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Post any infographics on spirituality, religion, metaphysics, occultism, philosophy or any esoteric subjects.

Let's start with Mormonism.
imagine looking at Christian tradition and thinking "hmm I don't understand how this works, better make an epic map à la muh retarded fantasy books"
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Hello anon, I gots plenty but not all of em are high rez exactly
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Holy crap that's depressingly cyclical. I mean I knew that whole religion was bullshit but damn
What about Mormonism is bullshit?
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Spoiler: same as any religion
All religions contain truth.
Does anyone have the /x/ YouTube channels guide that was posted somewhere.please post it here
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Here you go, fren.
>anon when he realizes the KKK is a religion
well now you're just a racist
>hand seal activators
What is this? Naruto?
Thanks anon.
Bump for moar
the /x/ science channels are just normies channels
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I like this one thanks.. got any more like this?
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Yea real fuckin entry level.


OG youtube occultist.
Used to be the DXM robotrippin guy, grew up to share wisdomz
That's a literal who.
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Anyone know any YouTube channels that actually explain the sephirot or Khaballah as a whole? Whenever I tried looking it was primarily white men with dreds.
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hello anom. Please, where can I find Johfra's zodiacal paintings in good quality?
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the part where you need exclusive membership and a religious service like a postmortem baptism is funny and where it all falls apart. the other stuff is sort of just 'reimagined christianity; the spirit origin story'
this thread so goofy
You mean fun?
You have to read the book. I can tell that you haven't read the book. The doctrine and covenants of Joseph Smith is more interesting than the book of Mormon, and it's where a lot of this stuff comes from. Read it before commenting on it.
So, how long ago were you on mission?
Uhh, I listened to a podcast so I'm PRETTY knowledgeable already
Cristian tradition, retarded fantasy books...I can't see the distinction, anyway
Last podcast on the left
So do people not go to hell then? Or if they go do they resurrect eventually? Your chart makes it seem like everyone eventually goes to some form a paradise?
Is hell even in the Bible? I know satan isn't but I think hell is also one of those creations to justify control.
No idea. I should say I'm speaking as someone with very little knowledge of the religion.
Does anyone have that pic of a flat earth map that looked really cool, It had something along the lines of "beyond the ice walls"
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They're finally starting to build some cool lore instead of just taking out their divorce on the shape of the planet.
send me a picture of the lands of odin, asgard, anubis, and atlantis once you've reached them and I'll believe you unconditionally, basement dweller
Not until you send me pictures of your skull measurements you Yakubian devil
>I won't send you evidence of the thing in question that I'm trying to prove until you send me evidence of something completely unrelated, because I have no evidence and I'm trying to mislead you
Very well, my tape measure says 7.5 inches in width and 9 inches in length. Your move.
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You're obviously too stupid to understand anything I would tell you so here's a page from a coloring book to keep you preoccupied.
>Can't provide evidence (because there is none)
>Provides a child coloring book instead thinking that will work
Dog and butterfly... he likes to fly...
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None of these are spritual lol
Well, not the bits that make it religious-y.
what if science or nonsense is your God?
A little bit on palmistry.
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So if I cut my palm correctly I can change my future?
If we've never been past the ice wall, how do we have perfect cartography of these lands and why are some of them named after someone who only circumnavigated around our layer's oceans?
Easy, we channeled the answers from higher dimensional beings that have.
Wait no >>4795512 sounds fucking stupid

It's ACTUALLY gotten by astral traveling and drawing up the charts from there. That's far more logical and reasonable.
this shit is about some rotbrain schizoid go insane
File deleted.
>Only gives examples of difficult or bad lines
Obviously I can see there's more but I think that's funny
What happened here?
I need to know.
Seek Enlightenment elsewhere.
The frequency chart is great. Everything vibrates… creates sound.
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t. atheist faggot who knows nothing.
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Seems reasonable.
I would be 11 but I don't like that shade of purple.
Where's the men's room?
Avoid or minimize the consumption of fluoride. I'm somewhat surprised that the chart has nothing about that, as I perceive it to be the battleground for one's pineal gland functionality.
Fail to have sex
Go to he'll
Be forced to be gay
Double jail
Try to have natural sex
Triple jail

Uh oh
People are using photosynthesis
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is that an AT Field?
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Astrology in a fashion magazine.
Is this official?
Aries ftw
Nah, >>4831930 it's all about Capricorns.
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More on Tzolkin Astrology.
Forgot picrelated

Another bump
>fake and gay
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i like this one
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Is that Bob?!
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An apple with a force field?
You're damn right it is.
Anyone got anything on other Tree of Life systems in non-Abrahamic religions?
nordic but i think its really barebones because christcucks destroyed everything and now the west is run by and worships jews :)
Thats why the infographic needs to be remade or updated.
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>JRE Clips is /x/
Fucking kek, so normie tier and surface level
Just saw this thread, Drew this myself in 2022, as I was inspired by alchemy and the HIGH PRIESTESS card. Enjoy!
(Gonna dump so more original art in a moment, jsust need to get the filenames correct
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(づ ◕‿◕ )づ
(づ ◕‿◕ )づ
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CHRISTIAN ART all of it that I have made. If you want an individual one to be posted, please specify, but the quality of these should be fairly close to the original.
These look pretty great. How about posting the full Black/Grey/White/Red one depicting the face of Jesus Christ; Yeshua; Yehoshuah ben Yoseph?
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Gonna need at least 2 more pillars, dude.
What other pillars?
Don't know about 2 but a lot of people are unaware of the Middle Pillar.
since this cuck website tries to block right click in multiple ways, pathetic behavior that can be solved with just reader mode, here's the rest
Many thanks, fren. :D
Middle Pillar ftw!
Sure, the Pillars of Mercy and Severity (or in John Michael Greer's Druidic terminology, the rays of Wisdom and Power) have their place. However, finding balance and Temperance between the two is where optimally your baseline to sit. At least, that's what I've found in my experiences.
Got anything on zen buddhism?
>So if I cut my palm correctly I can change my future?
That's retarded
Time to bump yet again.
Hilary Clinton's Human Design Chart.
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A template for making sigils using the Rose Cross.
Tf is dis shyt
>JRE Clips is /x/
>Fucking kek, so normie tier and surface level
You must not have seen the Terrence Howard or Billy Carson episodes.
>>4742415 Дякyю . . .
Space movie , true women
but just saw Terrance. Is Billy even more insane?
Terrence isn't insane, because what he's saying has truth to it. He simply has a lack of additional information from other sources or fields to help explain what he's channeled and manifested. That and he's sniffing his own farts a little bit. Even with that as the case, he's not wrong with his core information.

>Billy Carson
So in comparison to Terrence Howard, Billy Carson is a better articulator of his points and has a distinctly better memory recall than many of the people Rogan has on.
ngl this is hella helpful
Any correspondence tables on Eastern stuff?
Simple LBRP and LIRP templates in pictoral form.
seeing this is helpful for when I do it every day thnx
This is a rad yantra
funniest part is, outside the overton window, quality nosedives.
there's a reason for that.
>scorched wastes next to frozen wastes
lmao, that's not how climate zones work.
hence why deserts on regular (real) earth are on the equator, and icecaps/tundras are near poles.
this map would mean both of these zones would be mud pits.
aryans would like to have a word with you.
dont worry anon, palm reading was invented by lonely women to feel like they're special.
it's all nonsense.
>destroy any negative literature
yes, good goy! don't be aware of the terrible things going on in the world, absorb yourself in your narcissism!
can ashtar cure the AIDs i just got from these abortions of infographics?
holy shit, the only non-schizoid post here.
oh cool, i get the woman with the stuffed animal humping fetish.
has science gone too far?
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More on Mormonism.
Oh, you mean the crap that was on the golden tablets that conveniently disappeared and so no human other than Joseph Smith ever saw them?
>seems legit
Is this before or after the reformation?
Anything on shinto stuff?
anything on eastern european folk magic?

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