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Should have been vertical.
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Now even 4chan is dominated by phone posters?
All hope is gone.
Thank you.
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Posting Switzerland is no fair.
looks like my wallpaper is getting changed again...
Thanks OP
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10,000 pixel limit bump
If only I could post my larger images to a board that pathetically calls itself /hr/
It was a lot 15 years ago.
Imageboards are an old tech.
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What do you use for high res images instead
Wikipedia has some pretty high res stuff too big to post here if you get lucky, but usually only one picture on any topic you look up
I am okay with 6 to 8mb as I don't have a monitor big enough for even higher rez to make a giant difference.
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Interesting. I need to see more.
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Hobbits beware!
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Alas, I have no Princess Mononoke in hr.
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looks fun
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Not sure I can top this.
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Sorry, wrong thread.
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based ass mother fucker
Where's my sword? Give me my sword.
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Bait post, do not reply.
What monitor do you use?
Normal widescreen
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Only a little more warming to go!
The ice looked like a home from the thumbnail.
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It's possible this is not a lake.
Google says Kto ufa Bogu, nigdy się nie zawiedzie
translated nigdy się nie zawiedzie "will never be disappointed" so let's say it is a lake.
thats' where i have a holiday home
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Coomers have invaded, thread ruined
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Viceroy, I don't want to see this filthy troon in my thread again.
I'd have cropped out the building.
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the most beautiful region in the world
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Wish this was a better pic.
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I would enjoy living there.
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Stalactites are tight!
I want to post Veronica Lake as a joke but there are already too many celebs.
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I figure this probably is
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Are we sure that isn't a wide moat?
Maschpark is a small, yet beautiful park just behind the imposing New Town Hall.

I'm thinking that's just a pond. Not a lake.
I started this thread months ago for the sake of it, glad to see it's still around.
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Wish it was more hr.
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Roopkund, aka Mystery Lake or Skeleton Lake, in India. High above the tree line, at 4536 metres, hundreds of human skeletons have been found in it and around its shores.
A strain of diarrhea so deadly and fastacting it just makes you shit out your guts on the spot and keel over.
Was it murder?
A lack of cuts on the bones. And it happened more than once.
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The gunship is so much more awesome than the lake.
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Just like "Missing 411", it's satanic cult activity. Every lake around the world has bodies in it courtesy of the local elites. This one just has clear water.
What proof do you have that it is a Satanic cult? Unless you include socialists then you are probably right.
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There is no organized satan worship, it's teens having a giggle, atheists making fun of religion and lunatics who can't organize anything. "Satanic cults" are just code for Clinton type activities by Epstein type people
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Someone got that Baphomet statue paid for and it wasn't teens.
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Pop Quiz : What is the biggest lake in the world?
Based Maar poster
That looks fun!
The Caspian Sea, even though it's actually not called a lake because of how big it is
it's a great place
Well if it is called a sea then the question remains.
Its water is brackish.
Well that sucks.
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Дякyю >>4772734
true space women movie
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It's getting more difficult to find!
zero zero UFO = Captcha • Please wait (while 12 Monkeys snaiL-maiL a Hallmark card to Bruce Willis) before making a post.
You seem to have mistyped • and Left • and are now looking at an actuaL (MotherLess) porn site.
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Probably a lake?
Oh I guess the lighthouse means it is a bay...
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Lake Absegami, Bass River State Park, NJ (sunset).
maybe the only good place in the whole state.
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The Pine Barrens make up almost 30%, I think its around 28-29% of NJ's land. It is a cool place to camp in and experience nature. Lake Absegami was a man-made lake under the WPA...If I remember my history correctly.
PicRel: Sunset Bass River, Lake Absegami, Pine Barrens NJ.
So that is why it smells like a swamp there!
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Pretty sure these are lakes!

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