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any image of historical representations about peoples. (Or person)
modern representations included
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Is this a request thread?

I don't like him, but DAMN!
The best image I've ever seen of him.
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Cool thread OP, wish there was less porn and more of this sort of thing on this board.
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Do statues count as representations for the purposes of this thread?
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I really like this one of the Cardinal de Richelieu.
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They would have had queens and countesses and whatnot same as the rest of the feudal Germanic states.

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guy standing over the table dot jpg
>if only you knew how bad things really are.

Also the dogs are tied to each other, wtf.
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same desu but every time i read more of his work he seems annoyingly more correct
i wish he were wrong and the world was fine and america was ever great at all
>every time i read more of his work he seems annoyingly more correct
The more you read the dumber you get. All you need to know is supposedly it was already late stage capitalism over a century ago.
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>ame desu but every time i read more of his work he seems annoyingly more correct
>i wish he were wrong and the world was fine and america was ever great at all

Oh horseshit you haven't read The Communist Manifesto, notoriously one of the driest and most boring books ever. HArdly anyone does, there's no reason to. It's the Finnegans Wake of ... well, it's just Finnegans Wake.
America vs. Marx = false dichotomy. Communism was never really the enemy they saifd it was... nor the solution either..
Marxism never worked and he was more wrong than Freud was.
Collectivism is never going to be okay with most people and the dictatorship of the proletariat is an impossible sky bridge without struts or suspension cables, being supported by "faith" alone.

Also American capitalism stinks pretty bad but it ISN'T pure capitalism - that would be even worse. The US just needs to pivot left just enough to have some European style socialism 0
>The US just needs to pivot left just enough to have some European style socialism
Good God, why? Prosperity is not possible with socialism.
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These lancers are heading off to WWI.
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They do not know what awaits....
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WWII had horrors but I don't want to post those here. At least not now.
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Infograph depicting the attire and ornamentation of Mexica kings of Tenochtitlan, or in other words, Aztec emperors

This is damn near comprehensive, though there are minor variations in the exact designs of necklaces, labrets, etc; with the only notable omission being the lack of Quetzallalpiloni, as clarified on here: https://twitter.com/Majora__Z/status/1731960926964732317

The bigger issue is the celeb spam.

Hiro fucked up by making a vtuber board instead of a general celeb and e-celeb board so we could be free of celeb simp refugees after /tv/ banned celebposting
Was gonna not spam Mesoamerican stuff in the thread, but since it's about to 404

Collage and descriptions of Aztec armor, note this is not comprehensive and there's a lot of other variations in colors and patterns of what's shown here that's not included, plus some other armor types entirely
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If I only had a grenade...
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Memorial Day salute!
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imagine if they had nuked moscow and st petersburg...
Not so impressive.
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Xicotencatl II and Maxixcatl in the Tlaxcala Senate, by Rafael mena (+ other Info)

Tlaxcala was a city-state (~30k denizens) and capital of a small-medium kingdom (~150k denizens, IIRC i've seen estimates up to ~350k but I could be misrembering) in Central Mexico in the centuries before and during Spanish contact.

The Tlaxcalteca were Nahuas, like most core cities in the "Aztec Empire" so as such "culturally" Aztec, but politically the two were at war. Tlaxcala was on its last legs from repeated invasions and maybe blockades as the Spanish arrived, and became one of Cortes's main allies as a result (tho most other allied states didn't resent the Mexica of the Aztec capital like Tlaxcala did, see links in desuarchive.org/his/thread/16586586/#16588405), with Xicotencatl II, a Tlaxcalteca senator (and prince?) as big a player in shaping the Conquest as Cortes

While many Nahua cities had some collective adminstrative aspects, like councils (or religious offices) alongside/to elect kings (Tlatoani/Tlatoque), most were effectively monarchies. Tlaxcala (the city) however was effectively a republic with a senate holding the most power (Some sources assert the city was made of 4 subcities: Quiahuiztlan, Tizatlan, Ocotelolco, and Tepeticpac, which had kings alongside the senate: Some researchers dispute this, but if nothing elese, "Tlatoque" was used as a title for senior senators). Both commoners and nobles could become senators by taking public beatings and insults to prove commitment to public service and then years of legal and ethical training

The city also had more egalitarian (but not ness. larger) housing, a unique layout, and commoners had better access to normally elite-only goods (tho this was true of some other towns/cities apparently without powerful senates too). See: science.org/content/article/it-wasnt-just-greece-archaeologists-find-early-democratic-societies-americas and youtube.com/watch?v=FVgNulhQ9Fg&lc=UgzPcC_EiQxMlU-NozJ4AaABAg
I hope you continue!
I'll do so when as/when I have time
Thank you!
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1947 Evelyn jumped from the Empire State Bldg. landing on a car.
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My true love...unfortunately our years/lives didn't align.
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First photo taken of a human. Paris, France 1838 by Louis Daguerre.
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You can't have her. She's mine!
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She was pure at heart and I guess we both missed out, true beauty. Her "Moon River" in Breakfast at Tiffany's grabbed my attention when I was a youngster in the 70's. That song haunts me for a weird unknown reason.
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The dogs are tied together as the artists commentary on the marriage depicted. They sit at the feet of the wedding couple, showing that they are a clear commentary on the people involved. The use of a small dog (latin: Fido) is a common element to indicate the loyalty (latin: Fides) of the individuals. The bride's preference for the work in her lap to the groom by her side is mirrored in the laying dogs sleeping attitude. That the groom is looking out of frame may indicate that he is looking outside the bounds of the marriage, but the dog shows that he'll actually prove disloyal to his bride. That they are tied together shows the cause for this loyalty, a bond between the couple beyond the interest of either party.

There's a lot of other little story-clues in this one.
>>4889700 цe мoя cecтpa
> dude >>4889700 this is my sister
Can someone explain this?

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