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Shearing the Rams, Tom Roberts, 1890
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Camping out, Victoria, 1920/30s, by Lindsay G. Cumming
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Working For a Selector, James Alfred Turner, 1886
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2nd 25th Infantry Battalion, Darwin, 1940
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The Foundation of Perth, George Pitt Morison, 1929
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Bridesmaid and two flowergirls enter the church, St. Marks, Darling Point, 1930s by Sam Hood
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School sports relay race, Goulburn St. versus Lansdowne Crescent, Hobart, 1953
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Prospector's Hut, Ballarat, 1850s by Henry Hainsselin
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Swagmen standing under trees, outback Queensland, 1905
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The Pioneer, Frederick McCubbin, 1904
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Miss Grant, by Alpha Studios, Victoria, 1926
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Victoria Square, Adelaide, 1901
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Approaching Storm with Bushfire Haze, Hans Heysen, 1913
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Soldiers march down Bourke Street, Melbourne, prior to departing for the battlefields of World War I, 1914
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'Watering cattle at Mount Kosciuszko', probably at Blue Lake, New South Wales, 1900
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Some of the first vehicles across the (Sydney Harbour) Bridge, 1932 by Sam Hood
Not sure yet how I feel about this thread...
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Royal Visit, Sydney, 1954.
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The Exhibition Building, Melbourne, 1880, by Joseph Reed
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Western Australia tourism poster, 1936
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Soldier and dog, departure of the 6th Division for the Middle East, January, 1940 by Sam Hood
Captain Cook's landing at Botany, A.D. 1770 Sydney Australia Aboriginal
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Art students, E Phillips Fox, 1895
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Anzac artwork from the cover of The Queenslander, 1935
imagine being there, marching off to die in a spray of lead to secure the profit margins of the angloid ZOG
fucking miserable
Sunshine and Shadow, Hans Heysen, 1904
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Hurdlers, Empire Games, Sydney, 1938 by Sam Hood
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Cabinet manufactured by W. H. Rocke & Co. Melbourne and decorated by painter John Mather, 1880
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Sydney Harbour Bridge opening celebrations poster, 1932
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Wet weather in Melbourne, 1953
A Map of the City of Hobart, 1927
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Interior of Thomas Shipway's blacksmith shop with two men working on the anvil, Clarendon, South Australia, 1896
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Australian Beach Pattern, Charles Meere, 1940
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Collins Street, looking west from the corner of Elizabeth Street, Melbourne, 1916
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Man and young boy boxing, Queensland, 1900s
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Early town plan of Adelaide according to Colonel William Light’s original plan for the city. Light arranged the city in a grid with public squares and surrounding parkland. His plan for the city and its development became known as ‘Light’s Vision’. 1839
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Young ladies dressed in costume at the Teachers Training College Brisbane, 1930
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The original plans for The Public Library, Melbourne, 1850s
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Altarpiece, Sacred Heart Church, Beagle Bay, WA, built 1917
Tommy McRae - Spearing the kangaroo
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an entire continent bereft of culture. almost impressive.
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Down on His Luck, Frederick McCubbin, 1889
William Henry Corkhill - Photograph of a painting of a young girl playing a violin, c. 1900
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Outdoor mass, St Patrick's College, Manly, 1934
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Happy St George Day, 1876 Sydney Sovereign featuring Queen Victoria and St George with the dragon
jealousy isn't a good look
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A reader in the Reading Room, Mitchell Building, State Library of New South Wales, 1943
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Bernays Family Photograph, Queensland, 1909
Murray Street, Hobart, c. 1892.
Beverley Ussher & Henry Kemp - Beach, Schiess and Company, Burke Street, Melbourne, c. 1905
>2nd 25th Infantry Battalion
Looks like they garrisoned Palestine, then fought the Vichy French in Syria, then came back to kill Japs. They acquitted them honourably, and defeated the various enemies arrayed against them.
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The Face tree, Burke's head carved on a tree trunk near the depot, Cooper's Creek, Queensland, 1916
Truely haunting photo.

>Australian soldiers in a forest destroyed by war, Battle of Passchendaele - Belgium - October 29th 1917
This unsigned 1911 plan for a Neutral Bay cottage is possibly the oldest architectural drawing in North Sydney Council's collection. The house features the high-pitched terracotta roof, tall chimneys and decorative timber work characteristic of the Queen Anne English Revival style from the Federation-era.
Belgium... fucking BELGIUM....
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Fireplace mantle detail showing Celtic Queen Boudicca at ‘Kelrose’
200 Miller St, North Sydney, built around 1900
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An invitation to meet Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York in celebration of the opening of the first Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1901
its mental
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defend the bank of the new south wales, lads
your wives and girlfriends will wait
do you think world history would be any different if Europeans never colonized Australia? I really think it would be 100% unchanged. for such a large country/continent, Australia has really contributed nothing, even relative to substantially smaller European countries. interesting.
Just say you're jealous, it's quicker
Please summarize the top 5 impacts Australia has had on the course of world history. and be very specific.
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Sergeant Clement Edward Hill, 3rd Light Horse Regiment of the Australian Army, South Australia, 1915
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The Letter, Frederick McCubbin, 1884
I actually agree. this mans ability to sit on a horse while simultaneously holding a gun would qualify as a top 5 accomplishment for Australia.
We raised the average IQ of the planet by several points by genocide shitloads of Abos.
yeah that tracks. killing a technologically inferior culture is probably one of Australia's biggest accomplishments. quite impressive
Single-handedly won the second boer war, ww1, ww2
democratic elections

The Light Horse Cavalry rode from the canal to Damascus, clearing the land of Ottoman forces and rule. The cavalry were the first Allied forces to enter Damascus. The Allies capturing Damascus led to Ottoman surrender and the singing of the Armistice of Mudros.
Violinist Peta Lowe at the University of Adelaide's Elder Conservatorium, 1976, photograph by Douglas McNaughton.
When was the Australian accent first identified as such?
Professor Thomas Johnston, James Marr and Frank Hurley in a cabin on board the Discovery, c. 1930, photograph by Frank Hurley.
The Stock Exchange, Collins Street, Melbourne.
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Wes Colquhoun and Fred Phair talking to the girls at the ball in the Soldier's Memorial Hall, Drouin, Victoria, 1944
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Flinders Street Station, Melbourne, 1914
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Unley boys football team, Adelaide, 1914
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The 1938 Australian Florin featuring the Coat of Arms, equal to 20 cents.
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Arnott’s Famous Biscuits, Full page ad, Australian Women’s Weekly March 1941. William Arnott opened his first bakery in Morpeth, New South Wales in 1847
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Union Hotel, corner of Pacific Highway and West Street, North Sydney, 1914
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Young farm girl, South Australia, late 1800s
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Skinners Family Hotel, Corner of George and Hunter Sts, Sydney, 1849 above, 2017 below
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The 'Wattle Painting' of Queen Elizabeth II by Australian artist Sir William Dargie, 1954. The year of her first visit to Australia, the first time a reigning monarch had visited Australia, and a year after her coronation.
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Dilhorn House, Federation Queen Anne style, Perth, built 1897
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Two women by the billy over a fire, 1915 by Rex Hazlewood
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The Buffalo Ranges, Nicholas Chevalier, 1864
Verandah of Carrington Hotel, Katoomba, c. 1900.
I wonder what these fellas would have been talking about
Meat pies, kangaroos and Holden cars I'd imagine.
John Glover, A View of the Artist's House and Garden, 1835
Holden weren't making cars yet. The other two are possibilities but asking the question sincerely, if it's 1900, discussing the federation of Australian is probably likely.
Cottesloe Beach, Perth, 1907.
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"Ernest Edwards, 51, is the 'village blacksmith' and a veteran of World War I. Has three children - a boy, 22 serving with the Australian Army in New Guinea; a girl, 20 who is a bank clerk; and a boy, 15, who is studying engineering. Both sons won scholarships." --Printed on label, Drouin, Vic, 1944
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Melbourne from the south bank of the Yarra, Henry Gritten, 1856
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Broadaxemen 2, Telegraph Point, New South Wales,1955 [picture] / Jeff Carter
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Master and apprentice, Ardglen Region, New South Wales,1958 [picture] / Jeff Carter
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Boonoke poll merino auction,1957 [picture] / Jeff Carter
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Bush wedding, Stuart Creek Station, South Australia, 1972 by Jeff Carter
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Marching girls, Sydney, 1962 [picture] / Jeff Carter
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Festival of Sydney, 1990
Dancers Anita Ardell and Les Rutherford at Kings Cross, 28 November 1956.
Blackheath Public School, 1956.
Beehive Corner, King William Street, Adelaide, c. 1909.
Comptrollers, Government Savings Bank, Sydney, 1906.
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Miss Australia Entrants wearing spring hats, Expo 88, Brisbane, 1988
This has been a strange series.
Archeologist Vere Gordon Childe (1892 - 1957).
Elizabeth Caroline Armstrong - Ranunculus, c. 1903
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Architectural drawing of a Provisional School, c 1905
Whys that?
George III was King when Australia was founded
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Flinders Street Station, Melbourne, 1929
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HMAS Australia painted by Charles Edward Dixon, 1913
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Melbourne Football Team, 1895
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Marching up King Street, Sydney c.1931, by Sam Hood
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Two men having a bare knuckle fight over an altercation that took place the night before at the ball that was held after the Reids Flat race meeting - Reids Flat, NSW, c. 1925
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Tin and Iron workers, Peterborough, South Australia, 1883
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The 11th Reinforcement of the 3rd Light Horse at Mitcham, SA, 1915
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Mount Arapiles and the Mitre Rock, Nicholas Chevalier, 1863
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Sister Margaret Elizabeth Muirhead, AIF nurse, 1942
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And now it's all pajeets and chinese. RIP australia.
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Howitzer of the 55th Australian Siege Artillery in its lair, WWI
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Militia, 1917 (one soldier has "33" badge on his forage cap and badge on the sleeve is "Citizen Forces, 1812-1917" with a star in the map of Australia), by Sam Hood
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The Red Gum, Hans Heysen, 1926
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Original designs for Canberra
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Government offices in autumn scene, Canberra, 1967
Katoomba Golf Club, c. 1930.
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Registering up a battery of Australian Heavies, Exhibition of war photographs taken by Capt. F. Hurley, August 1917- August 1918 (no.14)
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Blaxland family picnic at Fordwich, 1896
Park Street from Hyde Park, Sydney, 1880-1890.
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Caption reads: 'cleaning the rifle. 2/5 Australian Infantry Battalion. Mount Tambu', New Guinea, 1943
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Near Fernshaw, Louis Buvelot, 1873
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Banks of the Yarra


Eveline Syme
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Captain Cook statue, Hyde Park, Sydney, 1879, designed by Mr. Thomas Woolner.

The unveiling took place on the 25 February, 1879, ten years after the laying of the foundation stone. It was a ticketed event and James Barnet, the Colonial Architect, was employed to design large stands to the east and west of the statue to accommodate upwards of 2000 people. The construction was done by Hudson Brothers, of Redfern, in eight days.
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>>4870735 The Australian Museum & Captain Cook statue, Sydney, ca. 1900-1910 / Hall & Co.
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>>4870735 William Young
Captain Cook Statue, Hyde Park c1920s
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Queen Victoria Statue, Garden Palace Building, Sydney, between 1879-1882
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Queens Square, with the Victoria statue surrounded in foliage, 1900s
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Unveiling statue of the Rev. John Dunmore Lang at Wynyard Park, Monday 26 January 1891
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Large statue of Captain Arthur Phillip, erected in 1897, dominates this view across the Botanic Gardens to Farm Cove. This was the site of the fabulous Garden Palace, built in 1879 and destroyed by fire in 1882. Beyond the curve of the sea wall, the sheer legs (a type of crane) at Garden Island can be seen just above Mrs Macquarie's Point.
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Five small boys and two girls walking along a brick wall, Sydney, 1934 / photographer Sam Hood
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Lord Hopetoun, the Commonwealth of Australia’s first Governor-General and the first Federal Ministry, Government House, Sydney, 1901
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Premier Bertram Stevens and his cabinet in his office, Colonial Secretary's Building, Sydney, 29 February 1939 / photographer Sam Hood
Bourke Street, Melbourne, 1986.
Militia encampment at Sunbury, Nicholas Chevalier, 1864
Royal Easter Show, Driver Avenue Moore Park, Sydney, 1980s.
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Statue of Saint George and the Dragon, in front of the State Library of Victoria, Melbourne, Joseph Edgar Boehm, 1889
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Statue of Joan of Arc in front of the State Library of Victoria, Melbourne, Emmanuel Frémiet, 1907
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Cricket at the Sydney Cricket Ground, 12 December 1903
Boans Free Taxis on Wellington Street outside Boans department store, Perth, 1929.
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Australian soldier with family, 1910s
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A Victorian homestead
(circa 1860)


Nicholas Chevalier
Bourke Street from Parliament House, Melbourne, February 1967.
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Cricket team, probably at RAC, probably 1890s as it appears to be Principal Lowrie 1887-1901
Wentworth Hotel, Lang St, Sydney.
Damn shame. How did it come to this? It makes my heart hurt and I'm not even from Australia.
Martin Place, Sydney, 1950.
Boys working hard at the ram ranch
This was literally the only war we had an existential reason for fighting. Did you forget the Japanese or something? That they invaded PNG, our possession?
Much like /b/, Australia was never good. Don't let the drongos tell you otherwise.
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Bent Street, Sydney, 1969.
Circular Quay, Sydney, 1970.
Murray Street, Perth, decorated for British Empire and Commonwealth Games, 1962.
Victoria Square, Adelaide, c. 1935.
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Mildura, Victoria, 1966.
Hyde Park, Sydney, 1970, photograph by Roger Scott.
New England University College, Armidale, 1951.
aлкoгoлiк клeптoмaн
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Lunch time Parade showing the Marching Koalas, Expo 88, South Bank, Queensland
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Woolloongabba, Aerial above Brisbane City
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Miss M. D., Mrs P., Miss N.D., Mrs W., with cameras, at Powers' picnic, Middle Harbour, Sydney, 10 December 1902
Adelaide Ironside - The Marriage at Cana of Galilee, 1861, reworked 1863
Fucking mega cringe.
LOL. western Tasmania...
They are worth $10 easily. Almost exactly 1/3 oz of silver.
Commercial Bank facade, University of Sydney, January 1954.
GVSR = Captcha • Please wait (while 12 Monkeys write a Halmark card to Bruce Willis) before making a post
Tom Roberts - Jealousy, 1889
John D. Moore - Sydney Harbour, 1936
Corner of King and Castlereagh Street looking north, Sydney, c. 1892.
Palace Hotel, Perth, 1970s.
>much better to let the Japanese rape and kill us!
Teaching a dog to do tricks, Brisbane.
Melbourne Cricket Ground, Melbourne, c. 1892.
Really nice but honestly it could be almost anywhere back then.
Adelaide Ironside - Madonna and Child, 1850
Joseph Lycett - A View of the Cove and Part of Sydney, New South Wales, taken from Dawe's Point, c. 1818
hitler would have let japan gas every white person in the greater east asia coprosperity sphere
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Two children in a formal garden in front of a house in the bush. The fenced garden includes roses and hedgerows. Part of the house verandah can be seen on the right. Trees and a bush-clad hill can be seen in the background. Queensland
Even now days Australia exports so much grain alone that it has a big impact on the world economy.
Challis House, Martin Place, Sydney, 1913, photograph by Harold Cazneaux.
Sad how feeding people only results in Being mentioned for contributing to the economy
Bro in the left corner thinks he’s Connor mcgreggor
Come on cunt, have a go ya mug.
What are ya, a bloody poofta.

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