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statue/sculpture thread anyone?
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anyone got this in a hire res?
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None of these are sculptures...these are photos. wrong medium entirely
shut up and post (pictures of) sculptures retard
the post says it's a statue/sculpture thread though, and only photos are being posted???/
shut up nigger
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Did someone topple you for the crime of not being woke?
nice bust. the statue ain't half bad either.
Cool - looks like a 360° view of a skyline.
this isn't a state/sculpture, it's a photo...
this is clearly a photograph, not a statue or a sculpture. WTF???
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Neither a statue or a sculpture.
I've heard of wooden sculptures though it does look more like a carving.

I can't decide on statue. You can have a statue of a device like a computer, right? So that Stargate type thing could also qualify?
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This thread need more Han dynasty.
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whats its name please?
does anyone have a view from front/back?
apparently it's an imitation and not an artifact
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Does this count or still carving?
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You just know...
Crappiest fake "art" posted so far. It's so tacky that the trust fund art school kid was probably laughing constantly as he made it to support the fake "Indians" narrative.
what do you expect the statues to pop out of your screen and land on your keyboard? retard
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Wanted to establish the floor of how low acceptable posting to this thread might be. Have a ceiling as apology!
of course anon :)
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Classy! Nobody makes ceilings like this anymore, because reasons.
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make it's own thread and help push the virgin porn threads outta the way
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who hurt her?
you just know
Maya Stucco mask from Palenque, 300-850AD,

Photo from the INAH. Proyecto de Digitalización de las Colecciones Arqueológicas del Museo Nacional de Antropología

I thought this was a death mask of Kʼinich Janaabʼ Pakal/Pakal the Great, one of Palenque's most acclaimed kings like a few other famous Stucco masks/busts from the site, but I can't actually find that identification cited with this one so I think I just assumed wrong.


Are you anons okay with ceramic sculptures/figures, engraved reliefs, or stone mosaics? Or do you wast to keep it to carved monolithic sculptures? I guess technically a stucco mask/bust is already not that, but it's less of a leap then the other things I'm asking about
anything goes, bub :) thanks for the contribution
Most likely Zeus.
Aztec Statue of Coatlicue,~1500AD, Basalt, 257cm tall, from the Southeast portion of the Zocalo in Mexico City (IE: Formerly the Sacred Precinct of the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan). Currently housed at the Nacional Museo de Antropologia.

Coatlicue is an earth and mother goddess, though also has traits (namely, the eyes/teeth on joints, and clawed hands/feet) associated with the destructive Tzitzimime star demons/goddesses

There's more I can say about the iconography and symbolism, but the thread is about to 404 and I don't want to take the time to type out a 4 paragraph explanation to risk that, so I'll refer people to https://smarthistory.org/coatlicue/ and https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Annotated_Image_of_Coatlicue_Statue.jpg which cover most of what i'd be saying. There's a few small things I'd say it doesn't (such as the broader connection between earth goddesses and the tzitzimime, such as Tlatecuhtli), but the main thing is that the statue, like almost all examples of Mesoamerican sculptures, stone architecture, and higher quality ceramics, would have been richly painted.

There's other sculptures where we have paint traces and can reconstruct the color scehemes, but I'm not sure if that's the case here
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anyone know what the text means?
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тoплec, a iнoдi й нaпiвгoлий плaтний ceкc-пpaцiвник Бapeн Бaбблз, клoyн з Icлaмaбaдy.
The text says "a well-to-do citizen" or "a blessed citizen".
It says BENVENVTVS CELLINVS CIVIS FLO[R FACIEBAT MDLIII] (the text in brackets is missing in the picture), "Benvenuto Cellini, citizen of Florence, made this, 1553". The statue in question is "Perseus with the Head of Medusa".
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That's the slippery slope.
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Museo Nacional de Antropologia replica of the sculptural facade of Teotihuacan's Feathered Serpent Temple. The original was built between 150-250AD; photo by Uwe duerr

You can see some 3d reconstructions of the Pyramid here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/143771393@N04/albums/72157710978271157 , the full structure was 15m high and had a 126m square area

Teotihuacan was one of if not the biggest cities not just in Mesoamerica, or the Americas, but the world during it's height from 200-500~ AD, with 100,00+ denizens, a massive ~20 square kilometer planned urban grid (which was almost entirely fancy temples and palace compounds even commoners lived in with painted frescoes, dozens of rooms, large open courtyards) and various plumbing and water mangement systems. It established some traits like Talud-Tablero style architecture, the archtypical feathered serpent god (though it had earlier precursors) etc across Mesoamerica, and may have conquered some Maya city-states. It also had unusual urban design traits and had ethnic neighborhoods with people from other parts of Mesoamerica and may have been a republic or a democracy

Good video on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aV6ZZZsCjK8

The Feathered Serpent temple or pyramid was the third largest structure at Teotihuacasn and unusually for large Mesoamerican pyramids seems to have been built in a single construction stage/phase (others tend to have multiple stages built under different kings which encase earlier ones like russian dolls, or which widen platforms and add new vertical structures like fractal acropoli). The tablero panels have reliefs of Feathered Serpents winding across the panels surronded by shells, while sculptural heads of what's either a a rain god, a crocodile, or war serpent/headdress protrudes from the larger serpent's body, with the serpents head also protruding out as a sculpture, possibly through a feather-rimmed mirror

ran out of space
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depressive fear stuff... I prefer greek statues celebrating the beauty and physical health, it's motivational to be driven be eanting instead of fear
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well said

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