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File: AMERICAN OASIS.png (6.71 MB, 3840x2160)
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doesn't have to be the pseudo-wave style, just what I personally use. I only have two that are /k/omfy, so the third will be another one I sometimes use.
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wrong board
It doesn't have stay a dream
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File: otherside_UltraHD.jpg (6.92 MB, 3840x2160)
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>Error: Maximum file size allowed is 8 MB
Fuck off /hr/.
File: heaven_UltraHD.jpg (5.39 MB, 3840x2160)
5.39 MB
5.39 MB JPG
>Error: File too large.
It's 7.7 MB, WTF is your problem? Fuck this gay board.
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File: at_last_UltraHD.jpg (6.98 MB, 3840x2160)
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>Error: File too large.
>7.3 MB
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File deleted.
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The one to top
I like this one!
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I read that as /k/ wallpapers, not komfy. Back on thread
thanks, wonder tits
Oh wow I remember these from a decade and a half ago.
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94 KB
Me too
Is this Meg Turney? What the hell happened to her?
Got Road 96 vibes from this
Sometimes you don't miss something til it's gone.
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whenever this one pops up in my slideshow it bums me out
nice weapons
I am not sure everyone here knows what /k/ is about.
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very pretty, thank you!
>it doesn't have stay a dream
So true, bestie.
I think maybe it does.
but where was the gun?
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And here I thought pink pussy hats were a 21st century abomination.
nah those are different
just came back after a while because this board is slow in getting updates, thought the thread died. I tried to start one on /k/ but the filesize limit there wasn't enough for me to post literally any of the above 3.
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also, have some AI slop that got the CAR-15 mostly correct.
nice trigger discipline
Isn't that the typical time to miss something?
I miss Marvel and Star Wars even though they are still here.
File: 1476562601109.jpg (3 MB, 2679x1815)
3 MB
You don't seem to get the idea.
Most people in the thread did not get it.
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why does this seem so familiar
Were you maybe born there?
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If this became a WH40k thread I would not object.
Because you like scifi?
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Apologies for being lousy sequel troopers
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How is that /k/omfy?
dude nothing bad ever associated with Tokyo!
It's supposed to be about /k/, you know, WEAPONS
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Tourist group on the way to Tokyo.
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this and the whole thread is not comfy at all!!
this is mind confusig about words! reminds me of new speech in orwell
Even peacenik Beatles had to admit happiness is a warm gun.
This thread needed more precise OP directions.
Too late now.
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File: DeskView.png (6.93 MB, 3360x2100)
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damn, that took me back! classic
fun but how is that /k/omfy?
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it's back on track by this point.
but it is /k/omfy, /k/omrade.
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Okay I appreciate whoever bumped about 100 threads to archive a few dumb threads trying todo it with an image every time. This is a fail however.
> cute tits can ever be a fail
Everything has its time and place.
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God bless the 2nd Amendment!
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did you not see the beginning of the thread you fucking donkey
settle down, Gordon.
I want TWO!
Make that four!!!!
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polish painter Zdzisław
Wrong thread for that pic.
I'd expect nothing less from some faggot who wants to stare at chromatic aberration memes
It is /k/omfy my friend!
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3.69 MB PNG
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I think komfy pseudowave must be rather rare.

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