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Hello /hr/.

I hate to be that guy, but im going to this kids birthday party and he wants a poster of an attack submarine.

I live in a country where Amazon wont ship, so i figured i make my own.

So im asking if anyone got any good pictures of attack subs?

Sorry again for begging
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This isn’t the War Thunder forums, OP.
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That's why he's here looking for pictures and not asking what should his next build be

Sorry op I can't find much to contribute, except for some civilian research ones
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Never mind, found some in my military folder
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Love the Astute Class
I like it!
Comfy Kursk.
This feels like a low-effort intelligence gathering operation.
>no War Thunder sub autism classified leaks
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Fun fact: The George Washington class were essentially Skipjack class submarines with a 130 foot (40 m) missile compartment.
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Ping him one time, Jonesy.
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Awesome thread!
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That isn't real!
They were already thinking about lauching missiles from submarines in the 40s. Absolutely fascinating.
Jago unchained
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Awesome thread! I saved a few so I'll post some.
Hopefully no dupes.
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There's some image info embedded in this pic if anyone cares.
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I probably have more I'll post but I'll be lurking.
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Found one more for now.
Huh. Guess I was wrong. I always thought image tags stayed with a pic when uploading here but after re-download it appears the info disappeared. Anyway, most of the info for that pic was:
>Adm Gary Roughhead, Arctic Ocean, Award Ceremony, CNO.
Wonderful cross section.
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Shit quality pic but I thought it was kinda neat.
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4chan... Your Captcha sucks balls.
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Pretty sure that's a Tico's CIC but it's definitely no less kino
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I know. Did not have anything else at the moment to post.
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>where the subs at
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How can submarines attack anything when they are literally UNDER WATER?? Use your brain for once lol
Already a better version posted. But bump anyway.
Doesn't seem like a good idea anyway.
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These devices are just made for kiling humans. I this this is agaimst our species and therefore bullshit.
>pacifistic libtard
>incoherent drivel
Checks out.
military-industrial complex buys politicians.
did they buy you as well?
I identify as an attack submarine LOLOL!!!/!!
Only an hero would dare use that sub...
As I recall heroes prefer the open road.
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Where's the loo?
All of the sea is tha loo.
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Bumping with a couple luxury sub images since I'm out of attack subs.
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ai premo these days eh?
>civilian tow

when too much cum from the sailors clogs the only toilet
can confirm cgi games
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My uncle was a submariner. He said they would sometimes do slow lawnmower patterns (just back and forth) at periscope depth like 100 miles offshore.

Eventually they would hear a 'tap-tap-tap'. Then they would surface and open the hatch and let in a squad of Navy SEALS that were all strung out in the water. The periscope would snag their line and they would all drag themselves to the boat and "knock on the door".
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Naval group SMX-31 concept
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Yeah, I dunno why but 4chan started removing metadata a few years ago

Based thread OP, find anything you like?
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>I dunno why

because morons would upload pictures with all their information embedded and dox themselves
Everything or the defaults? Like custom tags go too?
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I just noticed the dolphin!!!
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How did naval engineers figure out how thin the ice had to be before they could safely ram a ship upward through it?
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More subs please.
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That trunk doesn't look very stealthy.
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Any cool art of submarines with dinosaurs ?
Someone had way too much time on their hands.
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@raf_luton on twitter - be sure to complete the captcha to access the top secret website.
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>custom tags
huh? Are you using mac? Yes, everything is wiped

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