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nice OP, I was about to make a thread
Finally someone actually beautiful on /hr/
not right for a woman to be this adorable

Need her to lock me in a tight metal cock cage, wear the key around her neck, step on me and spit in my mouth.
did you have to make the thread weird
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Don't shame anon. All kinds of people into all kinds of different things. And honestly, I think she'd be down. Something in those eyes says there might be a hidden deviant side to this sweetheart.
did you have to make the thread based
also, built for BBC!
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gay retard
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I want to play with her knockers
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Based and correct
Love the royal look. Would make it even hotter to see her submit on her knees to a real King.
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She dated the most cucked member of the royal family, Prince Harry, once
She could have been a literal royal
Anon, you know full well she'll use your face as a seat and torment your cock yet also give it lots of attention.

Imagune seeing her like this on your bed,
>Leatherburn on both sides of your neck
Little Hotwife excited as the men arrive.
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Jenna always looks fantastic in heels.
"Come upstairs with me, anon...:
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Jenna is just too sexy.
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IMHO She oozes "fuck me" energy. She's both hugely cute and insanely fuckable.
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I love how easily she can switch from girl-next-door to being so sexually desirable.
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Such a delicious combination. Holding your hand, being adorably sweet one minute...then in a matter of moments, she's on all fours getting mounted and mercilessly pounded and loving it.
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She can be so fuckable when she wants to, especially when she's wearing such tall heels.
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She's such a deliciously hot piece of petite ass.
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Our Creamy Creamed Cum Crumpet.
Look at those fingers ... surely AI.
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I wish Jenna would wear leather more often.
I'm thinking Leather mini-skirts or hot-pants, collars, and tight zip-front tops
Actually a real pic.
This is the closest we've gotten to Jenna wearing a leather mini-skirt, but she still looks incredibly sexy.
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One of her sexiest looks, love it when she wears platforms.
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Love how sultry Jenna is.
Very accessible dress.

The perfect British crumpet.
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> "Kneel."
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That outfit is pure sex.
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It's Jenna's birthday, so I'm going to post a few pics.
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Dat zipper. Imagine pulling it down.

Dem buttons. Pop, pop, pop.

This lovely hot wife is so accessible.
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Hotwife ready for action.
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Jenna needs to wear leather more often.
Especially tight leather.
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I wish Jenna would go back to wearing boots from time to time, she looks so sexy in them.
She looks so hot wearing them.
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It's that classy, petite elegance combined with the high heels giving off "fuck me" vibes.
Exactly. No matter how glamorlus or reasonably conservative her outfits are, her heels make her desires incredibly clear.
If only she were the Fifteenth Doctor's companion lol
She exudes sexual energy, but still perfectly contains it behind a classy facade.
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Jenna has such a sexy profile.
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> Those heels making her stick her bum out, the veneer of cuteness over the dripping sex oozing from her.
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That mouth has so much delightful capacity.
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Knock, Knock.
Jenna needs some cock.
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Why those shoes?
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I am confused. You did not say bump and you posted 4 instead of 3?
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Different anon
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Do you have those in wallpaper shape?
They are sexy.
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Definitely agree. It's a shame she only wore them just once.
They would look good on that lamp.
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She did a show wearing that?
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Should have been OP
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Post some with her real nose.
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Absolutely stunning in leather.
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I need a good anagram of CHANEL to do something funny.
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not working the buttons into the polka dot pattern... why don't they even try?
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Next time use a good png that can be used easily.
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She's pregnant!
The best news. Those genes need to propagate
what a shame
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hopefully the baby is Black
shut up jewish nigger
Wait, is black with white polka dots a thing now?
absolutely beautiful
The guy who did this must feel like he's the kind of the world.
Who is the dad?
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The rumor is that it's Matt Smith, but the truth is, I knocked her up.
More like baby bump!
I don't believe either of those.
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Everyone knows this means hiding a black eye.
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She doesn't have the shoulders for that outfit.
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What happened?
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She has such a wanton look in her eyes.
Someone tell her it is okay to smile.
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Why are you failing to acknowledge the problem we have here?
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Delicious Crumpet.
I know why you said that.

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