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AI welcome
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These are really nice, what model or lora was used?
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It's Dalle-3
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>AI welcome
let's not.
The first was the best.
>AI welcome
didnt Metal Gear Specifically warn us about stuff like this?
>metal gear solid by andrei tarkovsky
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this may be the worst thread on the site currently
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this may be the best thread on this site currently
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Yes, so it pertains to the context of this thread.
I learned to beware of cardboard boxes.
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so far, the pics have the emotions of fear and loneliness for me. there is agression, war and ready-to-foght as well supporting the first to as well.
Is it a trap from the eleets to make us feel bad and keep us in emotional separation so that we don't stand together with our neighbour?
Yes it's the la-li-lu-le-lo as usual.
so why do we accept being driven into that?
we need protection of traps driving us into shit!
Damn PAL keys
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Thread needs more Meryl
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Go for it!
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Huh, what was that noise.
They never say "huh?" They only say "What was that noise?", stop butchering the lines retard.
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They would play "Huh?" or "What was that noise?" each time a noise trigger was fired within a guard's range. You could tap twice in succession to get "Huh? What was that noise?" or "What was that noise? Huh?" or "What was that noise? What was that noise?" or "Huh? Huh?" depending on RNG.
>Meryl (((Silverburgh)))
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tell me you're a fucking idiot without telling me you're a fucking idiot.
Maybe it depended on which version played maybe?
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When is the next one?
I am out.
>uneducated brainlet thinks a German surname is le jew name
many such cases
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Redhead soldiers are almost always something to cheer.
>I want to live a new life away from war
>psyche actually I'm gonna get injected with nanos to turn me into a more ruthless efficient killing machine!
She was so pretty in MGS4. Pity they ruined her character
You're God damn right
>Pity they ruined her character
Happens every time.
I expected more gameplay.
That was a hint, anons.
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Where the hell can I find a preorder of the mgs delta collectors edition? I hope scalpers get their balls dipped in boiling water.
im hoping konami milking mgs for cash this year leads us to some actually good action figures. thats what i thought the first few images were based on the thumbnails. i have no intention of paying over 300 bucks for figures that are decades old and shit anyway.
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proof ocelot lost bc snake had a longer gun
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Cool as ICE!
There are good, but need better quality
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Konami must release MGS Delta in 2024 or I will conduct politically motivated hate crimes against people who make "AI art" fr fr no cap on God locked in.
we should all go to konami and order the psycho mantis burger, the look on their faces will be priceless.
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ummmm wth?
Cute is overdone everywhere.
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what a thrill
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Remember when metal gears future was optimistic? MGS Ground Zeroes had released, everyone thought that after phantom pain kojima was going to work on the remakes of both metal gear and metal gear 2, then work on a proper remake of MGS1, then maybe a remake of both portable ops and peace walker? LOL
I want a 3d CGI movie!
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