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Gaza edition
This would be a great apocalypse photo if there weren't any people in it. Very surreal.
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I, OP, am a Jew.
Why don't you ask me?
Looks like the guy in the middle was hit by one of Israel's bow-legged bombs.
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Reminder Gaza is essentially a concentration camp with all access points in and out controlled by Israel.
Extremely based.
Except one is controlled by Egypt
>concentration camp
so every enclaved nation is a concentratrion camp?
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Cope. That was the only post I made in this thread until this one now.
just a fag then
Get bombed lol
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Is that white phosphorus?
Didn’t the entire world invade Syria after they accused Assad of using it?
>chemical weapons for me but not for thee
double standards as always
Russia used it aswell. no one really cares anymore it seems
I knew it! Putin is killing the Gazanians! baka. The nerv on that guy! Let's go tell our reddit bretheren all about this.
The second pic is iron dome intercepts at daytime, the first pic is white phosphorus.
There is literally nothing wrong with white phosphorus, and only reddit tier mongs who say the same thing about 'vaccum bombs' care.
Also, Syria has never been 'invaded' by western forces I dont know what you mean - the US did bomb assad chemical weapons stock piles at one point
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WP cannot be used for direct action, however there is no better solution to create smokescreens so someone just uses it anyway to "conceal" targets. Syria was bombed for using chemical weapons in Damascus, WP is not a chemical weapon
Reminds me of the fighting machines in the War of the Worlds.
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I kinda hope one of those Hamas Rockets accidentally hits 'the Dome of the Rock'

These are sheer unadulterated kino
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I heard the next season of lego masters is going to be filmed in gaza and the challenge is to rebuild your own home
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'preliminary raids' in Gaza
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Thank God! The donkey survived.
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The guy at the far left in the foreground doesn't look Jewish. Is he a mercinary?
Do you think that everyone in the IDF is Jewish?
>Do you think that everyone in the IDF is Jewish?
Yes, I suppose I do. Israel is, by its own reckoning, a Jewish state, and it wouldn't surprise me to learn that the military accepts only Jewish recruits. I'm guessing I'm wrong about this?
Rolling for vatican, but no, just any nation whose water, food and water supply, internet and electricity is at a foreign and possibly not very friendly nation's absolute mercy.
I would say just go watch any vid documenting life in Palestine but they all got taken down by jewtube.
How strange.
Your nose is showing, moshe.
White phosporus melts your skin, clothes and bones retard until you can smell your circumcised foreskin evaporating into oblivion.
Can you be more disingenuous? The Convention of Geneva banned it for a reason.
Ah, yes, btw war crimes are a meme.
>rolling for Vatican
Here you have it, is the vatian a concentration camp?
If the vatican attacked Italy all the time, and one day killed 1400 italians and took 200 hostages and burned people alive et cetera, do you think fucking italy would give them food and water?
Except it is less like that because Gaza share a border with Egypt AND have a coast line (they're coast is not controlled by Israel normally)

Ofcourse, the reason you compare Gaza to a concentration camp is because you are pathetically trying to hit the nerve associated with the Jewish genocides in early 20th century germany
Why don't you go cry about it, much like how the terrorists in Lebanon cry from the acute eye irritation caused by white phosphorus smoke
But Visine is so expensive! And such small portions.
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This doesn't make any sense as a joke
I can see why a moron would think that.
epic. nice one
The music festive that happened that Hamas attacked was happening outside this refuge camp let that sink in. Imagine Jewish reaction if a bunch of Germans during ww2 were dancing and partying outside of Auschwitz.

There were Tanks and such near the festivals yet the terror raid still happened what's up with that?
Gaza has never been a concentration camp
>Gaza has never been a concentration camp
Well, it's not a camp, but there's no doubt that Israel has concentrated much of the Palestinian population into Gaza and greatly limited their freedom of movement. Most of the people in Gaza are effectively captives of the Israeli government, which controls their access to fresh water and other necessities of life.
>controls their access
Providing them with these thigns isn't controlling their access, no more than China control our access of plastic goods - or Mexico controls our access to cheap oil
>Israel has concentrated much of Palestinian population into Gaza
No, they really haven't - they are 1 million arabs living in israel - why haven't they been 'concentrated'?
>limited their freedom of movement
Into Israel? Yes, just like Trump restricted entry to US from mideast countries - it's the right decision and it is a result of terrorism, a sensible and reasonable response
In an era where the dangers of misinformation being spread by visual AI generation, people are still getting duped by video game screenshots.

>it's just an enclave
>they're cost is not controlled by Israel *normally*
>Egypt controls one of the crossings
No national self-determination i.e. the US will veto there admission into the UN when no-one wants to annex their territory without expelling the people living there. You forget the other half of the 'country' has been occupied by the IDF
since 1967. Israel and Egypt will not tolerate Sinai or Hamas militants sharing resources and intelligence.

Also, the allusions to concentration camps or genocide might 'feel' improper but the similarities are there. They started as population displacement camps because those in charge (both sides) didn't know or want to do deal with the people they put there. Only Israel continues to claim the remaining Palestinian territories. They want their land but they don't want the people because they're afraid it might upset the 'demography' of their ethnocracy.
>In an era where the dangers of misinformation
Jesus Christ, "disinformation" is just the latest excuse for censoring facts and opinions the establishment doesn't like. There's absolutely nothing new here. It's the same old petty tyranny that's been with us since humans learned to speak. The pearl clutching hysterics screaming about "the dangers of misinformation" are either fatuous morons or cynical manipulators looking to cash in on the latest moral panic. AI changes everything they shriek! Except it doesn't. The same technology that can create convincing fakes can also detect them. If you want to worry about AI then start thinking about the millions of low level white collar workers who will soon lose their jobs. Oh, they may be loyal progressive wokesters now, but you'll be amazed how quickly the MAGA hats come out after a couple years of unemployment.
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>attributing to malice what can be explained by stupidity
I just that it's funny people (and major outlets) are still this fucking dumb. Ai is just the latest reason. If you reverse search it, they're all news outlets whom probably, originally, just needed a thumbnail but then it circles around and now that arma 3 screenshot is treated as 'real' evidence.
i think i have an idea. rather than hamas use all the money for rockets and artillery, we should use that money to build infrastructure, education, and health services. that'll show the jews!

>infrastructure, education and health service
The things the IDF keeps bombing into oblivion yeah
They should be but they're not. Hamas store their missiles inside hospitals and school because they know Israel never bombs them.
Also, even if Israel were bombing them, if Hamas didn't fire rockets into Israel they wouldn't get bombed.

Although Iran probably gives them missiles for free anyway
Angelina Jolie condemns Israel for civilian attacks
The Hollywood star described strikes on Gaza as the “deliberate bombing of a trapped population”
On Wednesday, she posted a statement on Instagram calling for a humanitarian ceasefire, noting that the densely populated Palestinian enclave was “becoming a mass grave.”
The Hollywood star described Israel’s actions as “the deliberate bombing of a trapped population who have nowhere to flee,” adding that Gaza “has been an open-air prison for nearly two decades.”
Jolie noted that “millions of Palestinian civilians – children, women, families – are being collectively punished and dehumanized,” and accused world leaders of “complicity in these crimes” by refusing to call for a ceasefire.
bolivia has broken all diplomatic ties with israel.. chile & colombia have recalled their ambassadors from israel.. jews are hated all over the world.. we could have a real holocost anytime lol

Gullible is written on your ceiling
Oh no, not Colombia and Chile!
Oh no, not Angelina Jolie!
derka derka mohammed jihad!
derka derka mohammed jihad!
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fuck her go back to acting
she cut off her screen appeal and became a skeletal
Awesome photo! Thanks.
I remember taking my grandfather to the war museum. He had a great time pretending to shoot at the Jerrys from the P-51 Mustang replica.
Is he communicating telepathically with Bin Laden or something?
Colonel Kassad is about to blow up the implant in his skull.
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How do you take long exposure pics like this? Do you need a tripod?
Yes you do need a bipod. Else the image will come out very blurry.
Thanks. How long do you reckon the exposure was in this picture?
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The jungles of Gaze eh?
Then why are they in this thread?

I suspect this was probably a series of 0.5-1.0 second exposures stacked together, similar to how star trail photos are taken.
generated by Dall-E (it doesn't airbrush people out of real photo's apparently but can use a real photo as a prompt.
Take your AI nonsense and die with it
nobody cares about your autistic ai picture. hang yourself faggot
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ok Ai chatbot quit samefagging please
we are different people retard. nobody likes gay ass ai photos, please kill yourself
sounds like something a chatbot would say
Too bad he didn't become a hostage.
I wish these foreign invaders would take their own advice and return to Palestine. They don't belong in Britain, we don't want them here, and it's time for them to leave.
>gotta wear my jew cap so ill remember not to sin while im killing folks
Defending your country is... LE BAD
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Ask and ye shall recieve
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Appreciate it anon!
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jews would be less retarded if they didnt wear their little caps all the time
Why on less than 200 casualties throughout three months of genocide, all the top leaders within isreal find out their children are KIA?
Are they joining Methanyau's son for the sweet life in Miami?
What? You're not making any sense mate. Learn English
I don't know if it's the lightning or what it is, but this looks like it could easily be from a game

but at the same time you see ...
It is not from a video game. Idk which game you play that has that good spark/lighting and smoke interactions. It is just a highly zoomed in image. Making everything feel depthless.
>gen z already not able to tell the difference between ai and life
Why are some of them wearing their knee-pads down at the ankle ?
That's where their knees are
Have you ever been kicked in the shin? Hurts!
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what are they spraying?
Agent Orange
It made the leaves fall out of trees, so the canopy of the forest could no longer be used as camouflage to hide their troop movements (which was a very major tactical problem in the war).
Not very useful in Gaza.
The explosion looks defined and the buildings are grainy like late 90s textures.
Is this Gaza only or not?
Neat picture.
me too
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Saigon is not in Gaza.
better than letting thread die fag
So there has to be new photos by now. Who has them?
>Didn’t the entire world invade Syria after they accused Assad of using it?

You are thinking of the use of sarin gas, and helicopter barrel bombs loaded with chlorine gas and other chemical weapons. Which were largely used because of russians, but with assad's complete and utter complicity.

Yes, white phosphorus was used a couple of times (again, russians), but the use was limited even if the casualties were horrendous. "The world" did not "invade" Syria, ever. Not for sarin or white phosphorus. Syria was threatened with (more) sanctions, and it was indicated that there would be aggressive military action IF Syria didn't give up its chemical weapons. Since nobody else would step up to it, the United States, under a compromise deal Obama negotiated with the rest of the world, sent a ship into the Mediterranean where the stockpiles of poison gas and related chemicals were incinerated. Assad agreed because of sanctions, the threat of more sanctions, and the threat of military intervention.

No "invasion" took place.
It was about poison & chemical weapons.
White phosphorus generated outrage (specifically the use against civilians in a city), but nothing specific was ever done about it ... and, Syria/russia continued/continues the use of white phosphorus (much more discreetly) since then.
>No national self-determination
They elected a terrorist organization to be their government, then complicitly supported it for two decades while they spent tens of billions of dollars building terrorist infrastructure with the sole purpose of attacking Israel. They've been entirely self-determining for decades. Now they're butthurt that people are fighting back against their terrorist attacks.

boo fucking hoo
>Angelina Jolie
post tits or GTFO
instead of child soldiers why doesnt palestine simply call muhammad to 1v1 israel?
I would have thought there would be more from Gaza.
More like a ghetto but still.
That's a bit surreal.
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Why are those Palestinians so stubborn? Why don't they just return the kidnapped people and those terrorists back to Israel? And the war would end.
theyre not done raping them yet.
>the war would end
they literally asked this to israel today, all hostages in exchange for permanent ceasefire, and israel refused (rightly so)
I'm happy israel is helping the good ones leave before I burst their fucking bubble
They also want release of prisoners and more stuff which I don't remember right now, it's not just end of the war for hostages.
the raw footage is locked in the IDF vaults for them to jerk off to
There is, but nobody in posting
Why didn't the jews just stay in the getto's and death camps? All of this could have been avoided.
the irony
>just any nation whose water, food and water supply, internet and electricity is at a foreign and possibly not very friendly nation's absolute mercy
They could have invested money to build their own infrastructure for water, electricity, food etc. Instead they poured billions of dollars into rockets and tunnels.
Never heard of the massacre of stormtroopers or SS by Jews from the Amsterdam ghetto or Auschwitz concamp.
It would have been justified, like oktober 7th
How droll.
Thank you.
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Ceasefire doesn't also mean cease posting.
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Fun new game, guess the year!
Are those radio towers all on top of that building? That can't be right, or safe.
>Except one is controlled by Egypt
Nothing comes into Gaza without first being searched by the IDF. They can and do in fact prevent most aid and food from coming in Gaza and Egypt has no say .
You do understand the IDF was founded by terrorist organizations, right?
There's something really ominous about the lack of windows. Maybe it has more out of frame, but still.
Israel was established by the United Nations, definitely the club for the greatest terrorists
Maybe speakers for the prayers? Only a guess.
One of Hamas’s demands in those particular negotiations was the release of all Hamas members currently in Israeli prisons, as well as the release of all members from affiliate groups of Hamas. Y’know, terrorists. You conveniently left that part out.
I think it would now be fair to add Russia.
More than fair.
Israel is sooo cool killing defenseless women and children.
lol look at the cute little troll
Clearly you don’t recognize anything that occurred prior to 10/8/23. This makes you an infant or a moron (and your spelling reveals the true answer).
This thread should be titled “Finding Out"
i cant understand how anyone could ever have a child into such a horrific world.
haha, it's like watching upper eastside New Yorkers dressing up as soldiers...
I don't understand... Jews are so good at calculating how much they get out of every experience... none of these people thought it's a negative total to fight in the armed forces?
Ah, maybe.
that's a good photo. really puts you on the ground with them in the rubble of their life
I saw a pic of one of the Iran drones after being shot down but it was not hr.
Actually surprised the fight there is not over yet.
That'll never catch on - give a Palestinian a brick and they'll throw it at a Jew.
Is the war over? I do not hear about it any more.
I am guessing the answer is yes it is over.
And no one seems to care...
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>Ofcourse, the reason you compare Gaza to a concentration camp is because
it's a concentration camp, you fucking golem
You are an idiot but that is clever. I would guess you did not think of it.
war is hell
War, hunh, what's it good for? A few /hr/ posts! Say it again.
posting on /hr/ in under 10000x
its nothing but a heartbreaker
It can't be helped. I tell the search to find large files.
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If I were here I'd get on one of those rugs and fly away.
what is that? holocaust survivors"?
why are israels helmets so big?
There are multiple US bases in Syria and thousands of US servicemen there to this day, plus Turkish government forces (NATO member)
For educational purposes, anyone have pics of cutie thot hostages tied up from the music festival raid. Preferably alive.
Why didnt jews just integrate to the places they got expelled to? Why dont they just stop interfering in the politics and economies of other countries? then antisemitism would end

palestinian violence is to jewish trickery. and also violence sometimes too lol
>Why dont they just stop interfering in the politics and economies of other countries?
Their religion values studying and hard work so the losers end up hating them. Your plan requires them to be failures in slums to stay alive.
Even if there is a ceasefire the thread can continue.
No just kikes.
I hope there are some videos of the hostage rescue.
I guess not.
>That can't be right, or safe.
What? Why wouldn't it be safe?
Easy target.
About 5 years ago I had the privilege of giving a local WW2 fighter ace a tour around one of our F/A-18 Hornets during a rural fly-in visit before their retirement and he was blown away by the evolution of modern fighters.
The first two questions he asked me were "where are the guns" and "how big are they". He looked really disappointed when I said there was only one but his face lit up with excitement when I told him the size and firing rate of it.
Dude was fantastic to talk to but he passed about a year or two later. I was lucky enough to attend the fly-over for his funeral/town parade.
They really were many amazing men.
The wind storms in May of 2024
nocked out the electricaL power
severaL times within two weeks.
Many cities in TEXAS were dark for days.
easy to rob.
Perhaps if fools
were not building a (tiny) border WaLL and were instead
that's the point you got out of seeing that picture?
Burying lines has its own problems.
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it was common to see this during GWOT when US soldiers were forced to wear kneepads, but given how uncomfortable they were some just let them slide around their ankles when out of base
Mobility is often more important than protection.
Too many people fail to appreciate this.
Is OP still here?
I was thinking more about RF environmental safety when I said it can't be safe. Nothing there is ionizing, and shouldn't pose any risks, but there are general safety standards about how long you should be in an RF heavy area.

Then again, most of the antennas there should be highly directional, so unless one is pointed directly at the ground, it should be fine. >>4882587 is more of a concern than RF safety as I originally thought.
I don't support either side in the middle east conflict/s but that sure does look 'evil' red and black.....could of picked a better color scheme.
Ever heard about breding kinks?
Might have had better luck with Ukraine.
Probably should have ended it there.
At this point it is all about morbid curiosity.

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