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Neither of those count as empires. Not even close
Even though OP is a huge fail, I felt a couple proper empires should be posted. At least the thread isn't another celeb thot simp thread.
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Hyvä, kundi!
Museovirasto ei tule pitämään tästä postauksesta.
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These are tricky because I don't have my files saved this way.
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The US really should have taken over all of Canada.
There were serious talks to annex it but the slavery debate killed them. Same reason the proposal to buy Cuba from Spain fell through and part of the reason the US-Mexican war ended early.
The Americans fought a whole war to try to spread their revolution North. They failed miserably, and the Brits burned Washington DC in retribution for their sacking of York (Toronto) and Kingston.

The one board with worse historical literacy than /his/
I don't understand this but they must be stopped.
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I wonder what would be the left of Russia in 200 years? Burned out radioactive Wasteland interspersed with red forests, cars sludge ponds and Toothless villagers without any electricity whatsoever
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So glad all those ruthless assholes are long dead
They fit the description, anyhow
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I am never sure what qualifies for a title so specific so here's a cool map that I guess fits.
The Rule of Cool means it can stay.
This image has always bugged me because Scott's plan only went to the Mississippi River. The snake is stupidly exaggerated. Control of the states west of the Mississippi wouldn't matter because they couldn't get goods or supplies to the main Confederate effort.
>also not an empire.
Depends on how you define empire. There were elements of international domination.
this map is inaccurate. Tigranocerta was not built until 71 BC, while this map is set at 281 BC
That's just what they want you to believe.
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Not so impressive away from the coast.
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Excellent. Thanks for sharing it.
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Which city is this?

nec spe nec metu means neither hope nor fear
Impress us then. Conquered a lot of countries have ya? No? Yeah, that's what I thought.
You don't have a Google link next to the image to click?
Why 1259?
Why not?
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So no real significance to that year?
No idea at all. I didn't post it. I was just being a smart ass. This board has gotten boring. Well, unless you're a simp for celeb thots anyway.
It's a map of the Valley of Mexico during the Cortes expedition/the Siege of Tenochtitlan showing their path and the locations of major battles.

Worth noting the Valley had many more population centers then what's shown there, that only shows major cities for the most part. Compare to the more zoomed in maps of pic related, which still even then excludes some
since the thread is about to 404 anyways I'll dump some more Mesoamerica maps

I'll post info about them when I'\m done posting them
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Death of Möngke Khan, grandson of Genghis Khan.
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I'm surprised nobody has posted just plain Russia. It has colonised dozens of nations.
Most of those failed from having a hard to pronounce name but not sure what went wrong with Pala.
YXP2 = Captcha • Please wait (while 12 Monkeys write a Halmark card to Bruce Willis) before making a post. You seem to have mistyped and left OLD-chan for a better (MotherLess) "porn"-site.
They are a bunch of losers.
Wait, what?
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I think we need to wait for the latest update on Russia...
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Would hate to have to rely on that for navigation.

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