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random hi-res.
mods please create /cel/ already so we can have this board back.
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>mods please create /cel/ already so we can have this board back.

this board would only be flooded with AI crap and porn fakes
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>pale blue dot
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That is In Ålesund or Aalesund if you like, a super beatifull city in Norway. This picture is taken in the oldest harbour still intact that is in the city, there is a museeum there and some other things.
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Cleveland Rocks
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The road signs and other writing in the picture are in Korean, anon...
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Yeah, supposed to be the flaming river, my bad
>mods please create /cel/ already so we can have this board back
configure your filters. You should not have to do this, but its the only way to fix the board. I have 104 filtered and 5 hidden. Look into regex id you want them to be more efficient.
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Anyone else notice how Ruby pulls the trigger with his middle finger?
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> >>4761008 "Dear mods, please create a /cel/ board , so that we can have this /misc/ board (back?) without sharing with others."
--- said the one single solitary infinitesimal insignificant individual dot on a spec on a freckle on a pimple on a face of nothing.
Good Luck , wonder tits.
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>Planning what you're going to do to her on your next visit to Epstein Island
Damn P9 Savage
where is this paradise?
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That's Trump, not Clinton.

You think if Trump had been to Epstein Island, they wouldn't have leaked it by now?
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how do you cope with him never goìng to pedo island though?
all the action happens at mar a lago anon so I can't cope that at all
Epstein Island was just a secondary location run by one of Trump's now deceased deputies
If that were even remotely true it would be on the news 24/7.
Wow, this guy actually trusts Tucker Carlson
Over don lemon and john oliver? yeah probably.
Fucking moron.
Anyone over a guy who lied so hard and spread stories he knew were false that he cost his company $900 million, absolutely yes
That's so moronic to do I know! Or should my savior be Alex Jones? He loves to tell the truth. Both of those guys are flipping burgers now for how awful they acted.
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Goddamn, that's beautiful...
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Grand Teton National Park, specifically the Pink House of the John Moulton Homestead on Mormon Row
Bumping with Andy Tan, an X-ray film developer.
>mods please create /cel/ already so we can have this board back.

i was just thinking this. this board is actually so cluttered because of it
Since before Newton things have been falling due to being heavier than air. No Gravity required.

Also gravity is still a theory.
What will it take to make it a law?
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>mods please create /cel/ already

What if we dug a moat?
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All hail Unicron!
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orig was 80MB png
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the ship was too high in the water.
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nice thread
haha it says cum
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Biden literally molests kids on cam in front of us all and no one gives a shit
anyone who still cares about trump is just a narcissist refusing to let go of their bias against orange man bad and there is no point in trying to reason with them
wtf I love Biden now
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Love this. Really nice scan.
I'm trying to figure out what that "bubble" on the right is
Don't know how to confirm but my guess would be The Millennial Eye in London Thames or something similar.
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Butthurt dick puller detected.
Just an artifact, shot on film with a less than perfect old canon ae1. Could also be dirt on the negative
Did he grab them by the pussy tho

Or admit that he would fuck his own daughter
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"Date" was the word, but you know what he does with dates.
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maximo cozy, que vixca espanya
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/hr/ board is forever lost, Hiro abandoned it long ago
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>please create /cel/

No. The LAST thing we need is even more celebrity shitposting.
There can be 1000 times more for all I care as long as it is on another board.
Doesn't show that conclusively.
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Trump actually did say that, at one of his own rallies
He did prefix it with "If she weren't my daughter" though
Still creepy
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honestly cant believe this thread is still up
ty <3
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I'm partial to the original even though it isn't accurate. Both are still beautiful pictures, though.
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"HAL! Open the pod bay doors!"
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"I can't do that Dave"
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really a bruh moment
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"I still can't open the pod bay doors...bruh" :)
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"LOL you bot.. I'm going to show you the real power of human farts. Check this out"
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"...my olfactory sensory receptors have determined that the molecular structure of a noxious gaseous substance present in the environment will need venting. Opening the Pod Bay doors Dave".
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She really is a work of art!
What's the point of this monument?
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Archangel Uriel
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compliments of Francis Ford Coppola's new movie trailer –Megaloplis
fuck hiro –that ever-absent stakeholder – and do the right thing and give /hr/ the beauty it once had.
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Moot said it best.
I reject that /hr/ must die for faux /cel/ threads (aka /s/)
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ban me if you have to, but fuck, this board was beautiful before every zoomer with an internet connection had access to it
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wrong pic
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wrong pic again
wrong pic again!!
btw mods, none of these are the "wrong pics"
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this is just what /hr/ was meant for, yet you blithely allow Celebrities to flourish and bump off great /hr/ threads.
Please just ban /cel/ shit. >>>/s/ already exists
(see >>4864373)
/hr/ has to be better, or else what the fuck are we doing with this forum?
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A haiku for Hiro:
> you inherited
> what you'll never understand –
> never really love.
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also, what the fuck is going on with the compression of /hr/?
I get the need; cloud costs are fucking astronomical. compression is king etc.
but this image was 1.1MB before you took a shit on it.
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"abandon your darlings"
- moot
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Well this was certainly made for roasties kek
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The last genuinely interesting and novel moment that /hr/ had was when there were threads on the Chernobyl NSC build progress from that guy in Ukraine.

Even back then the board was beginning to just be /cel/ bullshit.

Before that it was a beautiful place, an archive for niche topics with high quality threads that were up to and over a year old.

Fuck modern 4chan.

inb4 reddit spacing
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Brigs are two-masted.
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Youth hostel in London, 1977
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As far as "man in rubber suit" costumes go, this sure is an excellent one, with the way it works the seams in. When you've got something that holds up under full lighting you know it's good.
Sad to find out this is from Tokyo DisneySea and not some regular building that happens to look like a steampunk dream. Still cool of course.
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Harpers Ferry? Harpers "Landing" through me off, I think the town is Harpers Ferry, West Virginia...I may be wrong though, just curious.
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Kek... nice shop.
supposed to represent the gateway to the west
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agreed. can you imagine their bill for varnish every year?
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кpyтo Дякyю ... бiльшe бyдьлacкa ?
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plotter art
828T = Captcha • Please wait (while 12 Monkeys snaiL-maiL a Hallmark card to Bruce Willis) before making a post.
You seem to have mistyped • and Left • and are now looking at an actuaL (MotherLess) porn site.
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>Art is not a hope;
>it is everything, solemn
>tutor for the lost.
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>Charon paddles on
>for those whom we've lost, listens
>to their stories, lives
>Watch humanity
>stifle its future, its hopes
>once more as it dies.
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Again, a Haiku for Hiro-san:
> you inherited
> what you'll never understand –
> never really love.
Hiro, please abdicate.
You are neither the right benefactor nor functional warden of this forum.
I feel so small pleading to an absent parent.
Moot please just come back and shut it off; it no longer has any value.
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>mods please create /cel/

Worst idea ever.

A better idea would be to take that shit to /s/ where it belongs.
>mods please create /cel/ already so we can have this board back.
been saying this for 12 years since the war on waifu-threads from /tv/ started right after all the /sp/eddit tards moved in, right before bane happened (astrotured by them mostly too)
how was that taken?
It's a photo taken by Voyager 1 in 1990 at, I think, the request of Carl Sagan.
File: t0awhsihv8bd1.jpg (1.04 MB, 4080x1780)
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Maybe another 10 years is all it will take.

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