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File: Art_of_Frank_Frazetta_110.jpg (2.17 MB, 2177x2817)
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Looking for more hi res Frazettas
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that's all I got that's real hi res :3
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I don't have time to post but, there is this thread from a while https://archive.4plebs.org/hr/thread/4601047/
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I saw this thread and remembered that one. Good thread, I ripped everyone from that thread.
i love how autistic this dude looks
>I ripped everyone from that thread.
Me too.
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I dumped a bunch of stuff in that thread. Was kind'a miffed when it went off page 10 suddenly. But, at least it was close to bump limit.

per this post https://archive.4plebs.org/hr/thread/4601047/#4645247, I never went back and explored the pulp fantasy & sci fi covers at this link:

Still a lot to be found there.
>>Nigger dick
>>Big Black Cock
>>Big Asian Dick
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It would be really something if someone happened to have a digital scan of this book. Looks like it's filled with old, classic Frazetta art.
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> "upgrade"
These appear to be the same source image, but this one >>4781795 has been cropped & resized/downsampled. picrel *should* be slightly "better."
The reviews on this book are really impressive for a forgotten paperback.
> "beautiful and perfect"
> - Lin Carter
comparable to
>Le Guin
That's pretty wow. Going to have to look for Joy Chant novels in some used book stores.
Wow I love this - thank you!
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>Those hips.
Wew lad.
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Frazetta comic book covers
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Swamp Demon iirc
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>he just knew
I have a question for the art con-i-sue-ers out there.

I do not know if it was by Frazetta or not but back in the nineties I saw a painting of a blue skinned woman laying in the surf and she had fish-fin like patagia between he r arms and torso.

Does anyone know if the artist was Frazetta or somebody else and can you link a high rez pic?
more frazetta would be nice .... anyone?
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le'mee see what I can dig up
probably reposts, but also probably a few years old, maybe?

>yeah, looks like low quality, small images that won't post or fly on /hr/
I'll still hunt around.
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what I have seems like shit I posted on /wg/ "a while ago"
I like his LotR stuff. Anything that anyone has would be quite welcome, even if the quality suffers a bit.

But, PLEASE, no upscales. If at all possible.
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only one I have that is /hr/
Thanks. That one is a beauty. Pretty certain I have a version of it somewhere, but I always enjoy multiple copies because sometimes there are very interesting differences between the details in how the scans were made. Please enjoy this Gollum for your kind effort.

What you are describing sounds familiar, but I think it may not be a Frazetta. Just by your description, it might be a Boris Vallejo or Julie Bell. I'm not sure, but maybe that will offer a clue. Hmm. Also someone like Vallejo is/(was?) Rowan or Rowen(?), who riffed pretty close to his style. I'll keep an eye open for it as I wander my archives & post if I find it anywhere, Frazetta or not.
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yes they are
my humor is wasted here
become witty or go back to /s/
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Would be awesome if there were higher scans of these and the rest.
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That's an edit, the original looks like picrel. Don't get me wrong man, I think this is a well done edit (in fact I've had that exact pic in my collection for like two years now) but for the sake of the anons who aren't as familiar with the works of Frazetta, I think it should be specified if a posted pic is edited.
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Wild Ride (1989)

From what I've heard, Frazetta would make a later iteration/revision of this. Would anyone happen to have a scan of that?
Frank Frazetta
Castle of Sin
4K • [3840x2160]
Dayum! I have never seen Castle of Sin in such high resolution and detail before. Thank you very much for sharing this
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Love this one. Used as an album cover here.
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>but for the sake of the anons who aren't as familiar with the works of Frazetta, I think it should be specified if a posted pic is edited.
i get chu
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And a shaved pussy edit (not by me btw). I also a have a couple more edits that I could post if you guys would be alright with it.
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Cat Girl
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Love all the new posts!
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An edit of >>4778214
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The artwork used for this cover was titled "Ghoul Queen" iirc
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You are correct. Here it is clean.
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Thank you for confirming, anon. Also, ymmv but there's also this edit of >>4821822 from /aco/
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Alternate colors versions posted by the frazettagirls twitter
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And an edit
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Shouldn't Dejah be red?
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I want to see some Neal Adams too!
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Cant have a Frazetta thread without posting this.
just makes you wanna murder men and rape women am I right. you losers. Great pic
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Frazetta also did this Battlestar Galactica art with all female pilots not wearing bras.....the tv guys must have been like "THIS IS A KIDS SHOW, FRANK!"
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I don't suppose any enterprising editors itt would be willing to apply one of these edits >>4807185
to this version >>4808161 ?
What exactly do you mean by that?
Sorry, questionable word choices on my part. I was asking if anyone would be willing to do a shaved pussy edit on the hi-res scan of Castle of Sin that you posted. I mentioned those other two edits to give references.
Ruined it
Take it to the /wg/ image mod thread, there's always one going on such as:

I suspect the other shaved edits in this thread were probably done there some years ago, and it's a common edit REQ.

/aco/ also has edit threads running, so you can try your luck with ones like these:

I've had good luck with the Big Edit Thread in the past, even when not REQing massive changes. There's been an anon there for years who does quality work, especially with things that grab his interest.
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Ah, I didn't realize that a request like this could be made in /wg/'s image modification thread. I always assumed that those threads were only for wallpaper related requests. Thank you for telling me, anon. I'll have to give that a try sometime. And sorry anons for all the bumps my request took up, here's some more Frazetta.
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Me >>4833517 again, I got a partial delivery from /wg/. An anon edited out the bush though left her pelvis featureless. I figured I'd repost it here in case anyone would be interested in a slightly less explicit version of Castle of Sin.
Bloody no!
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Got more of the Death Dealer?
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nta but
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Nice. Thanks.
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Princess and the Panther, 1990
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This one's very interesting to me as it's the first time I think I've seen shaved pussy and a visible slit/vulva in a work by Frazetta. I've seen examples of one without the other, like >>4778214 for example, but never both in the same picture. Thank you for sharing this, anon. Do you have any other examples of this kind of thing?
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This folder has 43 files.
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>Do you have any other examples of this kind of thing?
Only file 36 comes close. The others are as usual.
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I see. Thank you for checking, anon. Even if it wasn't exactly what I was hoping for, this is a nice sketch.

Also, on an unrelated note, I recently found this while browsing /wg/
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>I recently found this while browsing /wg/
Many such cases.

MOAR Death Dealer.
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I don't see Frazetta signature on this one, so not sure
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I got the rest of my request delivered in the /aco/ edit thread.
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Nowhere near dynamic enough in the character composition for Frazetta.
True. Wish I knew the artist though I think its still very good.
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Captive Princess
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An edit from /aco/
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There's something obnoxiously black about Frazetta's art.
what because he draws big asses?
All of it. The way he draws female faces even.
He cant seem to draw faces well, thats fine like Liefield's with feet. :3 his art is still kino though like something you would see if you wanted macho barbarian unga bunga movies or comics|games.
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Here are the drawings from that Kubla Khan portfolio
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>dog toy starts squeaking
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you're a retarded cuck

they don't even look black, they look a bit asian if anything, you blind retard

>he can't draw faces well
Holy shit get better taste
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Frank did use models
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Here is more DD I didnt see posted yet
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Would anyone happen to have a higher quality scan of this piece?
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Used as teaser poster art for the Conan movie
I want those comics!
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L Ron Hubbard, the guy that created Scientology, was a big Frank Frazetta fan, and commissioned Frank to paint this cover of Hubbard's 1982 book "Battlefield Earth", which eventually became the John Travolta movie which I have not seen but I heard is really awful.
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edit from /aco/
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ymmv, same edit above just with a slightly longer pussy
Why don't you just turn the sword into a dildo and outfit the martian with a ball gag you fucking degenerate?
Dejah was nude in the book, fag. She isn’t red enough though.
Yeah, I remember rubbing a few out when I was 11 to the description of her bald, pedofag pussy. Good times.
in the future you should probably refrain from telling people that you jerk off to pedophile material
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Death Dealer courtesy of the frazettagirls twitter
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Art by Brom.
My friend's older brother was a massive Conan fan and a budding animator in high school. He said we could go through his magazines as long as you weren't eating or drinking anything while reading them and would put them back afterward.

He was so pissed off though when the film was delayed that he made his own version of it in stop action called Conan the vegetarian. He took nearly 5 weeks to do it and it ran about 7 and 1/2 minutes. The plot was that his favorite vegetable patch got rated and he went around decapitating people or cutting them in half until they found out who did it. Lots of heads fly through the air like footballs for the extra point.

One day though he just decides to purge a whole bunch of his stuff and that was one of the ones that ended up in the trash sheep and I rescued it.

He went on to become an animator for a Vinton Productions doing claymation for the California reasons ad campaign and dinosaur christmas.

I helped some people out at Comic-Con when you're helping them set up their booth and get organized for doing question and answers and signings. I showed the short to a bunch of people behind the scenes with the understanding that there was to be no cell phone photography or video of the film. A bunch of them had pretty good guesses as to who it was to put the film together because the animation style is pretty distinctive.
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Yeah I'd take the one with the chain.
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Did Frazetta ever draw a butthole?
Are you volunteering to model?
Frank "Cuckold" Frazetta was a fag and a queer
simple as
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Can't separate the art from the artist?
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put it in your blog you fuck, no one cares

Y'all are both retarded. This is from Fire and Ice, which Frazetta did literally all the art for.


I might be the actual retard here. It just occurred to me that you're probably not talking about the Fire and Ice art.
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All-time classic!
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no one care faggot
Requesting again.
this is literally me

I like how the Aryan knight is driving away the Jewish ogres.

captcha: GOYDIE
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Oh yes!
Frank's artwork for the movie poster of the movie The Busy Body
ah, senpai, he can breef fo' sho. Don' evenchu thank he not breef cuz hecan!
John Carter is great for his work.
Excellent thread, thanks for posting!
I see people selling online posters of his artwork that are bigger than anything in this thread. Where the fuck do they get the high res pictures for those?!
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He could stand to beef up his inks a bit

Use a brush, Frank!
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most likely using AI to upscale
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"The Countess"
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I like this alot.
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