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I just love this shit too much
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this might be my favorite
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Just search for Noriyoshi Ohrai, he's the painter in these Godzilla posters, he made a shit ton of great art for just about everything
Go ahead and post here.
Ohrai painted Star Wars promotional art when the original 3 movies opened in Japan.

Here is his art when the first SW movie opened in Japan. Foreign artists outside of the USA had a hard time getting reference photos of the characters and vehicles from american movies opening in their country, so that is why all the ships in this painting look a little off. Ohrai had hardly any reference, but still did a great job, I love this painting.
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Here is Ohrai's art for The Empire Strikes Back. Star Wars being a big hit meant better reference pictures for artists working on SW art, so Ohrai totally nailed the Millennium Falcon this time he painted it.
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Ohrai painted this for the movie too, and is considered one of the best SW posters by fans. I read the George Lucas loved his paintings, Lucas is a art collector, specifically of illustration art.
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Ohrai painted this poster for the japanese release of a 80s fantasy movie, The Beastmaster.
Fan of the Falcon eh?
Just finished Minus Zero easy 10/10
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kino of the highest order
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Quicker to point out the ones that aren't cool because none of these aren't cool!
I wanna see some Mothra!
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The truth about the Twin Towers revealed!
I love the dishonesty of taking Miyarabi from Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla, duplicating her, and passing it off as the Shobijin being in this movie.
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We need a dedicated Ohrai thread, preferably with commentary and dates when possible. Here's Mad Max 2 (aka The Road Warrior), circa 1981.
Get 6 and start one then. Don't post it in the Godzilla thread.
Right? Though at the same time, props to the artist for actually rendering an accurate SoshingekiGoji as opposed to the usual "generic dinosaur" Godzilla, and what is quite possibly to this day one of the best depictions of Gigan in artwork ever.
He did a lot of stuff besides posters. His book covers are probably in the hundreds.
Doesn't look very Godzilla to me!
Wait until she transforms
Minus One /hr/ when?
This is what Miki Saegusa got up to during her downtime.
Ooooh no! There goes Tokyo!
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So that is what happened.
Note to self, find the other posters.
Will do this weekend.
I have a great image but can't find it in hr...
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Hafta say it was a bit like I had seen Godzilla before.
We need new Godzilla!
Okay was that the smog monster?
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There is a version of this which seems to have been a special release poster that sold out long ago.
I wish I could find a high res version but I'll leave the link if I can

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