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Give me your best wallpapers
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This can't be our best.
Looks like it is. This board has died a death over the last decade.
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At least we have 1000s of pictures of those people who appeared in one thing over a decade ago who only that one person ever bothered to learn the name.
I'm all for non-celeb threads on /hr/ and you may already know of it but, see >>>/wg/catalog
This would be for files too large for there.
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bump for neat concepts
Anything to stem the tide of shit celeb threads
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posting what i got
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vaguely mech-ish plug suit's scifi, right?
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Man I love superstructures
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not exactly HR but close
Well, that's about all I have in my art folder that fits scifi, gl anons
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oh wait I've got my waifus and mechagirls
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and this is the last of the fantasy. sci-fi later.
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a few sci-fi now
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and that's it for me.
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If only the game came even close to looking like that.
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>>4748825 ..nice.
thank you `;`
my butthole after chili day in the cafeteria
I hate Warhammer 40k because the scale of everything is just retarded to me. There's "big is cool" and then there's "everything is overdesigned and looks like endless kilometers of cathedrals fucking."
Best nostalgia thread!
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yep >>4763908
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Dubai Car commercial ? or
Parisian perfume ?
A Dyson sphere project to harness a Neutron star? How MCU of you.
Oh fuck off Heretic.
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My guess Dubai.
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Really like this one
It's a good one.
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I def don't wanna see this thread slip past pg10, I wanna see it max out with awesum wp's. :)
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Dyson spheres piss me off
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why hate free energy?
Does anybody have more realistic small/drop ships like this? Bonus points for interiors.
I will check.
None found so far.
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I think I like it!
Housekeeping: Imagine having to dust everything every day.
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Here's to new TRON being made soon.
And perhaps Dune 2 will be good.
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Warhammer doesn't even come close to having the largest ships. Do you just not like Gothic architecture? Would you prefer a 20km triangle like the executor class star destroyer? Or a 30km Frisbee like independence day?
>Would you prefer a 20km triangle like the executor class star destroyer?
Not one you quoted but actually yes. May not be realistic like 40k or Alien Nostromo even but so be it.
your butthole when your parents go away for an orgy weekend and you invite Jamal over.
Since that's a chick, I can predict her emotional state: hungry, sad, and cold. In about 5mins she's going to call her orbiter... who is literally orbiting her... he's in that spaceship you see through the window.

Greetings from Kazakhstan.
A burka that can float away 18feet from the woman is not tied properly. The solution to such problems? Beatings.
Oh... Thunberg will get an orgasm over this.
obviously it would just be a coulisse for future Y influencers. (Y is the name for Instagram after Musk buys it in 2058).
I, personally, have high hopes for No Man's Sky 2: No Woman's Sky.
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Looks like the universe sharted
I like these, they're so comfy
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>so provocative I flatulqted 'ol sport
That’s neat
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Amarr empire vibes
What is that?
one of the civilizations from EVE online
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Does anyone have any for discworld?
If I do they aren't sorted in a way I could easily find them.
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Closer each update.
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Who drew this
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You have been making notes while practicing to become the next whore tv host ripping through people’s internal firewalls with catchy and nifty remarks and a golden smile from ear to ear…yeah pretty sci-fi choom, maniacally stuttering ADHD, racing thoughts and a plethora a drugs to remedy your anxieties.
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That now reminds me of XCOM 2.
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6.46 MB PNG
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кpyтo Дякyю . . . >>4748825
Space movie , true women
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4746054 = Captcha • Please wait (while 12 Monkeys snaiL-maiL a Hallmark card to Bruce Willis) before making a post.
You seem to have mistyped • and Left • and are now looking at an actuaL (MotherLess) porn site.
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Here's to TRON 3 making a billion.
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Not if D.E.I. has a word on it.
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saucenao says reishin (tenpurasoba)
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3.05 MB
3.05 MB JPG
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471 KB
471 KB JPG
File: 1682572389978593.jpg (854 KB, 2554x1518)
854 KB
854 KB JPG
File: wallhaven-e728yr.jpg (526 KB, 2452x1500)
526 KB
526 KB JPG
File: AC6 Humble Beginning.jpg (850 KB, 3840x2160)
850 KB
850 KB JPG
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7.63 MB
7.63 MB JPG
File: TRON_TK_fr15.jpg (2.62 MB, 1920x1080)
2.62 MB
2.62 MB JPG
That's self explanatory but is there more of it or some extra lore around?
File: TRON_TK_fr17a.jpg (1.99 MB, 1920x1080)
1.99 MB
1.99 MB JPG
better resolution
>>4798463 >>4754296
File: TRON_TK_fr19.jpg (2.4 MB, 1920x1080)
2.4 MB
2.4 MB JPG

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