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These are magical
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work of art
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^oc, taken on phone. Tips?
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Nice composition. If you wanted the water to have an even smoother effect (like picrel), you can try a longer shutter speed.
It also looks like there's some kind of ai denoise/interpolation filter which I think would be better turned off, if you're able. When you zoom in, you can see it made the small details look weird.
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Thank you very much!
I really don’t have much of an idea how to properly edit, so I usually go with what looks good. I‘ll try to change that next time.
Here‘s the unedited version:
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No problem, keep it up! All that matters is finding a look you like. I tried my hand at editing it:
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I love this one
PROTIP: Don't go chasing and of these.
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I'll stick to the rivers and lakes that I'm used to, good advice
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Looks like a good jigsaw puzzle image
I am not saying this is fake but it looks fake if you know what I mean.
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Is it real? Something about photo technology?
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>These are magical
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more please
such an eerie thread, accentuated feelings differ between old pc software artwork and /x/
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That's cheating!
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Why don't you faggots label your pictures?
Mystery is fun.
yup, is just long exposition.
Tough to enjoy waterfall still pic most of the time and then to make it blurry even worse.
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Are they running some sort of script which lets them noclip up it?
I'm OP back again to post the rest
Sorry, I forgot all about this thread
I'm glad it's still there
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by the way, most of these were taken around 1994
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drum scanned slide film
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it might look a little "off" to modern eyes but I like it
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the long exposures are just gorgeous
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No. Video would be best. Long exposure is worst.
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salmon highest difficulty level
I wonder if there is a non-magical (significant) waterfall. Obviously there are some places a very small stream drops a foot or two that is still fun but not special.
the collection looks depressing to me.
Almost no colors, no life, no animals, not even inscets, no joy... the emotions i get from that are bad.
Are they?
Is it?
Spit on dildo before shoving it up your ass
Do you really tho?
Check mate kek
Lost it
waterfalls are for Greeks and UCB celebs hahahaha
Waterfalls are for everyone.
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Everyone should have their own personal waterfall.
More than one actually.
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Wouldn't hurt to have some majestic magical falls here.
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I probably wish that was where I lived.
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Imagine that as a prison. Epic.
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Time for someone else!
Seems to me there should be dozens of anons with waterfall images to share!
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Look closely.
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This would be a waterfall in summer, right?
Glad no one complained.
The problem is I have a Nature folder and a Landscape folder but not a waterfall folder.
> кpacивa
( Дякyю ) бiльшe бyдьлacкa ?
For what?
For the waterfall.
r2D2 = Captcha • Please wait (while 12 Monkeys snaiL-maiL a Hallmark card to Bruce Willis) before making a post.
You seem to have mistyped • and Left • and are now looking at an actuaL (MotherLess) porn site.
Go that way. You'll be malfunctioning within a day, you nearsighted scrap pile.
Do we not have anons from Hawaii or Venezuela?
Guess not...
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Wait that may be roads not water. I messed this one up.
I love this long exposure stuff you've posted. Thank you.
Glad someone likes it because it creeps me out.
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