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What you see is what you get. I don't have much, but I feel like sharing some of my favorite ones.
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This looks like a duck wearing some cool sunglasses and fez hat kissing a hen

a fez hat*
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How high are you, anon?

High? I've never smoked anything before. I just said the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the picture
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Great thread!
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that is a time portal
All I see is a dumbass standing underneath the thing while you can clearly see during time chunks of rocks have broken off
Andy Dufresne in the back
The clouds look so soft.
Must be nice being in the middle of nowhere, looking at the sky as your job.
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Very nice.
should have been in the waterfall thread
It just needs a lighthouse.
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Perfect! Thanks anon!
Double Rainbow… All the way...
hello i have a request, does anyone have images of the purple sagelands of Utah?
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An unnamed crater on Vastitas Borealis, a broad plain that covers much of Mars's far northern latitudes.
I can see it. Duck more than the hen.
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Whoever's posting those real HQ pics... you're the real MVP. Where'd you get them?
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Where is that?
Someone's Photoshop folder
All I hear is a dumbass that doesn't understand the mathematics of probability applied to the scale of geological time.
Go to Google Maps, search for
Cuiping near Guilin, Guangxi, China

The view is from there, looking West
There are user photos, you will notice parts of this image don't match
Because it is edited to be more dramatic (mountain added, so on)
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Thank you big fans for making the wind. Couldn't fly my kite without you.
Ruined landscape
Wait it's actually real? Was thinking it was AI/photoshop because of the buildings.
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>max res 10000
>max size 8MB
I fucking hate this board so much! /hr/ my ass
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I took this.
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This is Disneyland motherfucker
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>posts water floating on water
jk it's a neat pic
God bless!
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> you see you get. don't __*BEEP*__ much, but feel sharing favorite.
Дякyю кpacивa ; бiльшe бyдьлacкa ?
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see3pee~Oh = Captcha • Please wait (while 12 Monkeys snaiL-maiL a Hallmark card to Bruce Willis) before making a post.
You seem to have mistyped • and Left • and are now looking at an actuaL (MotherLess) porn site.
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this pic can't be real
>can't be real
Are you saying the painting can't be real, or are you exposing your inability to distinguish a 19th century painting from a photo?
Either way, Anon, ....
>or are you exposing your inability to distinguish a 19th century painting from a photo?
nuhhh uhhh uhmm
there's only been photographs so far and I didn't look very closely, so...
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I see it too, anon.
Imagination is a wonderful thing.

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