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Let's get an Emily Bloom Thread going to celebrate her upcoming Spicy May MyFreeCams Realistic Dildo Shower Fuck video release!
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this is racist, bc races play a big role in the pics.
this thread pushes racism.
opposite would be if races don't play a role, not in law, nor here.
>Anon suddenly cares about racism on 4chan because raceplay makes him feel insecure
>her upcoming Spicy May MyFreeCams Realistic Dildo Shower Fuck video
so... is she getting blacked or no?...
Kill yourself
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I have a sneaking suspicion she's gonna use a black dildo. The pic she hinted with had a dark dildo color to it, but not entirely sure - it would be spicy for her, since she typically uses wands and indistinct generic shaped "dildos". This would be her first realistic cock and she'd be stupid not to capitalize on people wanting to see her with some form of BBC.

As for actual blacked stuff, not in a million fucking years will that ever happen. Blacked are too cheap to offer her a lot of money.
raceplay is racism.
its not about insecure, its about peace and a secure society ajd the value of each human. violating human rights is wrong.
propaganda for doing so is wrong to me.

if you like racism - your choice, but maybe you are fully destroyed not being interested in a happy environment and maybe need therapy to find back to humanity, to your own happiness.
Fuck off, nigger. The boys are talking
everybody is on his way, so are you.
If children don't get their whish, they become unpleasent. Ever met a crying baby? I see a parallel.

And even in your insults you are racist - how underdeveloped.... in spiral dynamics, thats red. Google what that is about, if you have no clue.
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She is getting older and the money is drying up. She will either go hardcore or have to get a real job.

She does acting on the sides, sometimes. She gets a lot of money on MyFreeCams, more than onlyfans, and she said she won't release the the dildo stuff on onlyfans because of some stupid thing where people can negate purchases, viewing content and getting their money back, fucking over the models or something like that.

Thanks to a bunch of cheapos it's gonna be harder to get a pirated copy of her stuff. Hoping simpcity or elsewhere will upload the content somewhere.
go back to gif
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>She does acting on the sides

to this day i have yet to see her in an acting role

There's been girls who do prostitution work on the side and only do nude or dildo work and don't do hardcore porn cos they want to be an actress or models in the future
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>She gets a lot of money on MyFreeCams
how the fuck can she make more on Myfreecams than OF? I guarantee her monthly donations are dropping rapidly.
>harder to get a pirated copy of her stuff.
She produces the same crap over and over again.

If she doesn't go hardcore soon, she will lose her base of followers.

She is 30. That is ancient for porn.
This is what she used to look like.
Damn she used to be very cute. Honestly I've only ever seen the set from OP. Is there a good gallery of her somewhere
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Her feet are highly sexual. She could make good money going full fetish/Domme.
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I mean, here's her IMDB page:

Sure, "Lana" in "Transmorphers: Mech Beasts" isn't going to win an Oscar, but it's a Tom Arnold joint...

On a stream she mentioned auditioning for Westworld when it first came out, she audition to be one of the androids who was naked in that one scene where you see a whole of them naked and they apparently thought she looked too attractive naked.

It's kinda bizarre she hasn't been sought out for some of the more lewder shows out there.
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Ah emily

That is one tasty looking pussy mmmm
Video is coming out soon
On Sunday, I believe.
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Oh, as it turns out, she released a BJ video. My mistake, the shower fuck video might be the next one or the one after. She did say 3 spicy videos.
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>Oh, as it turns out, she released a BJ video. My mistake, the shower fuck video might be the next one or the one after. She did say 3 spicy videos.
PLEASE for the love of god i need a link where i can watch them for free!
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It's 4444 tokens on mfc, so it's expensive. Unless it gets uploaded to simpcity or some other forum where mfc content gets leaked, it ain't gonna be posted.

Someone needs to buy it first and not be a cockhead about sharing it. She uses a "realistic" dildo in it, but it doesn't look all that realistic desu.
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>4444 tokens
What's that in real money these days?

Bumping for Emily

Around 200 or 300 or something. Hella expensive. Understandable why there's no leaks. Holding out hope someone leaks the video.
That's insane. There's no way the videos are that good. I don't know enough Emily lore but are they the closest she's gotten to hardcore?

She'll never do hardcore unless someone offers her a million.

She doesn't usually do stuff that looks like she's having sex or sucking cock. She has done cock sucking POV stuff with dick-shaped lollipops once or twice on shitty looking cam shows with another girl. Sort of half-assedly.

This video however, is apparently a one-off she's doing for May and May only. She's using a cock dildo, which she's never done before and it's higher quality looking footage and a close up. So more effort to look sexy.

She's doing three other sex-like videos, but this is the blowjob one. There's a shower dildo fuck video coming at some point. The two others? Not sure what they are, but she said they're spicy.

The thing is, once May departs, she's going delete the videos from her content roster. They're only for May. It's time-limited.

The lewdest video she has ever done is also very expensive, but that one is still on her MFC page. It's a video where she gets fucked by a strap-on by another camgirl chick named Aubri, and that's 5555 tokens. She says that video is the hottest one she's ever done.

So these May videos, as far as pretend sex goes, are right below the one I mentioned above.
>It's a video where she gets fucked by a strap-on by another camgirl chick named Aubri, and that's 5555 tokens.
Thank you, Bloombro. Please tell me this is leaked somewhere

Not a fucking chance is it leaked. If it had been, it would have been on simpcity - that's where a lot of her stuff gets leaked.

It's by far the most expensive video of hers for that reason.
whores like this >>4860603
are so gay and pathetic. yes, youre trying to monetize your naked pictures, but you barely make content, and then try to milk the absolute fuck out of your fan base with dull, amateurly done smut behind massive paywalls. you can just tell they despise the people who support them
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this stupid whore thinks that her work is 'art' lmao
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Emily Bloom just released her shower fuck video.
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these are Hegre Art not blacked so kys
For 4444 coins which I think works out around $350

It's depressing. This new video, combined with the blowjob one, would be running close to 1 thousand dollarydoos.

And she's got two more coming. The last one is on even tighter release schedule, because once May is over - they're gone.

I'm too skint to buy them myself, I guess they're so expensive that some people aren't even willing to leak them at all.
She's only allowing them up for a month? How rich are her simps

On her MFC streams, she has regulars who definitely pay for these. Regulars who have watched and interacted with her streams for years. She's probably targeting those people and you can be sure as shit that they're too "loyal" to leak them.

Where is this screengrab even from? Never seen that POV before.

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I know she's been around a while and I'm a little jealous of those guys, maybe I should have won the lotto instead of working
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I met her IRL, she just randomly came into my work, AMA
>they apparently thought she looked too attractive naked

I can believe that. Did you see the naked scene in Fallout? Not an attractive woman in the bunch, just middle aged and fatsos.

Was it some sort of aerobics gym? What did she smell like? What did she dress like? Did she look hotter IRL? Was she with a guy or did she give off the vibe of a single pringle?
that's the wall right there brother
>they apparently thought she looked too attractive naked
lol, wouldn't want that in a modern tv show...
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God damnit, none of these fuckers are leaking the good stuff.
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Emily just released her third spicy video. A bath fuck video.

God fucking damnit. These videos are never gonna see the light of day.
I dont particularly care. There's already plenty of top production quality hegre videos of younger Emily getting off, often helped by other women. i prefer those to the newer stuff.

Her videos weren't even in 4k, so not exactly high quality.
jfc. Curse Emily for making a community that respects her and doesn't leak her stuff. Maybe now she's done these vids, she'll make similar videos later in the year for cheaper

She said that isn't gonna happen. She even hesitated to make these ones. They were more or less made for her die hard veteran content buyers on MFC.
I discovered Emily Bloom during COVID when I bought an Oculus Quest to look at VR porn. I'd rather watch even one of her most boring stripping/undressing videos over most of the POV blowjob videos on SLR.
If I remember correctly there was a video she did like this a while ago that was basically the same but it was a guy getting her off. but she was really against doing the scene and felt like she was forced to do and said she felt raped afterwards
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Dropping by /hr/ to ask if any of you guys know who this actress is, and which blacked scenes she may have been in?

Does she get double teamed by these couple of guys?

Fuck off, get your own thread.
I can't even copium the pain away

She is making a Jerk Off Instruction video, though. I'm not sure if this is the fourth and final video.

May is nearly over and still no leaks. This is depressing.
>She is making a Jerk Off Instruction video
I am interest.

Yah, but it's not gonna be cheap. She ain't telling you how to wank yo dong for tree fiddy, boi.
I would consider shelling out. Why not? I like her content.

I'm sure we all would. The problem is, they're time-based. You'd have until the end of May to buy them and she only releases them on a Sunday.

This isn't something you sit around for a while and consider buying, you do it soon before it's too late. Now, she has yet to release the final video. So maybe when she does, you'll have all your options.
Sweet. Will this be on her website, or do I have to sign up for OnlyFans or some gay shit?
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It's on MFC. Unfortunately, that's the kicker. She isn't putting them on Onlyfans and these might be the last time she'll ever release these videos. I asked her on one of her socials if they'd come back next May and she alluded to that possibility being unlikely unless the videos made a lot of money and did well. So if a lot of people buy this new style of content, she would more than likely be tempted to make more, as she's not known for using dildos on camera - it's not her thing. Like I said, they're not cheap. I doubt you'd get all of them unless you're the type of guy who likes to blow cash on ultra rare content and I mean ultra rare. For Emily, this is the holy grail of content. That being mostly her MFC die-hards buying the videos.

They all cost the same amount, all four videos. If MFC is too off-putting for you, then you're shit outta luck. If not, just create an account and buy the tokens to purchase one or all of her videos. I don't know where you live, so dollars or euros translate differently. You have three options, with the fourth one coming soon -the blowjob video, the shower-fuck video or the bath fuck video. All done with the same dildo, which she says is realistic... but eh, you can find a picture of it here:


And you can find the bath fuck thumbnail here:


Personally, if I could afford one video, I'd buy the blowjob one - I'm just a sucker for Emily looking like she's giving a blowjob.

The fourth one is likely to be the JOI video. So Emily is gonna tell you how to jerk your dick, which again, she's never done that before. First of any.

I've scoured leak sites looking for freebies, and nothing can be found. Simpcity was usually the go to and even the guys there have nothing, so this content is gonna be ultra rare. Unless you bought them and leaked them, which would be lovely.

She just released the JOI video about an hour or ago and it's cheaper than the dildo videos! 2222 tokens! I don't know how much that is, but I'm willing to bet it's not 300 or so.
1875 tokens are $149.99, 3775 tokens are $299.99 according to the website. So I'd guess $200 for the newest vid

Oh Jesus.
Oh, right, that always weirds me out. Not interested.
Ooh, now I'm interested.
Now I'm not interested again.
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Still no sign of the video..
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Final Spicy video is "Couch fuck".

Still no leaks.
She is Lulu Chu without makeup. You're welcome.
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Still nothing?
Acne Chu
Shut the fuck up you fucking cunt bitch. Die in a fire.
Bump :(
.... bump.

They're finally gone.
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>They're finally gone.
What is gone?

It's almost like you didn't read the thread.
it's a shame she didn't do any of this at 18. She looks better at 30 than most western women but imagine if she released it during her prime

I'm confused, the hegre stuff is from when she was in her early 20s.

I wonder how close his cock was.
Color of the man she gets fucked by?
Why do some of you want to see a white girl this pretty getting blacked?
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Anyone find any leaks of the stuff?
>that back

Thank God I didn´t waste $200 on any of her shit vids.

She's wearing a bra, you dipshit.

Because seeing her cum until she's nearly brain damaged is highly pleasurable.

This is a panty selling shot.
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I refuse to believe that's cum until I see a cock
>I refuse to believe that's cum until I see a cock
Oh my GOD! Is this real!?
Someone PLEASE leak this video.
Anybody got any intel on this?
If its real, how long is it, hardcore or softcore, is he white, black, brown, asian or arrab, how long is it, what qualiti is the video HD\SD.
Download link PLEASE.
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I'm pretty sure softcore doesn't involve cum
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She's taking the piss at this point. She just uploaded a fuck-machine video to her MFC page for 19999 tokens.

For fuck sake. That's even more expensive than 4444 tokens.
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Please tell me that's a POV blowjob.
I would sign over my human rights to her desu
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No, but this one is.
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Rubber dicks don't count.

That's not a rubber dick, dumbass.
Sure looks like it.
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Pretty sure rubber dicks don't have circumcision scars on them.
Woke up in a semi-conscious fugue state cuddling my pillow and thinking it was Emily. I'm too obsessed with her.
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She woke up and rode her pillow, thinking it was you. She's too obsessed with you.
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Someone posted her dirty talk video on simpcity.

I rate it 7/10.
Fuuuuck Emily sucking dick is something I've been dying for.
Particularly in VR, but still.
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I just wish the dick more realistic looking. Too cartoonish.
Oh, it's a dilldoe? Interest completely lost.
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How did you not know that already. It looked so obviously fake. Are you blind or something?
I already challenged >>4884298 unless I couldn't read the sarcasm. Admittedly the one you posted looks real.

Those are two separate scenes. She's in a bath in that one and the other one on a bed.

The bath one has a real dick and the other one on the bed is a fake dick.
No, look;

you get clean certified after you're already a third generational or more; and that's why this guy is even in the porn

so the border is stronger than ever; and even the EU doesn't get why they could just ferry people across instead of suicide&smuggle risk increase

but it's because "im not there"

the leak thing is interesting, because I was in a pretty niche circle of fans that this one cam model released videos to, maybe at most 9 people had access to, and I see them pop up simply by searching her name
it's interesting how easily stuff can get leaked so she must really have it tight knit

The videos are expensive as fuck. People who pay a lot of money for those videos won't leak it, because it would be giving it too other people for free and also, it might scare Emily off from making more... possibly.

However, the jerk-off encouragment video is the only video to have come out, but that was the least expensive video she priced - probably because it's 7 minutes long and it's just her talking with a bit of dildo sucking.

The others are pricier, because she's fucking herself with a dildo like she's having sex and that's more explicit, especially the priciest video of all - the dildo fuck machine, seen here:


Who knows, maybe one day - years from now, someone might leak the videos. It would be on simpcity, first and foremost.
I guess I'm lucky I don't have any attachment to her, I just stumbled on this thread
it is a shame though when you find someone who fits your idea of perfect, maybe they look like an old crush, but then they charge out the ass for content
I've been fairly lucky that the person I mentioned was more like a friend group and she cared more about the experience than money, but sadly she retired
Where is she selling these videos on? Not on her website, it seems. OnlyFans? I'm in her Discord group but I never pay attention to it.

Myfreecams. Unfortunately, only the dildo fuck machine video is available and the JOI.
All I'm interested is the real dick. I've been an Emily Bloom fan since COVID when I discovered her VR videos, seeing her suck an actual dick is now a life goal.

It's bizarre she hasn't done a VR sex video yet. Perfect venue for that shit.
She specifically states that she does full nude but doens't do sexual stuff. A legit blowjob video is a Holy Grail for her.
Raging homosexual

She has sex with women, though. There's a perception among camgirls that girl/girl stuff doesn't count as sex or hardcore and that simply isn't true.
No it’s from when she was just 18
>just 18
Makes my dick tingle
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So is somebody going to post clips from the video with the real dick or what?
She speaks English really well for someone who picked it up in her 20s. No Russianisms or accent.
I worked with a girl from Lithuania and I asked her how long she'd been in the U.S. and she said three years. She started learning English at that time, too. I never would have known.
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Any idea where i can find this body paint set of Emily?
Another pic from set.
I don't get the appeal of this woman. She seems super popular, and her body is great, but to me her facial features look like that of an actual toddler.
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