanks and says he'll call.
He always calls.

these ideas are not supported by psychology or sexual health experts, nor do they carry any credible scientific backing.

you just desperately wanna buy into this shit because you're deeply in shame and it conveniently absolves you of your innate faggotry. but let this be clear anon: it was never inflicted upon you. sexual trauma won't override anyone's *orientation*. you were always going to develop this way and you can hate yourself for it. or understand it's completely normal and start healing ffs.

these ideas are not supported by psychology or sexual health experts, nor do they carry any credible scientific backing.

you just desperately wanna buy into this shit because you're deeply in shame and it conveniently absolves you of your innate faggotry. but let this be clear anon: it was never inflicted upon you. sexual trauma won't override anyone's *orientation*. you were always going to develop this way and you can hate yourself for it. or understand it's completely normal and start healing ffs.
>you were always going to develop this way
truth. not molested. virgin until 17. great family. normal life.
still a degenerate bottom cumslut...
As a young guy, I was pretty snobbish about who I’d hook up with. The guy had to be the right height, weight, looks, cock size, etc… Because of this, I was constantly rejecting guys and wouldn’t hook up for a couple months at a time. After about a four month dry spell, I decided to “lower my standards” and contacted a guy who was on CL. He said he was chubby with a small cock but why not? Just wanted to get my cock sucked.
Get there and this guy is a little more than chubby but a mouth is a mouth, right? We chat for a bit and learn he has a mostly platonic poly GF who has sex with anyone but him. Whatever fatty, let’s get this done. We go into his bedroom, strip down and get into bed.
Just to describe this guy… he’s heavy, moobs, completely hairless except for his head and some pubic hair. Very smooth skin. We start fooling around and I’m used to touching tight, muscular bodies but I realize how much I like touching his body. And he seems to like mine. We’re kissing each other, nibbling on different parts of our bodies. He sucks my cock for a while and I start playing with his. It’s rock hard but only about 4.5” (although thick) and he has pretty sizable balls. I suck his cock and balls for a while and I’m enjoying this more than I expected.
I told him I hadn’t been fucked for a while, that I miss it and it would be nice for him to fuck me. He begs off explaining due to his cock size and belly it really wouldn’t work. In fact he says that’s why his GF fucks other people. I think that kind of sucks so tell him I want him to try. I got on the edge of the bed, pulled my legs back and exposed my hole to him. First thing he does is start rimming me and it feels unbelievable. I’m leaking precum and he stops and licks it off my belly. I told him to lube me and fuck me and when he does I can feel my hole stretching. He doesn’t/can’t go really deep but he’s in far enough for me to feel it.
He just starts fucking me fast and hard. His balls are slapping against my ass and his hairless belly and moobs are bouncing with each stroke. While I’m holding my legs back he’s holding my cock and smearing it with my precum and I just blast on myself with ropes of cum on my chest and stomach. After that I just lay there and watch him take pleasure from my asshole. I was surprised he lasted as long as he did (about 20 minutes). When he finally cums he seems to shoot for almost a minute and then his whole body relaxes. He pulls out and says thanks.
I got up and could feel his cum running down my legs. He suggested taking a shower together so we did and I spent most of it running my soapy hands over his body. I was getting hard again but knew I had to get back to work so we called it a day.
Talked to him a few days later and he told me he actually fucked his girlfriend the same way the next day. We hooked up a few more times including once with his GF, but I changed jobs shortly after that and it was too difficult to meet. But after that my prejudice against fat guys was gone forever.
Everyone will have their own anecdotal evidence. Mine is that I had a normal childhood, hung around both boys and girls in the neighborhood, no sexual trauma or exposure to sex until a friend got some porn magazines. While they were commenting on boobs and pussys, I was attracted to cocks and male bodies. I was 13 at the time. I knew what society's expectations were so I stayed in the closet. Dated girls but never felt the attraction. But was always attracted to guys.

Can sexual "trauma" affect sexuality? I think so. If you take a kid with no sexual experience and his first experience is with a mother figure, he may have a sexual attraction to mother figures for life. If his first sexual experience is with a guy, he may have a sexual attraction to guys for life.

It's me again, you are partly right. The safest statement to make would be that it affects expression, not orientation. Being a sub or into dommy mommies would fall under that. It can also make people confused or reserved or hypersexual. It won't turn kids gay. That's not an anecdote, that's the general scientific consensus.

Don't let that other sorry individual make you guys feel broken or dirty or paraphilic. If that's your kink knock yourself out, however you should still know deep down that male on male attraction is a perfectly healthy part of human sexuality.
>Can sexual "trauma" affect sexuality? I think so.
So can positive sexual affect, though. The first time I cummed getting fucked was with a guy 30 years older than me. It rewired my brain and turned me into a complete Daddy slut, still am.
EVERY experience shapes you, positive and negative.
a friend loved groping and caressing my thighs when i was in school, does that count as molesting?
Did you not figure out that he wanted to get down?
I told him to stop because i was feeling way too gay
oddly gayer than this entire thread ngl
classic faggot response
You went back didn't you? Dirty little slut.
(1/3) My first gay experience was unexpected. Mainly because I had never had any gay desires until that moment. It was random, anonymous and completely out of character. I had just finished Infantry Basic Training at Fort Benning. Me and some buddies went to Columbus GA to blow off steam and find something to fuck before entering Airborne school. We got a room on the infamous Victory(VD) drive. One of the guys found a pimp and all of us (there were 8) headed to another hotel where the girls were.

We arrived at their room, and on the beds were 2 fat, nasty disinterested black girls. (Not prejudiced, they would have been fat and nasty no matter the skin color). I wasn't about to try to fuck those trolls, especially with my buddies looking on. I told one of my buddies no way, that I was going back to the hotel and left.

I remembered seeing a video arcade (this was mid 80's) and some eateries about half a mile away, so I started walking in that direction. Walking down VD drive I saw a car slow down and take a look at me. It was dark, but at first I thought it was a woman checking me out. At the next cross street, the car turned and stopped waiting for me to catch up. When the window rolled down, it was not a woman but a guy. He asked me where I was going. I told him and offered me a ride.

The guy was a non-descript older guy in his fifties, slightly pudgy. Looked like he could be a mid-manager at a bank or something. Maybe an inch or two taller than my 5'8". I agreed and got in. He pulled up bit and we exchanged names. He then says that he has a hotel room nearby, and if I want, we can go and fool around a bit. Privately, nobody would ever know. And I wouldn't have to do anything to him.
(2/3) It's weird, but I said OK. Don't know why, I'd never even thought about gay shit before then. I guess it was a 19 year old's general horniness, and not even being able to jack off for the last several months. Like he said, nobody would ever know. The funny thing is, as we drove to his hotel, I was chubbing up in anticipation.

His motel was cheep, and when we entered, he tried to kiss me, but I stopped him. Not into kissing. He says he wants to undress me and has me sit on the bed while he takes off his clothes. He is soon completely naked. He is about 5'10" with a belly, probably late 50's, with a body that hadn't lifted a weight or seen much sun in decades. He was packing a 5 1/2" or so completely shaved rock hard cock. It was the first adult cock I had ever seen that wasn't in a porno.

He stood me up and began to remove my shirt. He began to suck on my nipples, which felt great. He then undid my pants, slid them down, followed by my underwear. I stepped out of them, and he got on his knees and began sucking my dick, looking up at me to see my reaction. Fucking amazing. This was a first for me, I had a girlfriend who once gave me about three little bobs on my dick, but never something sensual like this. He was literally making love to my penis. It took me less than a minute to cum and he swallowed it all telling me how delicious boy cum is.

He pushed me down on the bed and removed my socks. Then he started licking and sucking my balls, worked his way down and started tonging my ass. Oh Fuck. That was a new amazing sensation. He got on the bed with me and we laid side by side and he began to suck my hard again cock. I was face to face with his dick and I decided what the fuck and put it in my mouth and began to suck it.
(3/3) "Oh yeah," he sighed. I remember I thinking "I'm actually sucking a cock." There was a slightly salty taste of pre-cum. Not bad. Hard yet soft in my mouth. I did my best, but he never came. I guess I sucked at sucking. It was my 1st try though, so give me a break. Meanwhule, I had deposited two more loads into his mouth.

That's about when the straight guy remorse hit me. You know that feeling when you ask yourself "what the fuck am I doing." I told him I needed to get back. He was dissapointed, I think he was hoping for some butt sex, but that was never going to happen.

He dropped me off a block from my Hotel. My buddies had gone looking for me and were freeking out when I was nowhere to be found. Told them I went to the Arcade and then went an got something to eat. They didn't need to know that what I was eating was cock. Anyhow, that was my first gay experience. It was 3 years before I did anything with a guy again.

So that's the story of my 1st time. A little long and maybe a bit too much detail, but some will enjoy it. I don't know how to lable myself. Not gay, not really even bi. When it comes to romance, I only want a woman. I'm masculin and certainly dont put off a gay vibe. But I truly enjoy the occational man on man sex still to this day.
>I had just finished Infantry Basic Training at Fort Benning.
>It was the first adult cock I had ever seen that wasn't in a porno.
Tell us about them. Craigslist hookups were the hottest hookups for me back in those days.

...The reason was probably because I was 19 and jacked up on adolescent hormones, but nostalgia.
You got fucked in the ass later right? The "oh I'm straight hehe but I'll try sucking old man dick" types always end up riding dick like their asses were made for it.
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Hot story anon. You got fucked in the ass later right? The "I'm straight hehe but I'll try sucking old dick" types always end up riding dick like their asses were made for it.
That's how I turned out ngl. Anymore though I can't even find a half decent cock to suck.
looks like we've the same experience as you, i used to do a little experiment with my step brother when we were 10 yo. And I remember one time I peed on him as a joke, and he liked it.
Over time , yes. Both fucking and being fucked. Enjoy either or both in the right situation.
In this day and age, doubt should be the default. But the story is real.
Is it juvenille of me to play with a dildo after inserting it on my ass? I don't want to date now, so sometimes I will just shower my 5 inch tiny cock and grind it on my 10 inch girthy one.
My first experience was on a solo trip to Bangkok when I was 16 (I live in a neighbouring country, not the US).

As a twink asian teen boi that speaks fluent enough English as his first language, I went there with the intention of solely being a cultural travel experience.

It was my first solo trip, and I never accounted for how lonely and horny introverted me got when I was too tired to go out but still energetic enough to not sleep.

I planned to at least hook up with a guy for the first time during my trip (hoping it was from a gay bar and not some rando on grindr). I got my body waxxed and spent the previous few nights trying to play with my hole to get myself a bit loose.

It was still just at the back of my mind to actually lost my virginity there but one night I just said fuck it and activated my mega lurker grindr account.

I was planning to get a white sexpat daddy type but all those that hit me up was either young af that looks like they wanna rape me or so old I'm scared everything sag.

I was also afraid of the consequences of having some 9 inch bbc break my hole open and leave my virgin body stranded in a foreign land with a broken ass.

So my horny brain decided to settle for a 30 plus year old kinda chubby arab dude with a cute face and a thick but 5 incher dick.


He had all sorts of red flags like no pfp and blurry temporary pics but whatever I was too horny to wait. The thought of being railed by some Arab guy twice my size and age, and desu a bit lower quality than me, is kinda hot in a degrading way.

20 mins or nervous pacing at my hotel lobby later he arrived, I greeted him all awkward and brought him up to my room.

In the elevator ride over I was thinking he'll try to grope and touch me but surprisingly he was quite cordial, asking about my time here while I ask about his.

Things heat up quickly when we got to my room. I leaned into him, and he started stripping my jacket off and nibbling on my neck and slowly down to my nipples while I moaned into his ears standing. It was again a bit awkward but still hot as I explored his body with my hands. It was the first time I'm this intimate with a guy, feeling under his clothes while he made out with my body.

He was obsessed with planting hickies all over me (later, he told me because I told him I'm a virgin, he wanted to mark me). I felt so small in front of him even though I was noticeably taller. Eventually, we made our way to the bed after stripping each other butt naked. His dick was oddly shaped, like bigger at the base than the tip, not super weird or small but just not the type I usually see.

We cuddled for a while, he was especially interested in my thighs for some reason, I'm not really a thicc type but I run often so he was just pillow fucking my thighs while he moans in my ears until he was fully hard.
He then flipped me on my stomach, while he puts on a condom. I was a bit disappointed since I kinda have a oral fixation and REALLY wanna suck him off but was too pussy and submissive to ask to do it.

When he was done, he leaned over my shoulder and told me to let him know if he's going too rough and needs a break. For the next (I feel like 20?) Minutes he proceeded to go balls deeps prone boning me.

It hurt like a mother fucker and I was mostly moaning from the pain. Every thrust I thought somethings gonna break, I never thought it'll hurt this much compared to a dildo but I'm not sure if it's cause of his dick shape or the positioning I'm in. He was grunting and moaning in such a hot way to, there were points where I wanted to ask him to stop but was kinda scared because I was pinned down by him. A small part of me just wanted him to cum as fast as possible.

Eventually his hips got faster and faster, pounding my little teen ass in the bed as the room fills up with our moans. He whispered in to my ears 'I'm gonna cum baby' before giving a few more pumps and a strong long moan. My ass was so numb by now but I could still feel his dick pulsating in me. Lowkey kinda hot and saved the whole experienced.

Afterwards he went to the toilet to clean up while I just laid there in a kinda post-fuck recovery.

Despite the amount of pain I went through, I'll 100% do it again. It legit solidified me as a gay twink boi that likes to be used by dominant guys twice my age.

I also learned that condom sex sucks a lot and I still really want to suck a cock.

I'll also never do prone bone again my ass is too small for that.

We added each other on snap and still talked on occasion, I invited him to hmu if he's ever in my country
i have a question...
i like women and i am in hetero relationship but sometimes i want to hold and suck another cock, am i bisexsual or geh?
I dont even find men atractive, i just like to see another cock cum hard.
I tryed it twice with a man with a gap of several years, both times i swallowed and after that i didnt have the feeling to do it again (it was good, but i had enough), but after some time it hits me, i start to watch porn like closeup cumshots, frotting, jerking together, blowjobs, etc.. and the feeling getting stronger and i am trying to find someone online on CL type of app in my area but its very hard to find someone "normal" cuz most of them are creeps writing msgs like "fuck me like a whore"...

So simetimes i am just wondering what it is...
Definitely bi.

I have a few guys I hook up with. A few weekly but some have the "itch" once a month or year, one it's every two years. Not sure how many times you have hetero sex now, but as it decreases, your "itch" will likely increase.
My gf is pimping me out for other men after she caught me cruising. I told her that I haye it but I very much love it
Not every personality trait needs some meme identity. A lot of guys like this don't really have a "lifestyle" or check enough boxes to warrant a label. They are just normal guys who get a thrill from playing with dicks and consider it 'sexual' with no other interest in males. Insisting such varieties must fit one of three poorly constructed categories, themselves pointless, creates a lot of "no true Scotsman"s.

Plus, its not really healthy to wonder what you are according to other people. It really doesn't serve any purpose but to reinforce self doubt. Looking for snowflake badges isn't really a great idea.
Is it really a confession if it's more a repressed group of memories?

I blame a lot of my bi-sexuality on my mom (damn single moms) but never talked to her about it. Nothing incesty, just her being a slut while I was 6-9 yrs old and accidentally catching her riding black dudes with huge schmeat. Ever since, I was 8, I had a fascination with dicks and ended up experimenting on many occasions with friends, some girls but mostly boys. I know of 2 guys that I likely made bi-sexual because they went on to fuck other dudes but ended up getting girlfriends. Been in a relationship with a trans guy (was a woman) for 2 years but been single for a while cause relationships are annoying lol

Was hypersexual between 11 and 16, lost my virginity at 14 and sucked dick for fun until I left highschool. Used Grindr alot while in the military. My confession is resenting my mom for putting me on this path but I never expressed it out loud.
Now that's a confusion. Probably just fantasy but tell us anon

1. Did your GF watch, or is it like pure money?
2. The top, do they talk on degrading to you as some sort of reverse cuckold?
Its not really a confession at all if you can't take any responsibility for your actions as an adult. You don't get to ask who to blame while simultaneously having no interest in changing it. Mind you, I am not saying its something to be ashamed of, but you are.
>Its not really a confession at all if you can't take any responsibility for your actions as an adult. You don't get to ask who to blame while simultaneously having no interest in changing it. Mind you, I am not saying its something to be ashamed of, but you are.

Lmao blaming your fucked up faggot brain to catching your mom being fucked.

Nothing screams internalized homophobialouder than claiming as bisexual while 100% being addicted to dick.
Eh, responsibility isn't even a factor with regards to my actions and my thoughts are mine. And I have changed it, and I accomplished that through personal reflection or perhaps I've just mellowed out since turning 30.

Can't deny enjoying dick but if fucking a pussy for 2 years straight doesn't at least make you bi then I don't know what will.
Hello I am the first anon
Anyways I understand if you don't wanna show it but idgaf about the size I just love the concept of a dildo immortalized in time, for it to become a tool it's so hot if I could I would but it in a heartbeat and fuck myself with my own dick everyday
Oh wait you didn't mention fucking pussy for full straight 24 calendar months. Now that _changes_ everything, Go bisexual anon.
Two of the best I've read on here:4
>anon has passionate relationship with older guy who wants anon to marry his shy daughter, he actually does and gets along well because she is sex-averse and sweet, while banging her father
>anon 2, a man who comes from a wealthy family where to maintain the status he has to be with a woman but hookups with men throughout college, dates a girl but has a fwb, wears that fwb's cumsoaked underwear under his own groom tux on wedding day, uses it to get hard when he fucks the bride
Anyone else have any kinky beard arrangement stories?
I need some advice here. I'm going to Japan in March this year, I intend on going to the bath houses and having fun with the exotic men there. I am 5'10" and weigh 160 pounds with an average build, am I going to be able to get some ass there? Or am I the one who's going to get fucked and groped?
They really like white meat there, don't worry.
even with my twink build? I will take your word for it.
Ffs man, they make octopus porn. You should be more than fine.
My girl sometimes gets weird insecurities about me finding other women attractive. I won't go into details, but she'll get in her feels and compare herself to other women we know or someone we saw at the bar we were at or whatever.
The truth is, I'm almost always fantasizing about other men. I watch gay porn much more these days. My mind wanders back to good ass fucks I took more than good nights with women. I miss sucking dick far more than sex with other women. If we broke up, I'd spend months on the cock carousel before I even thought about finding another chick.
I still miss my first boyfriend

I was 18 when I met him, we became close friends and then I had an encounter with his penis that led to casual sex over the course of a few months

He's still one of the biggest guys I've ever been with and he carved out his sexuality into my impressionable body

He was also the only man I really loved, and it feels like I've been chasing him and that feeling I had with him ever since

He started to become violent and is now schizophrenic, I can't see him anymore. But he still sends me dick pics, saying how he's seen me around shouting at him, even though I haven't been around for years
You're better off without him.
He was getting seriously violent, he was very strong too. I just miss him
One time in middle school I got paired with this awkward guy to do a dance for some class. Midway in our dance demonstration, his schlong got loose and the thing was massive. It was shaking and bouncing everywhere, super thick and long too. I kept glancing at it in terror, and he was panicking trying to get it together. Eventually he does and we finish, the silence afterwards from everyone is deafening

His dick is still, by far the biggest cock I've ever seen, it was just comical the amount of cock he had, and in middle school I can't imagine what he's doing with that thing now...I still think about him and that moment all the time, and I think he may have a had a crush on me then.
This thread just confirmed my suspicions about most faggots. I wish I wasn't gay
what suspicions?
lmao so many things wrong with this shitty "infographic". Like having more sexual partners is a bad thing.
It is though. Gays think it's normal to have 5+ different anon hookups per month. Normal people find that degenerate if not self-harm behavior
>This thread just confirmed my suspicions about most faggots. I wish I wasn't gay
But you are. You are that faggot on the biographic, mo matter how much you think "you're different". Remembet the feeling you get dicked. Faggot.
Making up complete lies about things that are incredibly easy to just ... like... go look at the public health data and see that everything you said was made up lies... I dunno, that all seems like some pretty pathetic, abject stupidity there.
>to do a dance for some class
>his schlong got loose
idk what any of this means
Gays need monogamy. It's one thing to have sex with everyone in your 20s, but 30s and up, it;s just sad.

People in California lost their lives and nillions are suffering now. You're concerned thar you like to suck dick and let men fuck you?
You thought about just getting a boyfriend?
Look anon CA is only a small part of the US but life has to go on. Suggest you turn your mindless comments against the looters
What is this bullshit in my hot confession and LARPing thread? Where are the people who got pegged by their gf then went and got railed behind her back? Or the guys who are ashamed of themselves but can't help suck dick all day? Wtf.
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>raised by a single mom
>she went through a string of short-term boyfriends when I was a teenager
>I thought several of them were pretty hot
>guess we have similar taste lol
>couple years ago I was on grindr
>started chatting with this built older guy who seemed oddly familiar
>eventually he's like "hey... aren't you [mom's name]'s son?"
>holy shit, it's one of her ex-bfs
>we had a good laugh about it
>and I expected him to bail out
>but instead he just got more determined to meet up
>I felt weird about it
>but he managed to sweet-talk me into it
>I set ground rules that in-person there would be zero mention of my mom
>the sex ended up being fucking great
>was supposed to just be a one-time thing
>but I keep going back for more
I will literally die of embarrassment if my mom ever finds out about this shit. Or she'll just kill me herself.
Or the guys who are ashamed of themselves but can't help suck dick all day?
So like...
>be me, high school
>gf since 7th grade, literal High School sweetheart shit, popular. I'm an athlete, she's a cheerleader
>She's catholic, won't let me touch her so porn is my outlet
>the porn gets gayer, objects enter my ass in curiosity
>meet a guy on craigslist, 40s, divorced, has a place about 4 blocks away
>plead to the gf that I love her and want to be more sexually active
>jesus wouldn't like that
>40s dude invites me over
>get there and he's super sweet
>knows I'm nervous, goes slow
>make out on the couch for a bit, and he puts my hand on his cock
>he's diamonds, I'm diamonds
>pulls his dick out, tells me to start slow
>doesn't take long. his moans, telling me I'm good
>reaches and starts rubbing and fingering me as I blow him
>practically beg him to fuck me cause I've lost my mind at this point
>once he's in he pushes me down and fucks me prone
>kissing my neck and shit as he fucks me
>whisper asks if he can cum inside me
>blurt out "YES" like the slut I now am
>grinds deep in me a few times and thunder cums
>rolls me over, blows me, I cum EVERYWHERE
>says I was great, hopes I like my first time
>tell him I have to go but ask if I can come back, says of course
>kisses me at the door
>cry the entire way home cause I'm a faggot now
>by day: straight hs church boy archetype
>by night: a 40 year old divorced dude's cumdump
>over there so much I have a toothbrush and toiletries in the bathroom
>clothes in a drawer (for accidents)
>constantly ashamed, afraid people will find out
>doesn't stop me from getting filled up
>break up with gf around the time a few of his friends join in and start passing me around
>mfw I'm gay now, bouncing on Daddy dick and can't stop
>all because a bitch wouldn't put out
>if she put out I might still be straight
NGL I'm just a vicious person that enjoy taunting faggot-in-denial.

.. But I genuinely feel sorry for this anon. I actually feel the anguish of internalized self hate being a Catholic, having GF etc that doesn't match with who he actually are.

But I'm just kidding myself, 90% chance this kind of anon grows up into full hypocrite homophobe.
>90% chance this kind of anon grows up into full hypocrite homophobe
Checked. And I don't think you're wrong, just glad I didn't go that route.
Doesn't change the fact you're gay and hate yourself.
I too mad at you guys on Craigslist but none as frequent as bill. We've known each other close to 20 years now. He was looking online for a guy crossdress that he could play with. He's sometimes did it himself and I have to admit his big free cock in a pair of panties that you could see through was really exciting especially when he fished it out for me to sucker to stick it in my ass.
My first was a boy my age about 12. I was sucking him off for a boat 3 months until we suddenly moved without telling me. I got in touch with him years ago on Facebook we need denied ever knowing me. Call them a hypocrite and he blocked me no doubt he's married and on the down low

Second was a teaching assistant 8 years older than I was in high school. The best time we had was a bunch of us younger kids went along on a ski trip multi-day and with extra numbers we could afford a big Chalet rather than a bunch of small buildings. I was behind on homework and he came along because he was kind of supervising me to make sure I did my homework while I was there so we got one of the to bed out buildings it was very private. I made sure though before I got there that all my homework was actually done. We ended up fucking every single night several times while we were there and I even covertly gave him a blowjob in the trees on one ski run.

Third guy was 29 years old to my 13 I was down by a river bank near a hospital in Winnipeg I heard voices coming down by the river. My cousin who worked for the cops told me there was sometimes drug dealing and prostitution going on down there and I should watch myself. I went down to watch but it was just two guys chatting and then I realized they were going to have sex and another guy joined me to watch one guy get a blowjob from the other. We walked off and he asked me what we were walking if I wanted to do the same for him and I said I did. In spite of the fact I was thinking he could Reaper no one would know just made it more exciting we found his private spot by the river bank and I gave him a blowjob he ended up coming in less than a minute. We casually got back on the trail making sure no one was watching, and chatted a bit more about what I was doing and Winnipeg attending ballet school, and then I casually told him I didn't have to be at home until 9:00 p.m. and it was only 10:30 in the morning
He drove back to his business and we went in through the back door into his office. I sat on his couch and he got us some pops and give me one and sat behind his desk. We chatted a bit I was still pretty excited but he wasn't showing really any interest. We got to talking about first experiences, and I told him how I've had a few times but I need to practice it more is it still a bit uncomfortable.

I'm getting more more excited with the thought of him sticking his cock into my mouth her ass but he didn't betray any interest in doing that so I'm sitting on the couch with a bit of a hard on in my pants. He excused himself to go to the bathroom and well gone I was thinking if I needed to make an excuse to go I should do it soon. When he came back he actually sat down to me next to me on the couch so close that our thighs touched and we chatted a bit more and he put his arm over my shoulder and I knew then that I wanted him to fuck me. I ended up sucking him off two more times while I was there that day and he did the same for me.

Discontinued on that same day of the week as I had that day off from school and his business was closed that day. Finally about a month later I brought up anal by casually asking him if he had condoms around and I asked him how many boxes you should get and he said he should get two because you could use that up in a couple of days with me. So he drove out to a drugstore I asked him to get some porno mags while he was in there.

We had sex in his store on top of a pile of straw bales with a few blankets and a pillow from his office on it for me. That was also the first time I'd ever had anal Lingus and I also get it to him. I was so excited the idea of him pushing his cock into me that my dick felt me it was made of glass it was so hard. Luckily though he got a latex glove on and gave me a good thorough fingering spread Lube around me. I had mentioned that the stuff I liked was this gyno stuff

I rested on that straw bale with my ass hanging over the edge of my legs holding me up off the floor while he got into me from behind. He shifted around his position to bit until he was finding my prostate on every second or third for us and then it was ecstasy. I ended up doing onto the straw in five or six minutes and he came shortly after that. He pulled out and I got on my hands and knees to give him a blowjob with the used condom still on it and then I pulled it off to come off him and clean them up. When you got hard again I threw cross into the wind and just asked him to fuck me bear and he did. He took a lot longer to come nearly 20 minutes I was getting a bit sore and then he just suddenly thrust into me and held there coming

On that weekend, my grandparents introduced me to him as a local business owner who was looking to hire someone to help them as they wanted me to learn some responsibility. It was part-time work he opened that one day of the week that it was closed before, and I also helped out on the weekends. For a few weeks nothing happened and then when I was getting my first paycheck I asked him when we were alone why I hadn't put the moves on me and he said that he didn't think I wanted that anymore and I said that I did. So you immediately got me on my knees in his office sucking them off so we could fuck me again on his desk and then on the couch. It became as cold to my grandparents to ask me if I could work a bit late to tidy stuff up in the display space. Usually it was a bit of work but then as soon as it was organized we'd be up on that pile of straw bales having sex. I fucked him a few times I enjoyed it but I was more exciting being is sex slave. We even tried a bit of bondage with him tying me up with horse track and putting a feed bag over my head so I couldn't see what he was doing.

He also had a pretty good collection of porn lots of European magazines gay and straight and a bit of mix stuff. My favorites
He also had a VCR in his office, a fairly rare item at that point in the '70s. He had a bookcase full of Manufacturers instructions and stuff for equipment and materials. He kept the porn though in a separate box hidden way in the back of the store I do materials that you would have to move using a pallet jack to uncover them. If I wanted to watch that stuff with him in the office after work, I just asked him if we were going to need the pallet jack anymore that day or I would put it away. If you said that it was going to be needed, I knew you were going to be watching porn in his office and then having sex. By this time I'd had a few enemas in hospital after being there with pneumonia. I suspected the nurse gave them to me not entirely because I needed the last few but because she thought I would be interested in them and I certainly was and I told him that. So he got a bunch of porn mags and one really good video of some S&M people doing it to each other

We sometimes went to the trails where we met not to actually play around but just to watch guys have sex and then go back and have sex ourselves after getting excited. One frequent visitor to the store always seem to like me to help him out and the boss always let us talk freely without interruption and it turns out that he was interested in me sexually. He was a bit older than my boss it is late 30s tiny bit of gray hair but I found that quite attractive by then. I talked to the boss afterward and he said that he knew the guy wasn't married and suspected that he was gay. He encouraged me to talk to him a little bit more frankly, and to do so though not at the place of business but maybe get a coffee after work sometime or meet him on the weekends. So I did that. We went for a walk at the zoo on Saturday which I like doing, and he brought up stuff like my relationships with girls I said that I had had a girlfriend but it also had a few guys as well.
I also confessed that I found a cruising spot along the river Watch the guy get a blowjob and spectated with another person. And the guy that I expected with asked me to do the same for him then I did. I didn't volunteer though that it was in fact the owner of the business where I worked and I've been doing that with.

He mentioned a few other things and he also apparently attended the same church as my grandparents and my boss, but didn't show up very often because he was often out of town on business on the weekends and couldn't get back it was just too tired to get out of bed after being up all night on a plane.

We talked about what we like doing with guys and I told them that I really enjoyed oral sex giving a lot more than receiving. I also told him that I found out I liked enemas, and anal intercourse with me being on the receiving end. I told my also like being nude outside but that was pretty rare in Manitoba as people were a little bit more religious and stuck up about public nudity there so I'd only ever gone to one nude beach in the 5 months I've been there so far.

I had to get home for dinner and I said goodbye to him. But what I actually did is I went back to the business which was closed but my boss was there doing bookkeeping so I wrapped on his office window for him to let me in. He had bookkeeping to do but it was mostly finished and just had to go to the accountant. I admitted to him I was quite horny from talking with the other guy and I wanted him to have sex with me so we did. We hadn't been together in about 2 and 1/2 Weeks and I hadn't been masturbating much so I was probably hornier than him. I didn't want to make a mess in my shorts as the last time I'd had anal with him I could feel come leaking out of my ass into my underwear and I had to carefully wash it when I was having a shower so my grandmother wouldn't find them in the laundry. He ended up getting me to give him a blowjob and then let me get fucked by him four times
We also talked afterwards for about an hour. I told him I found the guy really attractive, and he said that he wouldn't be jealous if I wanted to pursue something with him but to just be careful as it was a small town and you could ruin someone's reputation very easily.9

He did the 10 church that weekend, and he came over to say hi when he saw my boss talking to me and my grandparents. My granddad was more interested though in how I was doing it the business cuz he's thought I was lazy and the boss said that I wasn't anything of the sort and I was very dependable, just not strong enough to muscle around some of the displays that needed moving but otherwise excellent. My grandfather also introduced the older man to us. I shook his hand and pretended not to know him and we got to talking and my grandfather invited to both of them along with us to have coffee and a snack after church before we went home. The older guy was very polite and I got a better look at him this time. Strong hands and arms a bit chubby very furry too as I could see a bit of hair peeking out of his shirt collar which was unbuttoned a little bit. I could also see that is crotch was pretty sizable as I could see it swinging around inside there when he walked. All in all very sexually attractive even though I didn't think that I would find him so. He got talking that he was going to be off work for 2 months doing some studying for language at the University and he would take that time on the weekends to start fixing up his cabin again which should been neglected. There are a few lakes around there Lake Winnipeg being one but there's lots of smaller ones that were a lot more private. His was one of the ladder, being at the end of a dead end road that was gated and it had its own little Lake access. He said people voted on the lake from a ramp at the far end where there was a campsite and park other than that it was usually pretty quiet. He also mentioned that grounds were overgrown
Occasionally mentioned to Granddad that we needed to pick up some woodworking stuff if he was going to do any more lessons for me that weekend. The guy asked how good I was with that and I said I know trim pretty well for stuff but Granddad was teaching me joinery for furniture and small things. Granddad said though the yard looked really good from where I'd worked on it earlier in the week and I told him while I learned a lot working on that lady's Resort place up where I lived with my parents. I cut the older guys eyes briefly and I think he got the idea to see if my granddad would let me stay up there to work on the place inside and out on a weekend or two.

My granddad and Grandma were not particularly religious I was even less so and they didn't make me attend church I went along mostly because it was a good place to meet people as I was a bit without friends and I've met a few people there, other than just sex partners though of course.

My granddad asked the guy how much work it needed and it wasn't dug into his back pocket and fished out some photographs he'd taken for a handyman to give him an estimate on how much it would cost. Looking at it it wasn't too bad mostly just small brush nothing you would need anything more than a small hand saw for the inside was pretty good shape although some of the trim it popped off it was missing the fireplace could use a good cleaning and also the path and clearing down by the lake needed to be sorted out so there was some place to put the table.

We finished up our meal and went our separate ways after the guy gave my grandfather his business card and his phone number. We chatted about it at home when he was giving me his woodworking lessons. I said the guy seem to be a bit quiet it wasn't too sure what he needed done at the place. I said the cabin though was really nice and it deserved a better Landscaping that currently had. But I also told him that yeah there's definitely more than one weekend's work
I was coming up on a spring break, and a break from ballet. What school work was doing well and I was completely caught up for the most part except for my social studies, I always lag behind on stuff like that which wasn't particularly logical. I had a shift it my job the next day and my boss and I chatted casually about stuff until he brought up the other guy. I told him the guy looked like he needed a few weekends of work at the place I wasn't sure what was happening. My grandfather seemed like the guy but thought I needed to be supervised pretty carefully so it's not to hurt myself doing work with tools. I was excited by the presence of my boss, cuz I knew in that office desk Droid that he had was a bunch of lube and condoms and we could have fun. When he asked me how much time I had before I was expected home and I told him 2 hours he stopped talking and God video cassette out of the desk drawer to play. He said I might enjoy this one as it was a English video on animal fun. And he was right. He lay back on the couch and I lay on top of them with my head on his chest and my stomach on is growing while we watched people get enemas and then have sex and have more enemas. But it seemed to be the enema was the focus

He also had started letting me keep some clothing there that I couldn't keep it home because I was also cross-dresser by now. I had lots of panties bras pantyhose, but it also gotten me something really nice was a pen war set with little frilly panties and a little top that came down to just below my waist. I felt sex in it but with my boner sticking out of the underwear I thought I looked a bit silly. But I felt really good wearing it while I was sucking him off like I was dressing for the role I was playing.

The first trip out to the cabin was organized on a Friday when I didn't have an afternoon class and didn't need to be back until Sunday night. The weather was warmer now swimming was possible in some of the shallower lakes
I had something that my boss gave me in a bag in with my suitcase, some of my women's underwear, Lube condoms if I wanted them. And a few of my men's magazines.

The driveway is fairly long about 2 and 1/2 hours. I could see why that we didn't go very often. The highway was good but once you got off on the side road there was 20 km of not particularly great gravel roads before it finally started acting off to various little properties. This was not in a very popular area, due to its distance, but the property was quite big the driveway nearly half a kilometer long. We chatted pretty intimately on the trip. I told him that and how to semi-regular partner but he wasn't around much right now so nothing had been going on recently. He said that he could understand that as it was very difficult for people to keep this hidden so they had to be careful. He asked me what sort of things I like doing and I told him that I loved oral sex anal and I also broached within that I'd recently found that I liked Animas and I enjoyed dressing in women's clothes. He perked up a bit when I told him that I brought some of that along, and I was hoping for a swim later in the swimsuit that I bought. He asked me what it looked like and I went and pulled it out from my suitcase and put it on my lap for him to glance at furtively while driving on the highway. A pink one piece it was a younger woman size but the top was a little bit big in the front so I told him I brought balloons along to fill it out while I was wearing it.

What's there we kind of forgot that stuff and just got the tools from the trunk of the car out and then put into the storage shed or in the garage if they were more expensive and needed to be secured. He showed me around the property pretty big about 10 acres with large Frontage along the lake. While we were walking down the path he didn't want to stand too close to me and on an Impulse I went and walked right next to him and held his hand while we were walking.
His hand was firm and very soft. I was getting excited just imagine how it would feel holding on to me. I pulled my hand away when we got to the dock when we were coming into site from anyone on the lake. But the place was very empty. The cabin was no longer in sight behind us, so I just stood there next to him and I put my arm around his waist and he could his around my shoulder and back. A casual glance to his crotch told me that he was certainly getting excited and he asked me if I wanted him to kiss me and I said I hadn't done that with any guys yet but to go ahead. To my surprise it was actually very nice. He was clean shaven, and in the course of kissing me he also had his hand up on the back of my neck and across my ears and he also kissed me a bit on my ears in the nape of my neck which I discovered then was it when erogenous zone of mine I was really excited by him, and I asked me if we could go back into the cabin and we walk quickly back there and got undressed to have sex. He didn't last very long, about few minutes with my mouth on him before he came and I have to admit the amount of demon was impressive and I actually coughed a bit up onto my face and then look that off with a finger
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So are you ashamed of the fact that you're into guys, or do you think it's more about your masculinity in general? Because I've noticed that a lot of the guilt that newly-realized gay dudes go through isn't really about being attracted to other guys... but instead that they've got lot of their identity and self-image tied up in this strict image of stereotypical masculinity that gets shattered when they realize they like relinquishing control and getting dominated by a "more masculine" guy.

If that's the case, you might want to try easing off on the one-sided relationship you've got going with your current fuckbuddy, and instead try seeking out a more "equal" relationship with someone your own age. Or finding a cute submissive twink where you can be the one in charge. There's nothing wrong with being the sub yourself, of course, I just suggest this as a way of exploring yourself and figuring out what's really bothering you.
Im 24 now and I have been watching gay porn since I was 12. When I turned 18 I started posting pictures of myself on random sites and grindr and i would get bombarded with messages. Couple of years ago i used to steal my female housemates underwear and post myself on Grindr with the idea that id finally grow the courage to go out and do something but always bitched out. I always had the same routine: shave, wear some panties and play with my ass. I guess I’m always worried about someone recognising me or that I would catch some sort of std. I remember there was even a few guys offering me money for sex lol. I’ve went on sites countless times to buy some chastity and a dildo but again i always bitch out. I’m worried now cause I have a girlfriend that I would never cheat on but my „twink” days are running out. Maybe I’ll never fulfill this fantasy. What to do
1. It's more of a punishment than a kink since she doesn't charge a lot. She doesn't watch but she records the session for herself (as long the client agrees of course)

2. While some do degrade me, most are actually supportive and encouraging.
This is my insecurity. I got over the whole attraction to men thing years ago, but I still struggle with not being masculine. I naturally like being a bottom, like being submissive and not being in control. So I do have some shame no matter what man I am engaging with, I feel lesser.
>90% chance this kind of anon grows up into full hypocrite homophobe
>Checked. And I don't think you're wrong, just glad I didn't go that route.

Good for you anon, but seriously you are still deluding yourself that if your then gf gave you pussy you won't be gay. Blaming her of all people, lol. Hell blaming the old pervert that got you addicted to dick makes more sense.

Anon, if you think faggotry is shapeable like that, you should try to convert yourself to straight land. Get some pussy. See if it works.
to preface this, my attraction to my dad is purely sexual, and its not even that much about him, but more the idea of him. he's an absent scumbag father and his crap parenting is probably why im like this. bla bla bla something about Freud and how not getting the love and attention i should've gotten as a kid made me seek it in a sexual way later. nevertheless i was a stupid horny teen, which is how we got this confession.

Just after I turned 16 my dad had given me "the talk" and some condoms. At this point I was already very into gay incest and was regularly jerking off to the idea of being caught by him. So I pretended to not know how to put the condom on and asked him to watch me do it, to make sure I was doing ok. He had no objections, so right away we went into his room. As soon as we got inside and he closed the door, I dropped my pants and almost instantly got hard.Then I proceeded to fiddle with the condom on purpose, really drawing the thing out, pretending to struggle to roll it over my dick. And the entire time i made sure he was watching my dick intently,and I was just asking if I was doing it right. Finally I got it on, but I suggested I do it one more time, just to make sure. This time however, I pretended to really struggle, due to my tight foreskin, so I asked him to roll it over my dick for me. As soon as he grabbed my dick I started leaking, which undoubtedly helped the condom roll over. After he got it on, he gave me a few joking jerks, said I had a very nice dick, and that was it. In the end, I wish I had asked him to demonstrate it on himself cuz i was really curious about what his dick looks like when hard, how i compared to him etc. Honestly i like to think im bigger lol
Green text getting passed around, first time or most memorable
First time getting fucked

>be 17, bicurious & desperate to get fucked. Had sucked 2 dicks, 1 serval times from a cheating husband in my subdivision
>posting on Craigslist
>chat with a guy, he's older (40s) and hot. Has a hotel, in town for work. Seems to good to be true.
>we start texting and talk on the phone and jerk off together
>Friday night, he's leaving in the morning, my last chance. Felt like if I didn't do it i never would, no more flaking/ghosting
>I cover my bases with my family by telling them I'm going to a friend's house after dinner. Curfew was midnight
>the hotel was only 10 minutes from my house. nervous af omw
>told him I was in the parking lot and he was going to unlock the back door instead of going through the lobby
>First face to face moment and I can hardly talk awkward hello
>he leads me to his room only 1 floor up and a few rooms down. Inside he starts taking his clothes off and is in his boxers in seconds of the door shutting
>he was a stud, kinda old man muscular
>he's looking at me and I'm frozen
>beforehand I told him about my experience and what I wanted to do with him
>had an awkward start but he made sure i was alright and wanted to keep going
>he whips out his cock and i am on my knees. His cock wasn't much bigger than mine, he might have been 6"
>was developing a deep passion for cocksucking and talked a big game beforehand about my skills
>had fun getting his cock hard with my mouth and he helped me relax with encouragement and dirty talk
>this interaction seeded something in my kink and I love to be talked to when giving head, before this all my interactions were no taking blow and go hookups
>instructed me to get naked while he's grouping my twink body
>but i can't keep his cock out of my mouth and just get back to blowing him
>asks me if I wanted to swallow his cum and I say yes
>tells me to beg for his cum
>felt cringe at first but just repeat "please give it to me"
>just kept repeating that and jerking him off until he takes over
>tongue out looking up at him, one hand on my head he jerks off into my mouth
>had fantasies of this like girls in porn but finally got to live it out and swallow his cum like a total slut
>i always feel so sexy and get so horny after sucking cock. Finally feeling comfortable and want to keep going
>start to talk a bit and i tell him I wanted to shower real quick. Use the hotel soap and lotion
>come out and he's watching porn
>sit on the bed and I'm ready
>lays me on my back and gives me my first rim job
>didn't know how that was gonna turn my brain off
>he starts fingerings and tonguing my ass
>starts dripping oil on my ass and flips me over
>i had some experience with fucking myself with multiple sharpies and hairbrush but this was my first cock
>he did as good a job as he could i think but yea first time was a bit of a pinch but felt good
>we used so much lube that there was almost not enough friction but was still a good first time
>he fucks me while I'm on my stomach for a short bit, tells me he's going to cum
>I'm never going to not enjoy the feeling of a top tense up, grunt and relax when they shoot a load. Loved the feeling of cum landing on my back
>in this interaction I discovered I feel even more sexy when I get fucked than when I just suck cock
>after I got fucked i was so horny i felt dizzy
>this wasn't a new feeling but it was intense. I felt like i wanted more, I wanted him to put it back in me but he obviously wasn't going to be able to do that yet
>we clean up a bit and I lay with my legs open and start to jerk off
>he starts to help me out and jerks me hard.
>He tried to edge me but I came so fuckin fast less than a minute after getting hard
>post nut clearly set in and i freaked out a little. I let my dick lead me into a near strangers hotel room but since he was chill I calmed down
>looked at the time and i still had almost 3 hours before I needed to be home
>we talked for a bit and he told me he was divorced and I admitted to him i was still in high school but never told him i was not 18 yet
>we made small talk and I told him I wanted to fuck again
>he laughed and joked about being young and horny with a crazy sex drive
>i told him i would do all the work
>he laid back and i got his cock hard again then lined up to ride him
>my first dick riding had a learning curve but I got into a rhythm. More of a grinding then a up and down
>got hooked on watching someone's face enjoy my ass.
>i worked HARD to get him to cum. I wanted a creampie, it wasn't something I told him beforehand but it was a fantasy
>i had to stop and catch my breath serval times and he was dirty taking and encouraging me
>must have rode his cock for 20 minutes and added lube a few times
>got to a level of comfort with him and taking back during sex that I wanted him to cum inside me
>he flipped me over and started fucking doggie
>hardest pounding yet
>this was as stretched out as I had ever been and he was going in and out easily
>told me to start begging again
>repeat cringe line again and again
>last few hard thrusts and he nuts in my ass
>my first creampie wasn't what i hoped it would be but still loved it
>catching our breath and cleaning up still had plenty of time to get home but was feeling exhausted and just physically drained
>started experiencing the airbrake farts mixed with cum
>decided it was time to leave and got dressed and said bye
>started to leave but felt like i still wanted more
>walked down the hall then right back to his room and knocked on his door
>he opened the door and asked if I forgot something but I asked if he thought he could cum again
>didn't think I was serious but I still had another hour before I needed to be home and wanted to make him cum again
>got him hard again and bent over
>didn't even bother getting fully undressed again.
>pants around my ankles bent over the bed repeating that same stupid line "please give it to me"
>he's pounding my ass harder yet and swearing more than he had and insulting me with his dirty talk now
>fucks me hard then slows up and then speeds up again for a while.
>he nuts again in my ass after a while
>slaps my ass and tells me that's all he has for me
>I pull up my pants thank him and leave
>sitting in my car with a sore leaking ass felt so incredible. I loved the feeling of being a fuck object. I felt sexy and accomplished
>got home and laid in bed was surreal, still farting out cum i jerk off

That was the start of my addiction to dick
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>he gave me a few joking jerks, said I had a very nice dick
FYI, he definitely knew what you were up to, and was dropping plausibly-deniable signals that he was open to you pushing things further. No way would he have let things get that far if he wasn't also interested.

And yeah, dad fetishes are definitely pretty common for children of absent/neglectful fathers. You shouldn't feel guilty about it, it's pretty normal. Probably for the best that nothing happened between the two of you or it would've made your relationship even more complicated.
>Green text getting passed around time or most memorable
Most memorable
Poker Night
>got to his place one saturday night
>been pretty routine last few poker nights
>play for a few hours, get good and drunk and we'd fuck
>fucking exhausted so tell them to play, lay down on the couch
>just fallen asleep when I get woken up to a dick in my face
>some jokes about how they don't want to wait, want to get started
>tell him whatever, get on my back, lube up
>guys play cards and watch me get fucked by Daddy's friend "Kyle"
>playing a hand to see who is next up as Kyle cums in me
>One by one, they come over, fuck me, cum in me, go back to playing
>I cum a couple times. don't move, just lay there taking dick
>look at the clock and it's 1:30 am
>other than shifting onto my side I haven't moved much for the last couple loads
>Kyle comes back for more, grabs my right leg and swings my legs open
>I feel it in me. I know it's there, don't know how much thought
>I unclench for just a moment and it just comes spilling out of me
>so. much. cum.
>Kyle fucks whatever cum was left in me right out of me
>I'm an absolute mess, covered in fucking cum, cum all under me
>fucking heaven, never felt more fulfilled
>like I had purpose
>it was like 2 weeks before I felt 100% again lol
>and I did it fucking again
>and again
>I need to be bred, more the merrier
1/2 When I was 25 I travelled to London for a work trip. It was the first time I had been away from my wife for more than 5 days since we got married two years before. I had a couple of days when I had nothing to do so I started bar hopping around Soho. It got late and one of the only bars that was open was a gay bar. I popped in for a couple of drinks and started chatting to this cute girl. She said she was there with her friend and she kept flirting with me. Eventually, her friend came back with their drinks. This gay black dude that must have been 6'4. He was friendly and the 3 of us ended up doing shots until the lights came on and everyone started leaving. They told me they had gin back at their AirBnB and I was already pretty drunk and had nowhere to be the next morning so I went back with them. We ended up watching music videos on their couch and drinking. The girl kept holding my hand until she started kissing me. The guy asked if I was bi and I said no. She asked if I had ever kissed a guy, to which I replied no. She then said "then how do you know you aren't bi?" At which point the guy leaned over and stuck his tongue down my throat.
2/3 I was pretty drunk and just went with it. But then the girl started pulling my clothes off and he started feeling me up. Before I knew it, I was completely naked on the couch with her kissing me and him sucking my cock. Eventually, he pulled my hips closer to him and spread my legs. I felt his fingers probing my ass while she kept kissing me, almost like a distraction. Before long, he had his cock out. It was massive. Everything was so out of the blue and my head was swimming so I didn't put up much resistance until he had his cock in my ass. I'm not sure where or when he got the lube, or maybe it was spit. But either way, it hurt. I pulled back a little but she held me down and told me to relax and kept saying how hot this was. The main thing I remember was how quickly I went soft after he started fucking me. He flipped me over so that I was on all fours and just kept going balls deep faster and faster. I could feel his balls painfully slapping against mine while she held me by my throat and kept kissing me, taking short breaks to watch him plow me. At some point she had her jeans off and was playing with herself. I attempted to reach over to touch her a few times but she kept batting my hand away. I told her I wanted to fuck her but she said no because I didn't have a condom. At that point, I realised that HE didn't have a condom on either, but that was right before I felt him cum inside me. His dick felt like it swelled up before shooting extremely hot cum as deep inside me as it could go.
3/3 I fell limp on the couch and he slapped my ass before going to the bathroom. I could hardly move while she stroked my hair and told me how sexy that was. He came back into the room and I saw that his soft cock was still twice the length of mine. He instructed me to go to the bathroom before I dripped all over the couch. I did and shamefully sat on the toilet trying to push all of that cum out of me while rethinking my life choices. When I went back into the living room naked, they were already dressed. They said they called me an uber and told me to hurry up and get my clothes on. As I sat in the taxi, I could still feel his cum leaking out of me and soaking my pants. I got back to my hotel and showered before passing out in bed. I went home a few days later and pretended it never happened, except for when I went to the doctor to get tested. I've still never told my wife about it.
>gf and mommy talk on the handsome men gay confession thread

First time getting shared?

>And yeah, dad fetishes are definitely pretty common for children of absent/neglectful fathers. You shouldn't feel guilty about it, it's pretty normal.

yeah i dont feel guilty at all anymore. i found a boyfriend and he's into it to, so we get eachother lol. Dads fucking suck. But sucking dads fucks.

>Probably for the best that nothing happened between the two of you or it would've made your relationship even more complicated.

Definitely, although i am glad that i at least got a hot story to share with others. The one good thing i got from my dad lol. Now that im 19 and can actually fuck men obscenely older than me, my attraction to my dad has become nonexistent. Still, i get to play out my dad/son fantasies with other men so im satisfied
It was PE, it was some gay multi cultureal thing where we had to learn an ethnic dance, and ours had a lot of hopping, however he had it tucked in got loose, and it just started bouncing everywhere. I Couldn't look away, it was mesmerizing, I distinctly remember him desperately trying to hold on to it, and failing, and that the stimulation was clearly giving him a semi. I didn't know it then but that was definitely my sexual awakening, I thought about it constantly, but I didn't really know how to process it. And looking back I may have been the one giving him a semi.
Sounds like rape my guy
Yep. I can't argue with that. I've tried anal with dildos and such since, and every time my cock shrivels right up
>a few of his friends join in and start passing me around
we need details
need a new thread yo
fugg ogey
That's how it should be in a perfect world. A nice loveable daddy teaching a boy how his body works, taking his virginity and grooming him gently.
male sexuality is powerful as a heterosexual male, now imagine being a homosexual or bisexual and claiming you can "just stop" I tried doing that for years, never worked. My 20s were miserable, in my 30s I have accepted these feelings and love myself for them.
I hope a real sadist finds you one day. My kink is seeing men like you get violated, and dragged down to the level of the fags you claim superiority over.
I am all for kinks and exploring role play, but this guy is insane. This behavior doesn't do the gay community any good and it is psychologically harmful for men.
This guy just admitted to brutalizing multiple men, and I’m the problem? Right, gimme a fucking break.
>17yo me having experience w girls
>being clueless about my bisexuality at that point
>some classmates find history teacher's fb and expose him for being gay or having a bf i can't remember
>history teacher seems to be in his 30s, although he could pass for way younger
>classic nerd cuteness, messy hair, big glasses and kinda awkward
>start to wonder if his bf fucks him and how he looks getting fucked
>i felt attracted to boys before but my horny ass refused to push the feeling down this time
>the thought of fucking someone in power and making them submit turns me on
>end up developing a major crush on him and the rampant urge to bend him on his teacher desk and make him beg for my cock

sorry to disappoint but nothing happened, couldn't figure out a way to approach him and i'm sure he would've freaked out if i did, he seemed very sweet and not the type to engage in sexual acts with his students.
still jerk off to the thought of him tho
Have been crossdressing since 12 (now early 30s). Have given a few blowjobs, never had the chance to dress while playing. On the apps last month, found an older guy who was into non-passable guys in panties. Was in boy mode, but he had some for me to wear. Went to his place and he watched me change into them, then I sucked him. Guess we clicked, because he wants to order me more clothes and do it again. Supposed to see him next week once a schoolgirl costume and some cotton panties arrive.
30 years old
Been in à relationship with my bf for 10 years
Bf is perfect, handsome, funny, kind, gymrat, geeky
Been cheating on him since we moved together with an old ugly white neighbourg
Guy is ugly af but is dominant and got the biggest Dick ive seen irl
He is way more dominant than my bf and never been fucked so good before
Makes my legs shake, cum handfree and from my ass too
When he is done with me my ass feels like a vagina for days
As a kid I used to go to my teacher's house after school 2 days a week. He was friends with my aunt and took care of me until my mom picked me up after work. He let me play with his wii and we kind of became friends. After about 2 years, when I was 9, he broke up with his gf and slowly started to groom me, at first he touched my butt, made me kiss him and made me take off some of my clothes. Eventually, I gave him a blowjob, he didn't last more than 10 seconds and filled my mouth with his cum. After that, it became a regular thing, even after I changed schools I still went to his house
Why the fuck are you here then, retarded fuck. KYS

Bisexuals are so fucking annoying
My first time, was with an old coworker and fuck he made it amazing. He had a nice hung cock and cummed real nicely. I’ve been sucking cocks ever since. A-dick-ting desu

My favorite experience so far was with this Hispanic dude. He was fit. Great cock. Made me cum instead
I.like.these kinda of threads and these >>2664827
But for fuck sake can you guys not write novels every time? Just get to the good stuff and and the sexy details, not the fucking trilogy epic of some random guy you hooked up with.
First time I did dress up was during a work trip to Vegas. Found a nice looking 59 yr daddy with nice dad bod 6.5 inch hard thick cock. He was staying at same hotel as I so he was at my room in less than 5 minutes. I was wearing my slutty thong and bra with lace stockings. I had gotten fully shaved smooth and put on my makeup and wig to feel extra slutty. When he came in I was waiting on my knees like he told me to be. He pulled out his hard cock and I started to worship it like no other. He refused to let me use my hands and wanted to finish in my throat but I begged for him to fuck me. When he was getting close I stopped sucking and turned around with my face down and ass up. I pulled my thong to the side and asked him to feel my warm boipussy and fill it with his daddy dick. He fucked me so good and came buckets in me. He quickly zipped up and smacked my ass while i lay on the ground dripping cum from my cock while orgasmic bliss came over me. I felt so good being a cum slut for him
Can we contain the crossdresser shit to it's own thread? Having to read fat boomers squirming over wigs and womens clothing is such a fucking boner killer
no, you just dont get it yet

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