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AGP Edition #2
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Hopefully she makes more AGP kino in the future. Barbie is obviously her masterpiece, but Harley in Birds of Prey and the new Suicide Squad movie triggered my AGP too.
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I've never seen Birds of Prey, what was triggering in it?
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The way she looks and the fact that she's a badass woman who doesn't need no Joker. Those kind of characters sometimes do it for me.
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Why was the previous thread deleted?
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because of the bbc troll. mods are finally cracking down on it.
I actually had a weird dream about Margot last night. She was attending the same university as me and working at a car manufacturing plant, on the assembly line. Eventually she started appearing in ads for the cars, but they were very strange. In them she was licking one of the fenders really aggressively, laying on the hood of the car while kissing and humping it. Basically she was fucking the car. When I was watching the ad someone was next to me and I very casually told them, "I know her. That's Margot, she's really nice."
I wish I could just have a regular sex dream about her. Anyway, thanks for reading my blog post.
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I think she'd look quite hot fucking a car desu
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love this movie, her best role i reckon
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with her nose
That's hot desu. In a Cronenbergian way
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>tfw that will never be me
How do you even live with this knowledge? Looking at pictures of her and knowing that I will never be a woman, much less look like her, is just devastating.
Would definitely not mind dressing up like Margot/Harley with a bud and using eachother for her.
Drop your discord, then
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>me moments after being magically transformed into Margot
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I get that feeling... Like whats the point of it all if you're not her and you aren't receiving ropes of cum all over that face
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this is gonna make me nut
you're both close to a ban. get the fuck off this board with that shit.
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Will Chud-kun ever contribute or just complain?
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>no margot hotwife that enjoys facials
It sucks so much
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I have Margot dysphoria, caused by the fact that I'm not her.
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Actually the best name for my condition would be automargotphilia or AMP.
only if you're an autistic virgin
I would risk the bees to eat her out it that field
probably. only ugly people feel the need to ask that. you're definitely retarded too. I bet your parents change the subject whenever someone asks them about you. you sound like a major embarrassment.
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die horribly >>4850602
>all the countries lmao
what retard pays for these 'tests', on top of how insecure do you need to be to have one done
Daily reminder that picrel happened right after she walked around all day wearing those white boots without socks in the warm climate of California. I bet you could smell her from a few rows away
foot fetish is a mental disorder

whiter and blonder than you mutt
imagine being here and being a normie imposter and needing to be accepted so you "um ackshually... le feet is le bad cuz le normal is le good"
you = Big Gay

>you could smell her from rows away
a theater from the late 60's would only smell of cigarette smoke
>foot fetish is a mental disorder
Being gay like you is worse
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>dude wanting her feet smell to infest ur lungs is totally normal and not derangement
i've seen your selfie on pol i know exactly how you look like.
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Wtf are you talking about schizo?
idgaf, kys
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Scientific research should be focused on figuring out how I can be transformed into Margot.
You will forever be a disgusting manchild, better to accept that.
this shit is cringe. kys.
god bless Quentin Tarantino
Scientific research should be focused on figuring out how her asshole and pits taste so sweet and delicious.
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How do you know what they taste like?
They must have passed her around like a joint
so this is where she got raped? sad
>the joyous smile on her face from being surrounded by a black gangbang squad
clearly consent
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She had a huge smile on her face while surrounded by those black guys. Definitely consent.
I love that the tides are turning on this site. cucks, circle jerkers, and bbc fags are getting mocked again. it's great. even the mods are removing their posts. make 4chan great again!
Based. The guy next to her is feeling so comfortable he even has his arm around her but she doesn't mind. And I bet she isn't even wearing anything under that coat
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thank fucking god.
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I want her to leave teeth marks all over my inner thighs.
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Bump for my AGP queen.
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Imo she's a rare one that improved after losing her baby fat. She'd look better with less makeup tho
only a woman would say that Margot looks better in 2024 than in 2012.
She was plain
You don't speak for everyone, retard. She looks much hotter these days
Btw, "The Wolf of Wall Street" is from 2013 and she had already lost that round face you appreciate so much. She has a skull shape that suits squared features better than >>4857557
and now shes dried up

roastie go

Wolf of Wall street was filmed in late 2012. once she lost the youthfulness in her face it was over.
>just can't beat it
>was filmed in late 2012
Ok, so already in 2012 she was "dried" and the fat was gone. What's your point? When she was younger she was too fat. Same with Taylor Swift. The other 99% of women hit the wall at 20, these two are the opposite
she dried up sometime shortly after filming.
interesting opinion! I'm thankful for your input!

conversely, have you ever considered not being such a massive fucking faggot & laying on the nearest train tracks you can find?
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She definitely looks better than ever now.
>death by train
I'm not Indian.

shut up Greta
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Urge to be Margot rising.
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why would you wanna be an old hag?
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Urge to bend you over in pink and call you Margot
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Kind of hot how much taller Dua Lipa is compared to Margot
toe peek
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they really missed their shot to sell Margot real dolls.
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Are there any more HQ upskirt shots of Margot in this little red dress? That dress was SHORT.
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If one of you agp fags wants to be treated like a woman and is willing to suck some dick hmu.

Kik justcurious021
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Middle image isn't HQ unfortunately. But there must be HQs out there of her coming down those stairs with a view right up her skirt.
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Incredibly hot yet elegant look 10/10, would buy at the slave market
that would never make it to market. richfags are always cherry picking.
How do you call the red cheeks makeup? Shame that it's out of fashion, gives a youthful natural look insted of the widespread kardashianesque thick layer of smeared shit. Btw brunette Margot is best Margot
rouge or blush
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Will I ever be as hot as Margot?
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Don't know but we can always dream anon.
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I would kill everyone in the world with my .44 for a chance to sniff them
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I want to worship Margot's feet, too.
Does that make me more or less likely to be shot? Am I an ally or competition? She has two feet, after all.
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>be the one in the bottom bunk bed in a shared train cabin
>slightly lift the curtain because you heard some bustle
>see Margot Robbie's feet dangling right in front of your face
>she just took her sneakers off after backpacking all day
>the strong odor is wafting through the small cabin, filling your nostrils
>wait until night with raging boner
>savour her smelly soles undisturbed while she's sleeping
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There's more?
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I got something else that's white for her
Get in line
I should be allowed to fuck her

good god almighty, what a woman.
Can I share it with Margot, daddy?
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How much photoshop on this one? Because if true, that arch is incredible
Which arch?
Her foot's, but the picture looks manipulated af
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I guess anything's possible regarding manipulation, but Margot does have very high arches.
Yeah this: >>4880579

There's shopping involved, of course, but Margot does have god-tier feet naturally
JANNY ARE YOU OK? ARE YOU OK? ARE YOU OK JANNY?! Is your free "work" bothering you again?
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hello addictionmargot
any /hr/verts got scans from her Barbie World Tour book? I have it but lack a scanner & my phone camera's ass and won't do her justice.
Is it true she doesn't moan, just deeply grunts?
Only when she takes it up the ass
I hope so. Grunting is hotter than moaning
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My AGP gets worse each time I see Margot, but I can't stop looking at pics and videos of her.
Good girl
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I DESPERATELY wish I was a woman. I know I will never be a real woman but I have severe gender dysphoria on a daily basis and hate how masculine I am. I want to be a cute girl that men lust after. I am extremely jealous towards women and hate how they naturally have soft skin cute faces and female hormones and temperament. I want to be a woman so badly and can't cope with it for much longer.
fuck off back to your containment board, freak.
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I want it too. I don't care about being lusted after by men, but I do want to be attractive. I want to look in the mirror and see a beautiful woman staring back at me, to comb my long silky hair, try on different kinds of makeup and cute clothes.
As someone who desperately wanted to be a ninja turtle but grew out of it, hang in there, bros, it does get better.
fuck you for introducing this into my imagination without any proof. I've had the hardest erection in my life for the last 18 hours
Imagine leaning back on your bed, and a man unbuttons your jeans. That slow unzip. He sees your frilly little undies. Your heart starts to race, you've never let anyone touch you like this. He pulls your jeans down, and now you're laying in bed wearing nothing but a t-shirt and panties. He starts to kiss you, kiss your neck, your nipples harden from your neck being kissed. He caresses your chest, he's palming your tits. Your heart is beating so fast. He lifts your shirt and now he's kissing your tits and then suckling your hard nipples. Your pussy tingles. You cross your thighs as he twirls his tongue on your nipples. His hand goes from your tummy to your panty mound. You blush because your mound is embarrassingly wet. His middle fingers are circling your clit through your soaking wet panties. You can feel his rock hard cock pressed against your body. You can feel it throb. You have him so hard. He pulls your panty to the side and slides his index finger in your slit. You gasp and let out a moan. You whimper as he pulls it out and stuffs his wet finger in your mouth. How do you taste he asks you. Look at you, tasting your own grool. Getting touched by a horny man. He unzips and whips his cock out.
You should start dressing up like Margot and advertising yourself to random men on Grindr. Go make your dreams come true!
Her social status has increased since then and the positive feelings engendered by that rub off on the way people see her. People don't want to admit it but women benefit from career-derived status just as much as men do.
>late 2012
Her career has only gone downhill since then.
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Nah, she was just a generic roundface in her early pictures.
>People don't want to admit it but women benefit from career-derived status
>posting this in celebrity obsessed board
Who doesn't admit it?
Which kind of grunt? I need something more ot visualize it in my inner eye.

shes not smelly
Lol retard

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Her sweaty body smells in the most sexually arousing way. You just know her feet can stink up a room with her intoxicating pheromones.
>picrel: Leo has caught a whiff and orgasmed instantly
lungs filling up with sweaty feet air
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Accept that you won't ever be a real woman, but enjoy dressing up sometimes and consider having safe sex with men to relieve some of your fantasies.
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AGP bump
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Happy Birthday Margot Robbie
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happy birthday Margot!
Where're the birthday suit pics??
I love gooning to her perfect face
Happy birthday to our AGP queen!
Another Graceless Person?
awesome gaping pussy
Always Getting Pizza
Aussie Getting Proneboned

basically a tranny mental disorder where they want to be women which is why they daydream about getting fucked by niggers and need to mention it in every thread
Annually Growing Pineapples.
Auspiciously Gobbling Penis

guys guys guys. come on, don't get distracted & derail this thread from the joyous Margot posting. we're better than this. you're better than this
Anon Groans Pitifully
I want to be Margot so bad.
I hate everybody.
Angry Guy Pouts
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A Gratuitous Peek
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Anon Goes Psychotic if you guys fuck up the Margot posting
Cute lil titty
Alright Goofy Person
Do you have a link to the video this was taken from?
Here you go. Its at the 5:45 mark.

Based, thanks
am i ugly
are you guys ready for the upcoming kino preggo margot pictures?
No, pregnant women disgust me
based and same. probably putting Margot on the shelf for a year or two.
Pregnant Margot is probably going to make me dysphoric, because as a transwoman I can't get pregnant myself.
lol low testosterone faggots
Bring on the big Australian boobs!
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She will never physically recover from this.
>pregnant at 40

at least she had a successful movie with Barbie
pregnant lea seydoux notwithstanding, I have never been harder for anything the way I am for pregnant margot.

rihanna's on her 2nd and she makes my balls ache, margot's gonna be perfect.

also, good trips >>4894000
>>pregnant at 40
She only turned 34 less than a week ago.
>Margot will officially be a MILF soon

sorry anon but a pregnant Hilary Duff is literally the hottest woman on the planet
I doubt she can name anyone other than Ric Flair who were ever part of The Four Horsemen.
You never know. Here's an actual quote from Margot Robbie: "When I was a kid, I loved the Undertaker, and then obviously when I was a teenager I kind of stopped watching. But then, as a late teen, early 20s, I had a boyfriend who was obsessed with John Cena — so much so that he dressed as John Cena for his 21st birthday, and [he] had a cardboard cutout of John Cena in his bedroom. So I slept in a room for two years with a life-size cardboard cutout of John Cena in the room."
That is why she would know Flair. You could tell her there were two different Anderson members and she still couldn't guess Arn or Ole.
It is amazing how much she relies on having good hair.
I just got a visual of Margot in calf length jorts & a trucker snapback hitting someone with a wicked F5 and I can't stop giggling lmao
Why does no one ever exploitable any more?
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I didn't realize how little time left she has.
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The car is nice!
mogged by ariana
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Is that a tattoo or a bruise?
Tattoo. She been had that for a few years.

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