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Just got two 4k monitors, and need some nice wallpapers. It's been hard to find nice landscape pics like pic related that are not blurry in this resolution.
File: Forrest.jpg (5.63 MB, 7680x2160)
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5.63 MB JPG
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3.94 MB
3.94 MB JPG
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7.99 MB
7.99 MB JPG
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4.65 MB JPG
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455 KB
455 KB JPG
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7.29 MB
7.29 MB JPG
File: Romania.jpg (3.46 MB, 9900x1661)
3.46 MB
3.46 MB JPG
File: London.jpg (7.38 MB, 7000x1494)
7.38 MB
7.38 MB JPG
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7.54 MB JPG
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7.07 MB JPG
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6.31 MB JPG
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6.14 MB
6.14 MB JPG
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4.58 MB
4.58 MB JPG
File: glacier.jpg (7.87 MB, 10000x3334)
7.87 MB
7.87 MB JPG
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4.15 MB
4.15 MB JPG
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3.87 MB
3.87 MB JPG
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3.75 MB
3.75 MB JPG
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3.57 MB
3.57 MB JPG
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3.31 MB
3.31 MB JPG
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3.27 MB
3.27 MB JPG
Power plant? Nuclear?
I want more!
File: 1428720487169.jpg (2.21 MB, 10000x2033)
2.21 MB
2.21 MB JPG
I don't know, interesting color scheme though
I'm running out hopefully someone else contributes
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5.82 MB
5.82 MB JPG
File: Boston_-_panoramio_(23).jpg (1.21 MB, 5559x1616)
1.21 MB
1.21 MB JPG
terrible place
File: 1297218905204.jpg (4.1 MB, 10000x2566)
4.1 MB
4.1 MB JPG
Go to North End / Cambridge / Beacon Hill or Alliston, really high end. Also, Fenway and Kenmore always have something going on
Would be even better with an iceberg.
File: 1.jpg (6.16 MB, 7356x3146)
6.16 MB
6.16 MB JPG
File: Glencoe.jpg (4.07 MB, 6240x3510)
4.07 MB
4.07 MB JPG
Do you have other bills? This is an amazing wallpaper.
File: 1451258689626.jpg (6.34 MB, 5532x2325)
6.34 MB
6.34 MB JPG
what about the backs? any of those?
this fukken guy tryna print some cash for himself
yeah shameless
I'm all about the $50.
File: 1376692017157.jpg (6.45 MB, 5622x1885)
6.45 MB
6.45 MB JPG
I think this can be stretched well enough.
File: 1383206541599.png (7.52 MB, 5760x1080)
7.52 MB
7.52 MB PNG
This one too
File: 1408576401302.jpg (4.32 MB, 9450x1068)
4.32 MB
4.32 MB JPG
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6.86 MB
6.86 MB JPG
File: foist_compressed.jpg (6.84 MB, 7680x2160)
6.84 MB
6.84 MB JPG
These come from a very large image found here:
File: segundcompressed.jpg (6.32 MB, 7680x2160)
6.32 MB
6.32 MB JPG
They are about 1/3 the size dimensionally.
File: turd_compressed.jpg (6.52 MB, 7680x2160)
6.52 MB
6.52 MB JPG
And 95% of the quality and 1/4 the file size. I don't think they have had the quality damaged too much.
File: me-or-my-Sun_compressed.jpg (6.79 MB, 7680x2160)
6.79 MB
6.79 MB JPG
I took some creative license since I paid Ronald Reagan a dollar to build space lasers and all I got was a lousy t-shirt.
File: 1381708396880.jpg (5.39 MB, 10000x1558)
5.39 MB
5.39 MB JPG
Thank fully this one is wide enough you can crop the tourists on the left and that anomalous ridgetop in the distance that runs straight down the image to the right side cliff protrusion. I tried to fix the panorama glitch using GIMP but once I saw that it ran all the way through the canyon I gave up.
Glad I could help.
File: 1519792774623.jpg (4.69 MB, 7846x2496)
4.69 MB
4.69 MB JPG
Not OP, but thank you for sharing, I apear to have autistically forgotten to make known my appreciation. I have sat on the edge of the southern rim of the grand canyon. big thinks.
File: 222 (1 of 1)-3.jpg (7.31 MB, 8029x2263)
7.31 MB
7.31 MB JPG
Is this Mocквa?
I need to go there.
I suggest a trip to Peach Springs, AZ, and then just west of town is a dirt road the ranchers use to drive to the river. I hiked that until it turned west/east and went straight north for the rim. It is about 6-8 miles through real easy terrain.
I sat right here: 35°43'32"N 113°29'33"W
no, it`s small city in Western Ukraine
Thank you. The river is what gave me the thought. Which river is it?
File: IMG_20180826_114902.jpg (6.79 MB, 2304x9792)
6.79 MB
6.79 MB JPG
Uzh and city called Uzhgorod
File: IMG_20180829_083116.jpg (6.44 MB, 2240x9728)
6.44 MB
6.44 MB JPG
File: pana.jpg (7.1 MB, 8693x3688)
7.1 MB
7.1 MB JPG
Am I supposed to stand in that river or boulder up it
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7.14 MB
7.14 MB JPG
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3.92 MB
3.92 MB JPG
File: jetplane_opti.png (7.38 MB, 8192x4890)
7.38 MB
7.38 MB PNG
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4.56 MB
4.56 MB JPG
File: ac.jpg (6.42 MB, 8000x4190)
6.42 MB
6.42 MB JPG
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5.78 MB
5.78 MB JPG
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5.06 MB
5.06 MB JPG
I would love to take a trip here someday!
File: 1381770228494.jpg (7.27 MB, 9537x1953)
7.27 MB
7.27 MB JPG
I was guessing somewhere in Europe, but now I know how I was mistaken. ;_;
Based thread, giving me an excuse to buy some new monitors after I move.
you need a 3rd ultrawide to see it
File: 1527315215766.jpg (4.25 MB, 8858x2953)
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4.25 MB JPG
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4 MB
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570 KB JPG
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965 KB JPG
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5.89 MB JPG
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4.13 MB
4.13 MB JPG
File: ponyo34.jpg (6.79 MB, 9955x1055)
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6.79 MB JPG
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7.92 MB
7.92 MB JPG
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6.31 MB
6.31 MB JPG
File: 1406804544703.jpg (5.57 MB, 7213x3300)
5.57 MB
5.57 MB JPG
I keep getting hit with duplicate file exists...
File: 74065.jpg (6.87 MB, 10000x1768)
6.87 MB
6.87 MB JPG
File: 1411609274729.jpg (4.73 MB, 7287x4863)
4.73 MB
4.73 MB JPG
> >>4806529 Monitor wallpaper hard Landscape related blurry resolution.
тoплec, a iнoдi й нaпiвгoлий плaтний ceкc-пpaцiвник Бapeн Бaбблз, клoyн з Icлaмaбaдy.
File: 1517673489807.jpg (5.57 MB, 10000x4584)
5.57 MB
5.57 MB JPG
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4.6 MB
4.6 MB JPG
NNKA = Captcha • Please wait (while 12 Monkeys write a Halmark card to Bruce Willis) before making a post. You seem to have mistyped and Left OLD-chan for a better (MotherLess) "porn"-site.
File: 1409445857001.jpg (5.45 MB, 10000x3333)
5.45 MB
5.45 MB JPG
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4.46 MB
4.46 MB JPG
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7.07 MB
7.07 MB JPG
File: ced.jpg (4.2 MB, 7807x3584)
4.2 MB
4.2 MB JPG
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7.41 MB
7.41 MB JPG
File: 1410644607180.jpg (6.38 MB, 10000x3333)
6.38 MB
6.38 MB JPG
Post some commercial airplane pics bros.
Good ones. Adding them to my rotation. Thank you.
File: 1519991322452.jpg (5.96 MB, 10000x2899)
5.96 MB
5.96 MB JPG
File: 1518876943549.jpg (6.74 MB, 10000x2961)
6.74 MB
6.74 MB JPG
File: 1534264277611.jpg (6.41 MB, 7800x3900)
6.41 MB
6.41 MB JPG

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