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Ancient Egypt
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A 3,300 year-old Egyptian Shoulder Harp. These instruments were traditionally played by women at ceremonial events or religious rites. Circa 1300 BC
A Mamluk enamelled glass bucket made either in Egypt or Syria. Mid 14th century CE
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A Nubian Winged Isis Pectoral. Napatan Period, reign of Amaninatakelebte. Dated 538 to 519 B.C. Found Nuri, Sudan (Nubia), Pyramid 10.
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anyone got higher res / unwatermarked versions of this? Want to print it stick it on my wall
fantastic - I loved the Egyptian object thread from not too long ago, already loving this new thread.
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white people used to build and make so much wonderful objects
what happened
Our culture was subverted by a group of vindictive, spiteful goblins
Iranians came.
they still do
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A sculpted triad showing King Menkaure between the goddess Hathor is on his right and the personification of Cynopolis, the 17th nome of Upper Egypt, on his left. Old Kingdom, 4th Dynasty, ca. 2613-2494 BC
Aegis (shield) with the head of Sekhmet, Egypt, circa 945-715 BC from The Walters Art Museum.
eh eh ooh eh ooh eh eh ooh eh ooh
Alabaster jubilee vessel of Pepi I, with pigment. Old Kingdom Egypt, 6th dynasty, ca. 2290 BC. Walters Art Museum collection
An alabaster boat model from the tomb of King Tutankhamun, 14th century BCE. The Egyptian Museum in Cairo
An ancient Egyptian bird mummy, c. 2000-100 BCE.
An ancient egyptian gold pendant (ca. 1878-1749 BC) in the form of an upside-down catfish a popular charm in ancient Egypt believed to ward off drowning
An ancient Egyptian rock crystal ring, bearing the figure of a sphinx. Dated to the 19th-20th dynasty, or 1295–1069 BCE.
An Egyptian Bronze Figure of the Horus Falcon, 26th Dynasty, 664-525 B.C.
Ancient Egyptian plaster statue of the dwarf chnoum-hotep, a victim of achondroplasia, c. 2000 - 1000 BC
Ancient Egypt is a myth btw
Pls elaborate
The society was created by the Greeks and was intended as fiction. It was 11th century historians who mistakenly described "ancient Egyptian" culture as if it was fact. It doesn't take a great deal of research to confirm this...
yeah the territory currently known as Egypt wasn't occupied by humans until just over 900 years ago
Stop smoking meth, cletus
Whattaya mean 'the society'. So the Greeks went and lived there built pyramids, invented hieroglyphics, buried a whole bunch of people in mountains and invented a new deity system just as a piece of theatre?
Not exactly. They created the myth that the pyramids and Egyptian language systems were “ancient” when they are actually much more modern. They did invent the religion you referred to though. That was from A few poems that later historians took literally. There’s no evidence the people that moved to what is today Egypt 900 years ago had any religion before they came across the Saharan Ankratharites and the hematics from modern day Tunisia
Interesting I'd like to read more about this if you have any references or starting points
sorry /hr/ for the upscaled image I didn't think it looked that shit.
Crocodile mummy mask, Egyptian circa 650 B.C.
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Details from the Egyptian Tomb of Sennedjem in the necropolis of Deir el-Medina. Sennedjem lived in the reigns of Seti I and Ramesses II during the 19th Dynasty
Double headed snake bracelet made from gold. Roman Egypt, 1st century A.D.
Earring from the Tomb of Tutankhamun
These dates are off by well over 1,000 years. “Ancient” Egypt is ahistorical nonsense.
Earring, Egypt 1295–1186 B.C.
Beware the curse!
there was no civilization in what is today Egypt during that time period. Very basic history and chemistry proves this. so embarrassing lol
White people didn't build these, Ancient North Africans did. White people were spearing bears in the tundra when these were already ancient.
jesus christ, no one ancient made these. every artifact or piece of infrastructure attributed to "ancient" Egyptians is AT MOST 950 years old. VERY BASIC CHEMISTRY and standard historical sources prove this.
Egyptian funerary amulet shape of a djed symbol of stability, placed on a mummy to aid the deceased in the afterlife (Persian Period, 525-400 BCE)

I wonder if you are follow me trying to ruin every thread I participate
there is always an asshole who writes like you responding to me
Egyptian Goddess Isis Breastfeeding her Infant son Horus, The depiction was considered a powerful Symbol for the Ptolemaic Dynasty, Dated 4th Century BCE
Now I have the Stargate SG1 theme running through my head.
is it just me or does it seem like Ancient Egypt isn't cool anymore? the 90's and early 2000s had so much stuff around the subject.
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Here you go my dude
It’s because the science has finally started to break through the myths. “Ancient” Egypt did not exist, it’s a much more modern culture than media and less-sophisticated academics liked to portray in past decades. Most artifacts and structures were made between 700 and 900 years ago
Have one that's actually printable
...and one that has some detail
It's because Hollywood Egypt has always been cooler than the real deal. The reality isn't nearly as interesting, and most of it's history was pretty placid(comparatively speaking). Oooh, Akhenaten was a monotheist! And then when he died every just went back to what they were doing. Really the art of his reign is more interesting that his reign itself IMO, since it had a distinct visual style compared to before/after. Anyways, Hollywood is so up it's own ass right now that any sort of movie about the cool fictionalized Hollywood version of Egypt just isn't going to happen.
God Horus Protecting King Nectanebo II 360–343 B.C.
>White people didn't build these, Ancient North Africans did. White people were spearing bears in the tundra when these were already ancient.
Yeah, OK, kike
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>Ancient North Africans did.

no shit. the people who built the pyramids looked similar to the people who live in Egypt now which is not much of a surprise. No they weren't black.
Complete bullshit fabricated by racists with an agenda. The current modern day Egyptians were created by the Arab invasions that came later. The entire Mediterranean was at one time more classically European until the people were either wiped out or pushed back. This has already been demonstrated by previous DNA analysis on mummies that weren't fraudulent unlike your pic related. King Tut is more Irish than modern-day Egyptian, funnily enough.
Golden tweezer-razor combination with canine decoration. Egypt, 18th dynasty. 1560–1479 B.C.
lmao this date is so wrong I assume you're intentionally screwing with people. there was no human culture living in modern day Egypt at that time, let alone a culture capable of making sophisticated art
Granite Bust of the Goddess Sekhmet, 18th Dynasty, reign of Amenhotep III, 1403-1365 BC

Imagine getting to explore these lands before modern technology and plastic
Real adventures.
Imagine exploring the world when the total population mas less than 2 billion.
King Tuts Scandals. when he walked, he stood on the enemies of Egypt. Bound Semites (Arabs) and Nubians (Africans).

The earlier dynasties of Egypt were all white (R1 b) - they came via Sumeria down through what is now Jordan/Palestine and founded Egypt.

Its not even an argument anymore.

The oldest preserved human bodies from Egypt are known as the Gebelein predynastic mummies, which date from around 3400 BC. The first body is the most famous, and has been on display the longest. The skeletal structure and skull shape are Caucasian, but it is the surviving hair which makes the mummy’s racial origins clear: it still has tufts of blond-red hair, and was nicknamed “Ginger” as a result. Someone here mentioned they were closer to present day Irish.

However thousands of years later, the Egyptians had mixed racially with their slaves and the end mutt product could not sustain an advanced civilization anymore.

The Egyptian civilization then collapsed. never to rise again.
The knot made from twine that lasted 3500 years.
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Board Game - found in Tuts tomb.
Tuts gold dagger and sheath
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Colonial Warrior Viper Pilot Helmet 80th Century BC.
looks like something you wear to kill Shub-Niggurath
Why would muslims make a bunch of pagan artifacts?
Complete with hollow body. Orville Gibson looked at this design when he went to the UK Egypt museum and thought: well fuckit, there is an idea for a guitar.
Islam was the dominant faith at that point but it was very far from being exclusively muslim. very large "pagan" communities existed, with significant resources, who were committed to the development of this art in reaction to the significant cultural changes since islamization.
>Bound Semites (Arabs)
Those are "Asiatics" which includes Sumerians and Canaanites. Arabs weren't a thing at that time.
Seems weird if Ancient Egyptians came from Sumeria they would then have their king trampling on their own ancestors?
>"ancient" Egyptians is AT MOST 950 years old. VERY BASIC CHEMISTRY and standard historical sources prove this.
Liar. Sweeping bullshit statements claiming all radioactive dating can be dismissed is utter nonsense.

Prove me wrong.
>King Tut is more Irish than modern-day Egyptian, funnily enough.
lmao what
I would never say that radiocarbon dating should be dismissed, it is just wildly misinterpreted by historians who lack scientific literacy. I understand why they do it--admitting long-standing mistakes casts doubt on the entire field. I'm think that is beginning to change though, particularly in the last decade. I don't get the sense you're interested in reevaluating your beliefs though, so it is what it is.
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Learn something today anon. The mainstream media rarely tell the entire truth, but obfuscate and omit those facts that upset the apple cart.
>don't get the sense you're interested in reevaluating your beliefs though, so it is what it is.
No Ill listen to any rational argument. please do explain.
Where in that image does it say "King Tut is more Irish than modern-day Egyptian" whatever that means?
Also I prefer learning not just from some random 4chan image without any source.
It doesn’t. You are quite correct. But Tut is more European (and not need Celtic) than any modern day Egyptian. And that you will find that in the reference here >>4855669
This isn't /pol/
Everything, including /hr has implications. Don’t be so naive.

And especially the usual hr content.
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I don't buy it. If they were white Europeans with red hair, why did they always portray themselves as having reddish-brown skin with black hair? Mummified hair naturally loses pigment and turns red over time - Google Peruvian mummies that have the same reddish mummified hair. Now don't tell me that you think white redheads somehow ended up in pre-Columbian Peru.
Dumb ESL cunt.
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nice neck
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were the pyramids meant to be flood bunkers?
No, they powered clean energy for levitation of heave stones and telekinetic communication with space aliens.
portals & wars according to my dreams
>to harness the power to transport large mass objects
>first we just have to build three large structures made of millions of large objects...
Absolutely gorgeous. That neck makes me wanna see her deepthroat.
they were joseph's granaries
Who is Joseph?
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This Roman soldier isn't in Egypt at that moment but probably killed some Egyptians before or after.
Book of Genesis. He administered the build-up
of hoards of grain in times of plenty against his prediction of upcoming years of famine.
would it not be fair to assume that hair colour or texture will change in 3,000 years
it looks like something out of the fucking power rangers
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"He" had hips like a woman.
Aaaand the women and girls would need to go topless/naked, which is impossible in boobs-phobia-country
So do you, fag
Color change may be possible. As hair ages, it typically gets darker/black or rots away.

The Egyptians did use Henna to dye their hair (Gebelein mummies excepted) but didnt have peroxide so blond was natural.

Texture change is highly unlikely (rotting excepted). Aging hair becoming finer with more complete strands - as per Queen Tiye - would be impossible.

So she had fine hair. No doubt. It may not have been brown/black.. Probably was though.

Dont forget the very arid conditions have done an excellent job of perseveration.
sorry sir i wanna believe you but im gonna need to see some sources
Madam, its darker pigments in hair post mortem lose their color quickest. If the hair doesnt rot first.

Egyptian mummies who still have dark or blond hair have not lost their darker pigments due to the unusually dry arid and dry conditions.

Ergo they had darker hair antemortem.

I realize, its difficult, for you, my good lady, to search and check but please.

Do try.
ok well explain why nigs have dark hair that evolved for sun and hot but when i go into the sun my light brown hair gets more blonde
Dear o dear o dear


Direct sunlight contains UV which very little can withstand.. Your hair, contains the pigments eumelanin and pheomelanin.

Eumelanin is the first to be attacked and degraded by UV radiation.

The other pigment in your hair, (pheomelanin, ) is more resistant to UV radiation and becomes dominant - your hair turns blond.

Its a uniquely European problem,. Africans have almost no pheomelanin in their hair. Which stays black.

I am sorry my dear , you dont understand.

There is nothing more I can do to help you.

You are a lost cause.
well i just dont know why white pepo would be in africa. howd they get there. where did they come from, where did they go, where did you come from
cotton eyed joe
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pretty badass composition for late 19th C
>do your research bro
>never shows own research

You conspiracists are all the same
Sooooo... Why then did he fill them with blocks sandstone... Instead of grain??

Oh wait you referenced the bible as an explanation so you're full of shit anyways
I didn't say the pyramids were granaries, I identified Joseph for you. Process information or not.
Dude, shut the fuck up and kys. No one, but the dregs will ever give a fuck about your dumbass shit. You're either glowie scum poisoning the well, or the sort of retard that makes real whistleblowers get ignored. Either way, fuck off and die.
Thank you so much for your wonderful posts and their meticulous labeling. You've even been graceful enough to write them as a comment which has made it so easy for me to copy and use for my own label. I'm sure that was your intention, and I'm gratefully pleased.
You're welcome

Greywacke Statue of Horus Protecting Pharaoh Nectanebo II. Egypt, 360–343 BC
Group of seals with Hebrew inscriptions. Israel and Judah, 8th-6th century BC
Head of the statue of a princess, one of the six daughters of Akhenaten and Nefertiti, New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt, 18th Dynasty, ca. 1350 BC
Hes-Vase (Ritual vessel) made from faience and with Cover. Egypt, 18th dynasty. 1350 to 1295 B.C.
Hounds and Jackals 3,800 year old ivory board game found in an Egyptian tomb
what's the scale of these? they look like a toothpick display.
Height: 6.8 cm (2 11/16 in.)
Width: 10.1 cm (4 in.)
Depth: 15.6 cm (6 1/8 in.)

Average height with pins:
Height: 14 cm (5 1/2 in.)

Jackal pins:
Height: 7 cm (2 3/4 in.) to 8.5 cm (3 3/8 in.)

Bottom (2012.508):
Length: 12.9 cm (5 1/16 in.)
Width: 7.4 cm (2 15/16 in.)
Thickness: 0.3 cm (1/8 in.)

Hound pins:
Height: 6 cm (2 3/8 in.) to 6.8 cm (2 11/16 in.)

>they were joseph's granaries

Information: Processed
(and discarded)
You realize we aren't the only two here, right Anon?
Oh - you don't. Well, it's summer after all.
stop crying loser
Got more?
It's a shame the quality is not more common here.
Ibis, bronze and wood 664 BC - 525 BC
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Inside the colorful and perfectly preserved 3225-year-old tomb of the sculptor Nakhtamun (TT 335) located in Deir el-Medina, part of the Theban Necropolis, on the west bank of the Nile, opposite to Luxor
Lid of a gilded coffin of the priest of Heryshef, Nedjemankh; Ptolemaic Period 150-50 BC
Low Chair from the tomb of Hatnefer with original linen cord seat. Egypt, 18th dynasty. 1492–1473 B.C.
Mehen is a board game that was played in ancient Egypt. The game was named in reference to Mehen, a mythological snake-god. 5th-6th dynasty (2575-2150bc)
Mirror case made from gilded wood and in the shape of an Ankh symbol. From the tomb of Tutankhamun. Egypt, 18th dynasty. 1332–1323 BC.
Model of a granary with scribes, Egyptian, ca. 1981–1975 B.C.
Model of a river boat with rowers. Egypt, Middle Kingdom, 2046–1794 BC
Model paddling boat, Egypt 1981–1975 B.C.
Mummy crocodiles in a museum at Kom Ombo, Egypt
Narmer Palette, ancient Egypt, ca. 3100 BCE
Necklace of four strings of 1699 gold ring-beads, with camoflaged clasp. From Egypt, c.1585-1545 BCE
This one is awesome

Nubian Kushite Ram's-head Amulet, Third Intermediate Period, ca. 712–664 B.C.
Nubian pyramids of the ancient Kushite kingdom Meroë (300 BC–AD 300)
Obsidian and gold cosmetics jars. Egypt, 12th dynasty. 1887–1813 B.C
Pair of gold earrings with an Egyptian Atef crown set with stones and glass, c. 3rd–2nd century B.C.
бiльшe бyдьлacкa
>Now don't tell me that you think white redheads somehow ended up in pre-Columbian Peru.
Is this your first time talking to a /pol/ tourist? He 100% for sure does believe that.
What are the irises made of?
NPDJ = Captcha • Please wait (while 12 Monkeys write a Halmark card to Bruce Willis) before making a post. You seem to have mistyped and left the chan for a better (MotherLess) "porn"-site.
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Just saw that a week ago in Berlin. Captivating.
Is that her belly button?
Human flesh!
I remember that being very useful!
I think I have some but I don't have it in an Egypt folder so it is not easy to find.
Thank you for sharing this, all of us were wondering about your absence.
It is embarrassing to be sure and I am proud of my courage to share.
So he started this gender fluid nonsense?

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