How is the US able to produce so many beautiful chunky daddies/bears? Almost all guys you see online are handsome with nice bellies.
>>2662453American big bellied dads are super hot, especially the corn-fed Midwestern type.But you shouldn't discount daddies from Eastern Europe either. They have some hot slavic dads there. Hairy, masculine faces, rough exterior with belly
>>2662460Oh I know, I'm Slavic lol. Yep, there are some hot ones around, but nowhere near what US has.
based taste, too bad for the "only similars" bullshit
>>2662464ah then you know, I crushed on slavic dads first before I discovered American chubby dads, especially when I saw some the dads of my slavic classmates when I was younger. Rough hands with fat fingers and bald, some with belly rolls.They look rougher than the American daddies for sure but imho equally handsome and numerous
>>2662477Yeah, that's what I've seen around. Bears looking for bears etc. It is encouraging in a way if I myself become a bear so I'll have them lol.>>2662481True, the problem is the usual Balkan/EE not taking care of yourself after a certain age, so they look worse than they should.
>>2662493I honestly don't mind their rough looks and that they don't take as much care about their faces or hands for example. I love their no-nonsense attitude. I sucked of a couple of them and it was amazing.American bear daddies look a bit sweeter imho and have softer faces.>>2662453I personally prefer this over>>2662457There is something so raw about working type daddies with their big bellies
>>2662498I prefer that one as well. It's the more 'raw' men. Just your average Joes of ghe world.I wish I could be surrounded by 5+ daddies with bellies.
>>2662509you are very lucky to be surrounded by eastern european bellied dads yourself. i would give a lot for that as well.hard to choose between a bunch of hard working corn-fed midwestern daddy bears and an eastern european one
>>2662512If only they were as open minded lol. Hence still no experience with them.
Ugh no. Beer bellied dad bods are gross.
to you
>>2662453Omg i have found my people, American middle aged stocky daddies are so hot. speak your shit OP!!
>>2662481Greek daddies are also nice. Unfortunately not that easy to hook up with the hot stocky types. Most are very closeted and its really depending on the area.
>>2662517They are very conservative and some of them homophobic but its totally worth the chase. Feeling their bellies and listening to them moaning and then cumming is magical
>>2662538Never had greek daddies but I've heard good things about them from guys who went there to get some.I prefer the Balkan type but who would say no to giannis right
>>2662517eastern european bull daddy
>>2662545I fully get you, i love me some balkan daddies too. theoretically giannis can also be classified as a balkan daddy but i know what you mean :P
>>2662549Name is Vladimir Kalinichenko, you can thank me later bros
>>2662548oh yeah balkan daddies ftw. had a serbian chub dad once, bald but still sort of fit with a belly and bald head.very memorable experience, he had such a hot cock, very fat but a bit shorter.he was kind of angry afterwards but it got me so horny that i leaked into my pants while i blew him and had to walk around with a spot on my pants crotch area
>>2662550mmm yes he is such a slavic daddy isn't he? he has gotten a lot hairier as he got older as well, such a beast
>>2662552how it would feel to touch vladimir kalinichenkos round belly....
>>2662551Luckyyy, totally worth it although a tiny bit embarrassing lol
>>2662555it totally was. can only recommend.maybe i should try greek daddies some time.although i do have to say that american chub dads i would rank further ahead than this one here.there are some very hot greek daddies though, just not sure how to get me some
>>2662551There is this balkan daddy i have been obessed with for years, i found his fb but he doesnt accept anyone. He is so hot ugh need me one like that too
>>2662556You will have best luck in athens, honestly as someone who lives outside of athens its pretty bleak lol. Im with you, american daddies are on the top of my list. they always message me on scruff but im so far away :'(
>>2662557what a hottie with a cute smile. i want to have a balkan daddy like him too and look at his bulge, very promising.whats his fb? wanna move to discord?
>>2662558don't destroy my hopes to find some good greek chub daddies to have fun with.but then again, greece is a great place to get you some balkan and eastern european daddies too
>>2662559never talked to anyone from here but could be fun ! Yorik has been quite famous on old daddy tumblr for some years but no one really knew who he was.
>>2662535Yes, they really are! Sadly the thread turned into a Slavic/Balkan one...
just post em
Me and my bf are balkan, and yes He’s very fat, I’m still gaining
>>2662551>balkan daddiesWe've had a real influx of Ukranian Daddies in my area since the war started and welcomed a few to America. What's with Eastern European dudes and huge loads? seems to be a thing.
>>2662667pretty much my POV when we go deer and duck hunting
>>2662665>>2662666this is how a real daddy is supposed to look like, a real man, also this >>2662664but the cigar is omega cringe
>>2662698I keep figuring I'll come home pregnant from deer camp on year but, just doesn't take, it's weird. ;-)
>>2662707Wow. Tell us more. Any pics?
youre just gonna catch aids or a disease lets be fr and not larpers
>>2662708No pics. We're all married.Every time we go it's some variation of the 6 of us - my fwb that's been fucking me since just after college and his buddies. Hunt in the morning, take turn fucking me all evening, get up and do it all over again.We have a shower. I don't recommend cabin gangbangs in the woods without one, FYI.
>>2662715Wow, that's so hot. How did you even manage to find so many like minded guys? How often do you do it?
>>2662724I've been with my fwb since high school and met everyone through him. Hunt a couple times a year but we golf and fish and camp, too. Any excuse to get out and enjoy ourselves.
>>2662725So you're the only bottom? Must be fun hiding it from all your wives lol.
>>2662920Sounds like Brokeback Mountain- be careful guys…….she’ll be checking your fishing basket when you get home!
>>2662592bottom is Gazbearington
Can someone explain why white dudes make the best bears? I think Japanese men can make it too but it's a hit or miss.
because of the shitty food and lifestyle they tend to have, also alcohol and corn fed diet. latinos are great too and hairier
I've been in a relationship with a 60yo extremely sexy working-class daddy bear. Ultimately, I think that while daddy bears are sexy as fuck, their lifestyle is just too different from mine and I can't have a fulfilling relationship with oneThis really breaks my heart, but I think I'll need to give up on pursuing daddy bears, because shit only leads me to disappointment
>>2662744I'm sorry, this is kinda funny...
>>2663419>their lifestyle is just too different from mineIn what way? Are you really young?
It's a good strategy long term to have a way in which older men can still be viewed as physically/sexually attractive. Women go insane because past 40 very few of them are sought after. Yeah there's a MILF/Cougar/Mommy fetish but very few women actually pull that off. These men have attainable looks and physiques. If the Daddy bear look was actually desired widely enough it would remove a lot of pressure off of men, it would make aging less scary. Fetish aside it seems like something that would be good for people psychologically. You can be cut and thin and muscular when you're young, but as you get old the standard changes. Could be good.
>>2666390it already is good that's why people fetishize and glorify daddies and bears, this post is more than enough proof of it, we have it so easy honestly
Yes, this definitely makes me very horny
This fucking cutie