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File: 1-295313300.jpg (504 KB, 2552x3402)
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Okay that was shit quality.
Here are some better ones
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Non-Shit version of OP
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The best movie of 2023, what’s Oppenheimer?
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Why wasn't that in the Godzilla thread?
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Woody was 100% wrong for Carnage.
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>My theater isn't playing the Extended Edition rerelease
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>blue eyed zendaya to make it more kino
misleading advertising
Those are reflections, Anon.
Good thread. Thanks for posting.
Black eyes don't have blue reflections irl tho
You're retarded.
You are a coping nigger
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Coping with what? I don't even watch anything the bitch is in, I'm just not racist.
>Coping with what?
With the fact that brown eyes don't have blue reflections. You wish. Noticing physical differences isn't "being le racist" btw
But that's wrong you fucking retard. Literally just google image search and you'll see it's wrong.
I only see normal white reflections, that electric blue shot on the poster isn't natural and a clear "artistic licence", unless there was a Tesla coil sparking plasma bolts in the middle of the tennis court
Let's pretend the movie does not exist. Like everyone else in the world.
>what is the sky
The sky looks white in brown eyes reflections, certainly not electric blue. I checked google like you suggested so I know what I'm talking about
Not that anon, but I also just checked and you're clearly using a different Google.
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It's a small budget found footage film
Rhyming croaks and hoax is great.
This could be almost good if it were actually painted.
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Poor Things blows Oppenheimer out of the fucking water... Poor Things should've swept the Oscars
Please explain.
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Tides was what it was called when it showed in Europe but to make it sound interesting to an American audience it is also called The Colony
>boring official posters
Yawn, post more fanart ones.
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Shit Movies
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It only blows it out if you're a...Pedo
Fuck you, this is a movie.
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very nice!
such garbage
Poor Things and Oppenheimer are both hot garbage but at least Poor Things was trying to be real cinema
what's a good website for high res posters?

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